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See, I was asking how does bigger government stop it. His argument was we need bigger government to protect us. I think strong laws and penalties with smaller government can accomplish the same goal. I'm actually kind of shocked that people on a pot board want bigger government.

Canada, Australia, UK, Japan. They all have big governments and don't have the same problems we have. So, we can look to them for answers here. You talk as if there are none.

Tell us how reducing the government would solve school shootings. You can't, of course. So bow down to me, tell me I'm right and you are wrong. Then start reading up on how Canada has managed to keep a lid on gun related violence.

You believe without proof. Libertarians are just another faction of right wing religious bigots.

While you are at it, make me a sammich, bitch. I owned you.
I'm Japanese and I can tell you, the Japanese government is incredible inefficient and running out of money quick. As far as "the same problems we have," that's so open ended I don't know where to begin. But yes, Americans are more violent.
Come on really? I don't know what kind of work you are in, but in my line of work I work with the IRS, it is shocking how much they get wrong, the bad decisions they make and their inefficiency. Yes, part of the problem is they are understaffed, the other part is that it's government, all the red tape, all the headaches from idiots who are wrong, but they don't care because they work for the IRS.
Again, I am not against government control, I am saying that in my mind, anything that can be done by the private sector should be.
something approaching an answer...but still a ways to go.
nothing in your answer referred in any way to how making the government smaller would be beneficial to the country.
inefficiency and poor performance need to be addressed in any department of government they are apparent in, but who has the time? they're all desperately overworked...
the private sector is not to be trusted to police itself, that's been proven every time the experiment has taken place. they cheat when they are under outside observation, what in the world would make you or anyone else expect them to act in a moral fashion when left with their own conscience as a guide?
Making the government as small as you can while accomplishing your goal helps the country by saving money. Governments are inefficient.

As far as the private sector not being trust worthy, I feel like the same can be said for governments. Proven time and again they will fck ya.

Where is everybody's SS money?
Making the government as small as you can while accomplishing your goal helps the country by saving money. Governments are inefficient.
One life lesson I learned is there is nothing more expensive than being cheap.

As far as the private sector not being trust worthy, I feel like the same can be said for governments. Proven time and again they will fck ya.
Humans are not trust worthy if you give them too much power to stop themselves form having to give anything up if there is a way to cheat at the end of the day. That is why we have checks and balances, voters have the ability to vote out their government, which has the ability to regulate businesses, which is made up of voters. It is a nice little cycle generally.

Where is everybody's SS money?
Paying for the people who are collecting today, who were the ones that paid for the people who are no longer with us, and when the people who are paying into it now, they will be collecting form the people who are making money in the future.

That is how time works.
I have no answer on how to direct the conversation, but its what needs to happen. Wrap your message in dick jokes to get people to understand if you have to. It's tough since facts and nuanced arguments aren't going to sway people. You can't just say the other side is distorting your message and the issues and leave it that and accept defeat, they need to figure out how to counter and hit back. (Or...just let the rona run its course).
This is why I still like my bullshit Jeff Daniels Co. idea. He can deliver a great performance, but he is utterly unqualified to be POTUS (like the other actors Reagan and Trump were), so he needs people who understand things like economics, ambassador/military stuff, politics/law, and trolling. So you set up some kind of corporation with him because he is a known American (and happens to live(ish) in the next town from where I went to high school) and run his political career like a business where the people who are qualified get to do their best to make the best possible decisions while he is the 'face' of the ticket.

That way everything can still be professional, and inspiring, but also competent and intelligent.

I really hope that the Democrats don't ever go down the dick joke road like the Republicans have been so that we can get back to being a serious stable nation, one that is not based in racism/chauvinism/xenophobia like we have been historically.

Had a ramble about beto, but eh. Going into the primaries he had a lot of momentum coming off of getting close in Texas, that was a big deal and I liked him as a candidate and thought being from Texas would help swing the state faster. He started to fizzle so hit the guns topic as it was widely popular with dems (not sure where I was going with this, had this article pulled up

Again, can't please everyone so you have to accept that if you take a position that appeals to 80% of your voters, the 20% aren't going to like it. My timing was off, I thought the gun comment was earlier in the primary when he still had some juice. I would point out that he decided to ring that bell to drum up support among Democrats as his campaign faltered, gun control, in whatever real or imagined capacity, is popular among Democrats.
I thought Beto was onto something with his immigration understanding, but as soon as he started jumping on tables it was too much IMO. And by the time he said the take their guns or whatever he said, it was over anyways.

I don't mind intensity and humor, but I don't want a cartoon character as the Democratic nominee. We don't need that cult shit, we just need competent people who can get the job done as best as possible. Luckily that is what we got in Biden.

That message is out there, all the nuanced arguments in the world can be made but that isn't going to change the broad narrative and the gun people are a lost voting block.

*gun owners and enthusiasts aren't really the gun people I am talking about.about.

Ps...not sure why I quoted CatHedral, was probably going to smack talk the nra.
The Gun voting people are brainwashed into thinking shit that is not the reality on the Republican side, I agree they are at this point a lost cause to the Democrats if that is the only thing that they care about to the point they voted for Trump in 2020. Those roots go back decades, and if everything he did couldn't wake them up to the reality of what they are doing to the country, I don't think anyone could predict what would shake them enough to become rational to the reality that Democrats are not coming to take their guns.
Here's some more awesome Canadian news for you anti vaxx assholes

I am extremely pleased about this because I know a couple people that were just editing dates using a fake negative PCR test... no more.

This is one of the big issues that I think demonstrates how the 'left's' position is being dictated/branded/propagandized by right wing propaganda.
So true. I've had folks go on about Obama's gun laws. So I ask if they mean when he allowed concealed carry in national parks, since that was the only gun law he signed while in office. Most of these folks don't know what happened, they just know what they've been told. We need enough Blue Dogs to to smooth down the worries caused by the progressive wing of the party. But most of the Blue Dogs are gone.
Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies at 64 after contracting Covid

Marcus Lamb, co-founder and CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid vaccines, has died at age 64, weeks after contracting Covid-19, according to the network.

“It's with a heavy heart we announce that Marcus Lamb, president and founder of Daystar Television Network, went home to be with the Lord this morning," said a tweet Tuesday from the network. "The family asks that their privacy be respected as they grieve this difficult loss. Please continue to lift them up in prayer."

i'll go you one better...explain how smaller government is desirable from any stand point? the only people who want smaller government are those with things to hide, and the fools who listen to their propaganda.
the irs is overworked and understaffed. fda inspectors are overworked and understaffed, the nsa is overworked and understaffed, highway inspectors are overworked and understaffed, osha inspectors are overworked and understaffed.....EVERY office whose purpose is to protect the American people is over worked and understaffed, and thousands of criminal offenses go unpunished on a daily basis.
so please, answer just this one would making government smaller benefit the people of this country?
For a long time the GOP has been trying to get rid of a lot of those agencies. Since they could not do that, what they did was cut the funding so they could not hire enough folks to do what they are tasked to do.
Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies at 64 after contracting Covid

Marcus Lamb, co-founder and CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid vaccines, has died at age 64, weeks after contracting Covid-19, according to the network.

“It's with a heavy heart we announce that Marcus Lamb, president and founder of Daystar Television Network, went home to be with the Lord this morning," said a tweet Tuesday from the network. "The family asks that their privacy be respected as they grieve this difficult loss. Please continue to lift them up in prayer."

Dang it. He was the first evangelical to really make a difference in climate change.

I do watch his channel when I'm down at the riverhouse on a slow TV night. Some crazy ass people.
This is why I still like my bullshit Jeff Daniels Co. idea. He can deliver a great performance, but he is utterly unqualified to be POTUS (like the other actors Reagan and Trump were), so he needs people who understand things like economics, ambassador/military stuff, politics/law, and trolling. So you set up some kind of corporation with him because he is a known American (and happens to live(ish) in the next town from where I went to high school) and run his political career like a business where the people who are qualified get to do their best to make the best possible decisions while he is the 'face' of the ticket.

That way everything can still be professional, and inspiring, but also competent and intelligent.

I really hope that the Democrats don't ever go down the dick joke road like the Republicans have been so that we can get back to being a serious stable nation, one that is not based in racism/chauvinism/xenophobia like we have been historically.

I thought Beto was onto something with his immigration understanding, but as soon as he started jumping on tables it was too much IMO. And by the time he said the take their guns or whatever he said, it was over anyways.

I don't mind intensity and humor, but I don't want a cartoon character as the Democratic nominee. We don't need that cult shit, we just need competent people who can get the job done as best as possible. Luckily that is what we got in Biden.

The Gun voting people are brainwashed into thinking shit that is not the reality on the Republican side, I agree they are at this point a lost cause to the Democrats if that is the only thing that they care about to the point they voted for Trump in 2020. Those roots go back decades, and if everything he did couldn't wake them up to the reality of what they are doing to the country, I don't think anyone could predict what would shake them enough to become rational to the reality that Democrats are not coming to take their guns.

I don't disagree, honestly that Jeff bridges idea works for me.

By dick jokes...oh jeeze they actually did that, I had forgotten. That was terrible and embarrassing. I just meant that if good fact based arguments are falling flat you should try and change your delivery to try and meet the audience. The best points/arguments are useless if nobody listens or understands.
I don't disagree, honestly that Jeff bridges idea works for me.

By dick jokes...oh jeeze they actually did that, I had forgotten. That was terrible and embarrassing. I just meant that if good fact based arguments are falling flat you should try and change your delivery to try and meet the audience. The best points/arguments are useless if nobody listens or understands.
I use sarcasm. When folks talk shit about President Joe Rob, I'll say something like, "you are so right. He is such a loser. He can't even give away a safe and effective vaccine when 1000 Republicans are dying a day.
Anti-vaccine Christian broadcaster Marcus Lamb dies at 64 after contracting Covid

Marcus Lamb, co-founder and CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid vaccines, has died at age 64, weeks after contracting Covid-19, according to the network.

“It's with a heavy heart we announce that Marcus Lamb, president and founder of Daystar Television Network, went home to be with the Lord this morning," said a tweet Tuesday from the network. "The family asks that their privacy be respected as they grieve this difficult loss. Please continue to lift them up in prayer."

the Grim Reaper just used the contact form page to send congratulations to Marcus Lamb
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