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and a lot of smart but inconvenient questions.
Again, you’re asking me which government departments to downsize, and unlike you, I work, not going to write paragraphs on this, just speaking in general that the idea of a small government is not outdated.
Attorney General James Files Lawsuit to Dissolve NRA

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association (NRA), the largest and most influential pro-gun organization in the nation.
good, the nra used to be about hunting and competition shooting, and building family relationships doing those types of things. it's become a tool to enrich the crooked leadership and keep arms and ammo sales rolling in to the donors, so they stay donors...
Again, fuck you, I have no respect for assholes who change quotes from members. I consider it the biggest pussy move one can do. I have never done that to anyone, like the virtual equivalent to spitting in somebody’s face as far as I’m concerned.
Hate crimes against Asians increased 76% in 2020 compared to 2019. Explain how smaller government will increase safety for Asians in your community.
Relax guy, I’m just saying I don’t trust the government to protect us which was the argument put forth, bigger government = safer. Example, want to stop oil spills? Sue them till it hurts so much they have no choice. But the other side thinks bigger government (paid by the oil companies) with more inspectors (wined and dined by the oil companies) is the way to go.
Marjorie Taylor Greene rallies Republicans to shut down OSHA
Hate crimes against Asians increased 76% in 2020 compared to 2019. Explain how smaller government will increase safety for Asians in your community.
i'll go you one better...explain how smaller government is desirable from any stand point? the only people who want smaller government are those with things to hide, and the fools who listen to their propaganda.
the irs is overworked and understaffed. fda inspectors are overworked and understaffed, the nsa is overworked and understaffed, highway inspectors are overworked and understaffed, osha inspectors are overworked and understaffed.....EVERY office whose purpose is to protect the American people is over worked and understaffed, and thousands of criminal offenses go unpunished on a daily basis.
so please, answer just this one would making government smaller benefit the people of this country?
Sure, and you have full fleshed out ideas on how to get the government bigger to protect us all.
Such a stupid argument . YOU are the one who used safety in public schools to large government. It's on YOU to explain your thinking.

Except you are appealing to emotion, not logic. You are engaging in deception and lies, not reason.


You mentioned the kids shot today while arguing for smaller government. As if there was some connection. What is that? As if you cared. Duplicitous asshole.
"The most important thing Republicans can do is to stop the funding of vaccine mandates," Greene wrote. "Republicans voting for funding of OSHA will be voting to fund communist tactics used against the American people."

according to trump, the most important thing republicans can do is demand the last election be thrown out and he be installed leader for does this mean marginal trailerpark queen is no longer on board the trump train?

of course it's just a coincidence that osha also oversees the safety of jobsites all across the country, which has long been an inconvenient fly in the ointment for republicans who are in the pay of the big businesses who own those job sites...or who are the big businesses who own those jobsites...looking at you marginal, owner of a construction company your parents built and handed to you, wouldn't you just love to get that pain in the ass osha inspector out of your bleach blond, black rooted hair?
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i'll go you one better...explain how smaller government is desirable from any stand point? the only people who want smaller government are those with things to hide, and the fools who listen to their propaganda.
the irs is overworked and understaffed. fda inspectors are overworked and understaffed, the nsa is overworked and understaffed, highway inspectors are overworked and understaffed, osha inspectors are overworked and understaffed.....EVERY office whose purpose is to protect the American people is over worked and understaffed, and thousands of criminal offenses go unpunished on a daily basis.
so please, answer just this one would making government smaller benefit the people of this country?
@DaFreak He asks good questions but they are directed at you, not me.
…His question is valid. Are governments doing enough to protect kids while in their care in a public school? In fact one needs to ask this question when six kids get shot at school. Is the school secure? Does it do anything to keep kids safe? Who was the shooter and why did he do it? What follow up measures will be taken now that holes in security at the school are known?

Lots more to your post but have some specifics on the Oxford, MI shooting today - coworker has family who works for the school district.

Shooter was a 15-year-old male who brought a handgun and 3 loaded magazines to school. He is in police custody and requested a lawyer when he was arrested.

I am sure there will be additional security measures implemented, but short of frisking and or metal detectors at each school entrance it’s a hard risk to fully mitigate.

Tragic situation, there are fatalities.
Lots more to your post but have some specifics on the Oxford, MI shooting today - coworker has family who works for the school district.

Shooter was a 15-year-old male who brought a handgun and 3 loaded magazines to school. He is in police custody and requested a lawyer when he was arrested.

I am sure there will be additional security measures implemented, but short of frisking and or metal detectors at each school entrance it’s a hard risk to fully mitigate.

Tragic situation, there are fatalities.
@DaFreak ; how does smaller government prevent this tragedy?

Do you even care? (that is a rhetorical question, no need to reply with another lie)
@DaFreak ; how does smaller government prevent this tragedy?
See, I was asking how does bigger government stop it. His argument was we need bigger government to protect us. I think strong laws and penalties with smaller government can accomplish the same goal. I'm actually kind of shocked that people on a pot board want bigger government.
See, I was asking how does bigger government stop it. His argument was we need bigger government to protect us. I think strong laws and penalties with smaller government can accomplish the same goal. I'm actually kind of shocked that people on a pot board want bigger government.
Yeah because why would a bunch of people that enjoy a plant worry about stupid shit like clean water and making sure stuff being bought at dispensaries is not full of powdery mildew and what not?
See, I was asking how does bigger government stop it. His argument was we need bigger government to protect us. I think strong laws and penalties with smaller government can accomplish the same goal. I'm actually kind of shocked that people on a pot board want bigger government.
Sounds like German effort long ago
i'll go you one better...explain how smaller government is desirable from any stand point? the only people who want smaller government are those with things to hide, and the fools who listen to their propaganda.
the irs is overworked and understaffed. fda inspectors are overworked and understaffed, the nsa is overworked and understaffed, highway inspectors are overworked and understaffed, osha inspectors are overworked and understaffed.....EVERY office whose purpose is to protect the American people is over worked and understaffed, and thousands of criminal offenses go unpunished on a daily basis.
so please, answer just this one would making government smaller benefit the people of this country?
Come on really? I don't know what kind of work you are in, but in my line of work I work with the IRS, it is shocking how much they get wrong, the bad decisions they make and their inefficiency. Yes, part of the problem is they are understaffed, the other part is that it's government, all the red tape, all the headaches from idiots who are wrong, but they don't care because they work for the IRS.
Again, I am not against government control, I am saying that in my mind, anything that can be done by the private sector should be.
After having read NRA propaganda organs until last year (when I told them just where to file my membership after reading relentless, full-octane MAGA Big Lie hagiography of that man and his new Scotus weasels) I can tell you the gun lobby is uniformly somewhere to the right of MTG.

Guns are deliberately made a polarizing issue by the GOP, with the exception of the few surviving nonradical R legislators. It’s grievance politics of a very successful type.

It was made plain the relationship of guns to the hard-right false flaggers who were deliberately setting up Antifa and BLM to look like they are the violent

I wouldn't mind him in the senate, or shit as governor of Texas, but I really don't see it happening, and do hope he has some serious competition for the Democratic nomination.

And I would point to his popularity is that Beto was running against Ted Cruz (one of the absolute worst) in a race that the Democrats needed to pick up 2 senate seats to wrestle control away from McConnell/Trump. And I can see that all that good press he got did bring him into play in that state, but as soon as he hit the Democratic POTUS nominee, he fizzled. Especially once he said that about guns, so I would point to this too as a actual example of why the attack on 'Democrats' being anti-guns falls apart, and is not what the right wing media brainwashes people into believing.

As for 'gun control' playing well, not having Rittenhouses' running around playing army in the city, gun related crimes, and school shootings are something people do care about. But that doesn't mean that anyone is going to come 'take your guns' like it gets sold as when people talk about it by editing out any nuance to the conversation with slickly edited clickbait and nonstop talking head trolling on their TV/Hate Radio/internet spam.

I would point out that it is exactly the messaging that the Democrats put out there. And also what they have done/try to do in practice. You even pointed out that Obama actually expanded gun rights.

Just because the Republicans have become divorced from reality, doesn't mean that it is not reality.

As for owning the conversation and steering it, how? For real, how do you overcome a right wing propaganda circus that the mega wealthy Republicans like the Koch's and Rupert Murdoch, Sinclair broadcasting buying up all the local tv, local papers being put out of business, and the online propaganda networking they have developed while setting up their legal trolls over the last 3-4 decades?

I agree as long as we are just using the broadest sense of the trigger phrase 'gun control'. I would even go a step further and say that the broad public discussion that occurs really isn't even real most of the time, it is just trolls spamming shit and people not realizing they are being cat fished and just end up replaying those 'arguments' when the topic comes up in the real world.

For now, the Democrats need to keep winning like they have been since the Republicans and Trump have been exposed to working with foreign militaries to attack our democracy in 2017.

It is a long road to getting our democracy back on track, especially as the asymmetric warfare continues, but it is the only way through it. I really don't want the Democrats to start having to rely on lies, cheating, and breaking our laws to fix what the Republicans have broken.

No what is the oppositions (Republicans) fault is their reliance on lies to maintain the power to stop all legislation not directly benefitting the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

I have no answer on how to direct the conversation, but its what needs to happen. Wrap your message in dick jokes to get people to understand if you have to. It's tough since facts and nuanced arguments aren't going to sway people. You can't just say the other side is distorting your message and the issues and leave it that and accept defeat, they need to figure out how to counter and hit back. (Or...just let the rona run its course).

Had a ramble about beto, but eh. Going into the primaries he had a lot of momentum coming off of getting close in Texas, that was a big deal and I liked him as a candidate and thought being from Texas would help swing the state faster. He started to fizzle so hit the guns topic as it was widely popular with dems (not sure where I was going with this, had this article pulled up

Again, can't please everyone so you have to accept that if you take a position that appeals to 80% of your voters, the 20% aren't going to like it. My timing was off, I thought the gun comment was earlier in the primary when he still had some juice. I would point out that he decided to ring that bell to drum up support among Democrats as his campaign faltered, gun control, in whatever real or imagined capacity, is popular among Democrats. That message is out there, all the nuanced arguments in the world can be made but that isn't going to change the broad narrative and the gun people are a lost voting block.

*gun owners and enthusiasts aren't really the gun people I am talking about.about.

Ps...not sure why I quoted CatHedral, was probably going to smack talk the nra.
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