Vaporz 150w HPS First Closet Grow

That light is really close to the seedlings lol. I'm amazed they aren't cooking. Seedlings don't need a ton of light ;)

How far would you suggest they be? I was operating under the impression they should be fairly close to light but not close enough to burn so I was trying to keep them a few inches under the light for now.
I don't know how hot that 150w gets but for seedlings you're better safe than sizzled. When I put seedlings under 600's the light is several feet up from the plants, and that's in cooltubes or cooled hoods. Seedlings don't need much, they're mostly making roots etc.

You could put your hand under the light right over the seedlings with your wrist facing up, if it's hot/painful/uncomfortable on the skin on the inside of your wrist it's probably too hot for the plants.
I don't know how hot that 150w gets but for seedlings you're better safe than sizzled. When I put seedlings under 600's the light is several feet up from the plants, and that's in cooltubes or cooled hoods. Seedlings don't need much, they're mostly making roots etc.

You could put your hand under the light right over the seedlings with your wrist facing up, if it's hot/painful/uncomfortable on the skin on the inside of your wrist it's probably too hot for the plants.

oh okay..yeah it doesnt put off alot heat at is pretty mininmal and I can leave my hand right about the plants without it being uncomfortable from the light
I am in a small closet right now but since joining here, I have learned about the grow tents that can be used. They seem really nice and depending if I can have decent succes with this closet grow....might upgrade to one of those nice grow tents I have been reading about.
Don't use HIDs in small grow tents. Heat'll waste your plants. Especially with the weather being so fucked.
Don't use HIDs in small grow tents. Heat'll waste your plants. Especially with the weather being so fucked.

I will take that under advisement for sure but it is my only option for now so I am going to have to figure out a way to get this set up. True enough the weather is messing with me big-time considering I have no air conditioning. I might have to become a winter only grower if I cant figure a better way to utilize this fart fan. I figured a 70cfm would be decent for my 2x4x5 closet. Gonna do some more tinkering...more updates and pics to follow soon.
So today I got so discouraged with the heat issues I just took my whole setup down. Im not giving up because I got this small light system to find out if I could accomplish a grow that yielded anything.

If nothing else, just for the learning process...I am very limited to what I have to work with and what I can afford to purchase so that is a bit of a hinderance to me right now but I was hoping I did have maybe the bare minimal to start a grow.

My light isnt a problem with heat issues, it barely hives off any heat, I have my light OFF and removed from my grow area closet and the temps were still 95 degrees-----NO LIGHT----my problem is just outside temperatures pure and simple and without the lack of central air or a good windoiw type unit to use,,,well it is hard to try to maintain a temperature inside.....other side of wall is "open" empty attic space i had been exhausting into,,,the temp's over in there are 100+ and my grow area is right on otherside of that wall.

I must maintain an element of stealth as well so that is presenting me with another set of challeneges. Im gonna try to put some things back up and take some pictures and post them and let whoever wants to comment or let their opinion be known...go for it because I like to hear suggestions that would be within my realm of doing...please dont tell me to go purchase a fifty to hundred dollar so and so right now because I am out of cash and cant afford smancy fancy gizmos right at this moment.
Im gonna have to close down this closet grow due to extreme temperatures. I am not abandoning this grow even though I am having a hard time getting my bagseeds to germ. The plants in the pic's in the beginning of the thread are doing very poorly due to my own fault and heat stress more than likely, I guess it doesnt help when you are clumbsy and tear off leaves too.The smaller of the 2 plants pictured above is still alive albeit it is missing a leaf, the other one is completely dead due to me knocking it over and to top it off dropping my light on it.....least my little light didnt break I guess.

Anyways I will get an updated pic or two of my youngins and I would also like some input on the "new grow area" I am painting..Need another hour and bit more paint before I would want to take a pic and put it on here, but I should have one uploaded by this evening and would like to hear from other members what they think I should do before setting up again, if anything. So I should be back after slapping a bit more paint.
Okay so this is the area that I have picked to give this another try. Im working on getting it cleaned up best I can and getting it painted on the inside. It was a really dark grey color...looked like a dungeon cell or something...I hope previous owners didnt keep somebody locked up in there.....bad joke...anyways here is a few picks and I would like to hear some suggestions/opinions......btw the area is are the pics I have in between paint coats.....I will get the youngins and see if they are up to a picture,,,pretty sickly im afraid to say.

still learning to work the uploader, sorry


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You should just grow in that room. Less of a hassle.

It is a much bigger area than I need with the little 150w system I have for sure but the temps stay so much better in range down there, the temp for now stays at an almost consistent 78 degrees to 81 degrees, The humidity does get a bit high I have noticed while I have been working down there the last couple days, the highest I have seen it reach during the 3 days I have been keeping track is 85% so I will have to figure out something for that. Thanks for the reply
It is a much bigger area than I need with the little 150w system I have for sure but the temps stay so much better in range down there, the temp for now stays at an almost consistent 78 degrees to 81 degrees, The humidity does get a bit high I have noticed while I have been working down there the last couple days, the highest I have seen it reach during the 3 days I have been keeping track is 85% so I will have to figure out something for that. Thanks for the reply
Then get a bigger bulb and more plants. Trust me, it's worth it to use that space. LEDs would be easier on your bill, if we're talking cost-to-harvest ratio. Like, electricity being taken into account. I'm growing 2 plants under one 450w ViparSpectra I got off of Amazon for $149. The taller one is 34" tall from soil to apex, plus like a foot and a half for the bucket.
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those look really nice
Nearing 3 weeks to go. So they have't swelled yet. They're going to get pretty big. For 203-206w an hour.

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In the pictures you attached you stated you have 2 plants and I can see them...I noted the tall one you pointed out.....Now I need to brush up on proper slang/lingo appears to me from the pictures, that the tall plant has just "one cola"???......but.....the other plant seems to have like four "cola's"....or am i just plain lost and wrong LOL
those look really nice

In the pictures you attached you stated you have 2 plants and I can see them...I noted the tall one you pointed out.....Now I need to brush up on proper slang/lingo appears to me from the pictures, that the tall plant has just "one cola"???......but.....the other plant seems to have like four "cola's"....or am i just plain lost and wrong LOL
Yes, my Big Buddha Blue Cheese I chose not to top, I topped my Heavyweight Fruit Punch, and I lollipop'd both. I want to see if not topping makes a huge difference.
you got nice space.

if you plan to grow open in that area you will need to control smell and light leakage for the all room. if its easy then sure give it a try.
I grow in the etic and all I did was small wood frame + myler sheet around (for 150W I got 75x75cm)
myler only cover 2/3 the hight. the top area is open

if you need to cover the smell and light then go with tent or closet. (for closet you will need to drill big air holes on top and bottom, and not all closet are sealed to light)

either way you will need vent to pump air out and vent to circle the air.

if temp in the room are ok you should be able to keep the tent cool with good flow of air
I have a pretty big problem with humidity right now in this new area. Im new to this so havent experienced being concerned with smell yet lol, but hopefully one day I will know that joy.

Ive been monitoring my humidity because from some threads i have read on here humidity of 86% isnt good. Temperature seems to stay right around 80 degrees or a couple degrees either way. But my humidity is through the roof I think, I monitored it for about 30 minutes after introducing a HEATER lol....middle of summer but im having to run this heater because it seems to be the only thing that is lowering my humidity....anyways here are the results:
Humidity Temperature(in Farenheit degrees)
73 82
72 84
71 84
70 84
69 84
69 86
68 86
67 86

I stopped monitoring after that, and turned my heater off. I am strange and have taken to naming my plants. I figured I would just go through the alphabet so I named my youngins Project Alice and Project Barb. Project Alice was a complete failure due to the almost 100 degree temps in my first grow area. I should have thought to take a picture of here before I terminated her but I forgot and she really really needed to be put out of her misery.

Project Barb is still limping along, she has been through alot to with me tearing off leaves and all but she seems to have not minded that to much and forgave me, something has been eating her leaves as will be visible from the picture. Pretty much where I am at right now but one of these tent's is starting to look good.


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Picked up a 600w LED with 206w actual. 6w x 100 with claim to be full spectrum...these are the spectrum that included with light:

LED Spectrums


So I have been cleaning in addition to picking up this additional light and gonna try it again. Hopeful a couple beans will sprout soon and I am hoping to get an order I placed for a few autoflowers. Today will make day 7 since order was shipped so we will just have to wait and see what happens. I have few more bagseed to experiment with.
Beans from Herbie's arrived in the mail today. 7 days to SE USA...+1 for Herbies as this was my first experience purchasing. Glad it was a good experience.