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I'm afraid you're trying to put a square peg in a round hole sir. But thank you for saying please.

I do stop at stop signs for at least a couple reasons. It seems like a polite and reasonable thing to do, safety etc.

The existence of a State neither makes stop signs a good idea or a bad idea. The safety aspect, regarding trafiic is to be a good driver whether a state exists or not.

Although NOT stopping when it's clear it's safe to treat a stop sign like a yield sign can be unsafe, since the government thugs will rob you, even if not stopping caused no person an actual harm.
You were doing so well there until the end..... :roll: smh
Although NOT stopping when it's clear it's safe to treat a stop sign like a yield sign can be unsafe, since the government thugs will rob you, even if not stopping caused no person an actual harm.

Like the kids watching you break the law, such a good example. "hey If he can get away with it"
I don't believe that for a second. My bullshit meter went into over-drive when I saw 3 or 4 stories claiming, "Anti-vaxxers last words were they wished they had taken the vaccine." They last words were probably telling their loved ones they loved them, if they could talk at all, which seems unlikely.
You can't believe that someone on their deathbed would wish they had been vaccinated? Why?
Do you believe that no person can ever realize they were wrong?
You can't believe that someone on their deathbed would wish they had been vaccinated? Why?
Do you believe that no person can ever realize they were wrong?
I believe it could happen, I believe what we are seeing though is propaganda and not real. And I got my booster 2 weeks ago, I’m all for vaccines, but those are bull shit stories trying to convince the idiots to take it.”
I'm curious. Who told you this? Because this goes against everything i've read that didn't come from a froot loop conspiracy theory source.
Have you read the actual memos and documents from the CDC or FDA? They are preventative medical therapies. If you received a jab it was posted on many places or on any information forms you signed or were given. (In my Bruce Buffer voice) AND STILL UNDER EUA!
Have you read the actual memos and documents from the CDC or FDA? They are preventative medical therapies. If you received a jab it was posted on many places or on any information forms you signed or were given. (In my Bruce Buffer voice) AND STILL UNDER EUA!
Yes, I've read the documents about the vaccines posted on CDC's site. Yes, the vaccine offers protection from infection AND if you do become infected, protection from illness.

Why are you promoting fake news? What I don't understand is why you'd lie about something that is so easily found out.

This is what was said to your kind regarding reinfection and vaccination:

“If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.”

See, right there? "you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated". Do I need to break it into smaller words so that you can read it? "twice as likely to get infected again". I'm guessing you've already been infected once. Get vaccinated to protect yourself and the people around you. But I don't think you will.
Yes, I've read the documents about the vaccines posted on CDC's site. Yes, the vaccine offers protection from infection AND if you do become infected, protection from illness.

Why are you promoting fake news? What I don't understand is why you'd lie about something that is so easily found out.

This is what was said to your kind regarding reinfection and vaccination:

“If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.”

See, right there? "you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated". Do I need to break it into smaller words so that you can read it? "twice as likely to get infected again". I'm guessing you've already been infected once. Get vaccinated to protect yourself and the people around you. But I don't think you will.
That study you are posting is one of the worst out there. Not peer reviewed, and only 246 case study patients who were hand selected by the CDC. What a joke.
Yes, I've read the documents about the vaccines posted on CDC's site. Yes, the vaccine offers protection from infection AND if you do become infected, protection from illness.

Why are you promoting fake news? What I don't understand is why you'd lie about something that is so easily found out.

This is what was said to your kind regarding reinfection and vaccination:

“If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.”

See, right there? "you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated". Do I need to break it into smaller words so that you can read it? "twice as likely to get infected again". I'm guessing you've already been infected once. Get vaccinated to protect yourself and the people around you. But I don't think you will.
You believe that correlation? Of a few hundred people in Kentucky? No control, no data set. Based on reporting, but not stating how data was gathered nor protocols for getting the data without bias? You are aware that reporting and medical coding has been manipulated since the beginning. Even encouraged to get hospitals more reimbursements.Openly. Meaning false equivalents and assumptions from biased data. This is an anecdotal report from August it isnt a study by any stretch of science. P value is what? I missed it. Can you tell me where it is stated?
I don't believe that for a second. My bullshit meter went into over-drive when I saw 3 or 4 stories claiming, "Anti-vaxxers last words were they wished they had taken the vaccine." They last words were probably telling their loved ones they loved them, if they could talk at all, which seems unlikely.
I believe it.
Huh. Interesting, no?! Unprecedented in FDA vaccine trials history. Thats gotta instill so much confidence....this FoIA request paid for by Pfizer.
I don't believe that for a second. My bullshit meter went into over-drive when I saw 3 or 4 stories claiming, "Anti-vaxxers last words were they wished they had taken the vaccine." They last words were probably telling their loved ones they loved them, if they could talk at all, which seems unlikely.

Makes perfect sense, people who are already sick with it begging for vaccines. For that to be true the person would have to not understand how a vaccine works. If somebody gets the flu they might ask their doctor for tamiflu, but they wouldn’t ask for the flu vaccine. So yes, even though the story has a quote from a doctor saying, “all my patients are asking for the vaccine before I put breathing tubes in,” I don’t believe it. And I’m sure, with 600k+ dead there has to be some incredibly stupid people who have died who don’t understand how vaccines work who might ask for it on their death bed, but i still think this stinks of propaganda. Which is great, the masses are idiots and should be controlled and tricked into doing what they should.
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