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I think it’s time to start throwing parents in jail if their kids take their guns and kill people. If my pit bull gets out and kills a baby im in deep shit, but my kid takes my gun and kills a bunch of babies and I’m in the clear? That’s insane.

We agree but what about all those adult children who claim firearms are "just tools" while treating them as toys?
And forgot, on state level many states sub their inspection work out to private companies for public housing. Again a way they found to save money and make their government a little smaller.
We agree but what about all those adult children who claim firearms are "just tools" while treating them as toys?
Your gun your responsibility. Most gun owners I know would be for it, they are always bragging about how quick they can unlock their guns etc. how old was this latest killer?
Do me favor, stop going back and forth on the quotes and bringing stuff up out of order.

manwhat you say you thought through, well you obviously didn’t think about it much.

mid I had as much free time as you apparently have I might bother making a long list of government shit shows, but hopefully I don’t have to do that if we live in the same reality, you should know by now.

postal service was privatized with some success. Space travel, and I’m sure more can be done.NPO prisons? There are so many ways to think about it.

I am going by the order I see them. Now what is so obviously unconsidered? I have offered you solutions or approaches, you have offered nothing as yet.

You have enough time to formulate a belief that government is too big, based, one presumes, on news, stories, reports or observations that must have taken you time to absorb and ruminate over.

Or are your conclusions instantaneous?

The postal service? Our country depends even today upon getting a message from one part of the nation to the other for the same, low price. It cannot be long or successfully privatized.

Prisons are shown to be counter productive unless governed by a group interested in finally going out of business.

Space? There is direct profit in space but as I said, new endeavors require blue sky investments and stock holders frown on that purposeless and profit less sort of activity.
What’s funny is the smallest our government has been in the past 40 years was during the Clinton years. Everybody’s favorite. He didn’t know what he was doing right?
Your gun your responsibility. Most gun owners I know would be for it, they are always bragging about how quick they can unlock their guns etc. how old was this latest killer?

You know weird gun owners and rich people. What you say runs fairly counter to my experiences.
You know weird gun owners and rich people. What you say runs fairly counter to my experiences.
I mean I do know one guy, not a friend, a big Trump guy who owns 200 guns. Pretty sure he doesn't keep them all locked up. But my friends who are gun owners all keep them locked up. And holy shit do they get excited about telling you about their new shit for their guns. Finger print locks, face recognition and so on. For me it would be like showing you my new I-phone I guess. But one of them, has a lock box near his bed and he bragged about how many seconds he could unlock the box and point it at something and it was like 7 seconds or something quick in response to somebody asking him, "How is that gonna protect you if it's locked up."
"Anything that can be done by the private sector should be".

Yet another reasonable statement that does not bear scrutiny well.

So what does government do that could be done in the private sector? Let's see how well such conversions work.

The prison system?

Law enforcement?

The military?

Justice system?

Public safety?

Regulation of the financial industry?


As has been posted out, "govenment" is not some monolithic entity that is not affected by those it governs, at least not yet. Government in America is US.

the list of consumer run companies is pretty damn small.

No, consumerism does not directly drive production.

Now I've been baiting you with "what is the right size" you have been presuming we want huge government or that larger government necessarily means ever more insidious control or ever more waste.

And I have been insinuating that you are in a quest for no government and no oversight.

But it seems we both want government that works.

Start then by throwing ALL lobbies out of government.

No revolving government to industry doors. You step down from your senate job you get a job in education or paint or build houses, no ceo or board room reward for you for five years.

No industry to regulation or regulation to industry jobs.

Mandate a sunset clause on ALL spending bills.

Now write laws that are reasonable and considered from every viewpoint and then fucking ENFORCE THEM.

hire the people you need to do so and no more.

All wars save actual invasion shall be previously paid for including projections for taking care of our military.

There is more but you said something about no one having thought this through when you were challenged.

I have.
I would exempt welfare programs from mandatory sunset. That would give the illiberal opposition a big hostage regularly.
Dude, I think I’m done with you. You’re a broken record who doesn’t live in reality.

I don't live in "reality" because I don't blindly agree with you ? All you are doing is repeating "small government" without offering any explanation.

Our state department was all but disassembled during the Trump administration, his whitehouse staff was gutted top to bottom.

That didn't work well at all.

Again, you have explained nothing and tried to insult me into agreeing with you.
What’s funny is the smallest our government has been in the past 40 years was during the Clinton years. Everybody’s favorite. He didn’t know what he was doing right?
So, last year.

Hate crimes against Asian people in SoCal were up 76% compared to the year before. More than half of those crimes were violent and against Asian women. Explain how small government solves this problem.
Old yes, not angry. Again, smallest government last 40 years, during Clinton’s time. Kind of destroys the argument that big is better. But that’s the thing with you lot, reality doesn’t matter because you only care about trying to “pawn” somebody on a pot forum. Pathetic.
So, last year.

Hate crimes against Asian people in SoCal were up 76% compared to the year before. More than half of those crimes were violent and against Asian women. Explain how small government solves this problem.
Explain how big government does? More cops? Lol. On a pot forum and you are so into trying to win an argument that you want more cops. Pathetic.
Old yes, not angry. Again, smallest government last 40 years, during Clinton’s time. Kind of destroys the argument that big is better. But that’s the thing with you lot, reality doesn’t matter because you only care about trying to “pawn” somebody on a pot forum. Pathetic.
Clinton for president.....
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