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Thank god President Biden has been vaxxed or the new African super ninja covid variant could have gotten him and then we'd be leaderless! Oh no!

Look at this video, the variant ATE right thru his mask! Be afraid.

Wait, he just got out of the hospital and is shopping mask-less? Jesus Christ. That’s right up there with porking Lewinsky as far as stupid. It’s what we deserve. I doubt I’ll see in my lifetime America back on track and putting the brightest and best in charge and putting its faith in science and working for the good of the country.
You believe that correlation? Of a few hundred people in Kentucky? No control, no data set. Based on reporting, but not stating how data was gathered nor protocols for getting the data without bias? You are aware that reporting and medical coding has been manipulated since the beginning. Even encouraged to get hospitals more reimbursements.Openly. Meaning false equivalents and assumptions from biased data. This is an anecdotal report from August it isnt a study by any stretch of science. P value is what? I missed it. Can you tell me where it is stated?
I call bullshit on hospital's manipulating civid results to get more reimbursements.
You believe that correlation? Of a few hundred people in Kentucky? No control, no data set. Based on reporting, but not stating how data was gathered nor protocols for getting the data without bias? You are aware that reporting and medical coding has been manipulated since the beginning. Even encouraged to get hospitals more reimbursements.Openly. Meaning false equivalents and assumptions from biased data. This is an anecdotal report from August it isnt a study by any stretch of science. P value is what? I missed it. Can you tell me where it is stated?
Bullshit called×2
Wait, he just got out of the hospital and is shopping mask-less? Jesus Christ. That’s right up there with porking Lewinsky as far as stupid. It’s what we deserve. I doubt I’ll see in my lifetime America back on track and putting the brightest and best in charge and putting its faith in science and working for the good of the country.
Ya never happened to me where I forgot to pull up my mask and had to be reminded ….. I should just shoot myself :(. MAGA
Ya never happened to me where I forgot to pull up my mask and had to be reminded ….. I should just shoot myself :(. MAGA
Are you the president of the United States? If you died of covid could it set off unrest and perhaps even war? Yeah, I didn’t think so. I don’t know you, but the fact that you read what I wrote and respond with MAGA to a person who has never voted Republican just proves my point about the sad state of our country. Here let me bring it down to your level, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Get it? No? Ok
Makes perfect sense, people who are already sick with it begging for vaccines. For that to be true the person would have to not understand how a vaccine works. If somebody gets the flu they might ask their doctor for tamiflu, but they wouldn’t ask for the flu vaccine. So yes, even though the story has a quote from a doctor saying, “all my patients are asking for the vaccine before I put breathing tubes in,” I don’t believe it. And I’m sure, with 600k+ dead there has to be some incredibly stupid people who have died who don’t understand how vaccines work who might ask for it on their death bed, but i still think this stinks of propaganda. Which is great, the masses are idiots and should be controlled and tricked into doing what they should.
You don’t believe stupid people do and say stupid things? Just reading this thread should confirm that to be true.
Thing about Americans, they pick sides and stick to them. Show a pic of Trump without a mask and people will bitch about it, show a pic with Biden and oh well, everybody forgets. No, you’re the president of the United States, keeping your mask on should be as easy as not sticking your dick in your secretary.
The propaganda is coming from the anti vaccine side.

Bottom line, I believe some of the stupid people that wouldn’t get vaccinated begged for it when they got sick.
Propaganda is coming from both sides. How many times have we been lied to? Take the mask comments when this started. They needed masks for doctors so they got on tv and lied to Americans and said they don’t need them. They shape the news to meet their needs. Often times I agree with it. But yeah, in my lifetime we’ve seen a few wars started with lies, crack pandemic started by the fbi, Americans experimented on, foreign civilians killed like it’s a video game. I take everything I see and read with a grain of salt.
Propaganda is coming from both sides. How many times have we been lied to? Take the mask comments when this started. They needed masks for doctors so they got on tv and lied to Americans and said they don’t need them. They shape the news to meet their needs. Often times I agree with it. But yeah, in my lifetime we’ve seen a few wars started with lies, crack pandemic started by the fbi, Americans experimented on, foreign civilians killed like it’s a video game. I take everything I see and read with a grain of salt.
Nope false equivalency isn’t gonna cut it
The right wing media is deliberately deceiving people
And I’m sick of hearing the both sides argument meant to make people doubt all media
If mainstream media gets it wrong it is broadcast far and wide by the right
If the right lies over and over in a vacuum they just slide it under the rug when called out
Nope false equivalency isn’t gonna cut it
The right wing media is deliberately deceiving people
And I’m sick of hearing the both sides argument meant to make people doubt all media
If mainstream media gets it wrong it is broadcast far and wide by the right
If the right lies over and over in a vacuum they just slide it under the rug when called out
Not meant for people to doubt all media, just a fact of life. They don’t care if your tired. I’m sick of people thinking in terms of us and them and picking sides and throwing common sense out of the window, but there you are, picking sides.
Not meant for people to doubt all media, just a fact of life. They don’t care if your tired. I’m sick of people thinking in terms of us and them and picking sides and throwing common sense out of the window, but there you are, picking sides.
You saying “both sides “
Is complete bs and you know it
Don’t try the moral high ground on me
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