Come on really? I don't know what kind of work you are in, but in my line of work I work with the IRS, it is shocking how much they get wrong, the bad decisions they make and their inefficiency. Yes, part of the problem is they are understaffed, the other part is that it's government, all the red tape, all the headaches from idiots who are wrong, but they don't care because they work for the IRS.
Again, I am not against government control, I am saying that in my mind, anything that can be done by the private sector should be.
"Anything that can be done by the private sector should be".
Yet another reasonable statement that does not bear scrutiny well.
So what does government do that could be done in the private sector? Let's see how well such conversions work.
The prison system?
Law enforcement?
The military?
Justice system?
Public safety?
Regulation of the financial industry?
Making the government as small as you can while accomplishing your goal helps the country by saving money. Governments are inefficient.
As far as the private sector not being trust worthy, I feel like the same can be said for governments. Proven time and again they will fck ya.
Where is everybody's SS money?
As has been posted out, "govenment" is not some monolithic entity that is not affected by those it governs, at least not yet. Government in America is US.
the list of consumer run companies is pretty damn small.
No, consumerism does not directly drive production.
Now I've been baiting you with "what is the right size" you have been presuming we want huge government or that larger government necessarily means ever more insidious control or ever more waste.
And I have been insinuating that you are in a quest for no government and no oversight.
But it seems we both want government that works.
Start then by throwing ALL lobbies out of government.
No revolving government to industry doors. You step down from your senate job you get a job in education or paint or build houses, no ceo or board room reward for you for five years.
No industry to regulation or regulation to industry jobs.
Mandate a sunset clause on ALL spending bills.
Now write laws that are reasonable and considered from every viewpoint and then fucking ENFORCE THEM.
hire the people you need to do so and no more.
All wars save actual invasion shall be previously paid for including projections for taking care of our military.
There is more but you said something about no one having thought this through when you were challenged.
I have.