Well-Known Member
does your distillation collom have a vacumme take off point?
I'm still trying to get one and a vigreux distillation column in 24/40. I have a PO box and many of the places won't ship here as they use Purolator or FedEx so I got fed up and gave up for a bit. Hard to contact the actual shipper to find out which they use so I can use the addy for the drop-off point with my name at the top and go pick it up. I'm using amazon . ca for most of my shopping for stuff like this. Got most of what I need but could also use another condenser for faster straight distillation.
Naphtha is hard on seals. It's a silicon seal on my countertop distiller that works fine for ethanol and ISO but seems to absorb the naphtha then swell up and blow the seal. My 12L pot still had the same problem with its silicon seals for the outlet and thermometer seal so I made gaskets with automotive gasket paper and that fixed that up.
I have a good aerator pump for my dugout and it can be used as a vac pump but I'm concerned about naphtha wrecking its diaphragms so will need to make sure I have some sort of absorbent in the tubing leading to it or get a pump that won't be affected and already spent more money on stuff like this than I originally planned to.
I'll get it all together eventually.