veg question

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
im planning A grow right now where i harvest every month. veg for a month flower for 2 months. i was wondering could i fim or top in the short amount of veg time? just wondering cause i wanna get better yield. or what could i do in the amount of time? any help thanks


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you give the plant at least 10 days to grow new bud sites, after you
top. I'd top at 3 weeks, and veg another 3 at least.
even top twice.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can top at the end of veg, just give her a week after you top for new growth to appear and then switch over she should do nicely


New Member
Sounds like you're doing advanced techniques but posting in the newbie section. Are you sure you're ready to start experimenting? A month of veg is perfect. Roll with it.

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
Sounds like you're doing advanced techniques but posting in the newbie section. Are you sure you're ready to start experimenting? A month of veg is perfect. Roll with it.
sorry. i ended up posting it in the advance forum. this isnt my first grow but it is my first grow with this kind of schedule


New Member
sorry. i ended up posting it in the advance forum. this isnt my first grow but it is my first grow with this kind of schedule
Well I saw that. I think the subject is better suited here. I just asked a simple question. If you're new, are you ready to experiment with adv techs?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you just want to nit-pik.
In my opinion, your telling him its fine to learn that way.
eventually learning the right way.
If this is your way, it's wrong to me. Just my opinion.
Yeah bro, veg 30 days, top, and flower..if you want smaller, and less.

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
Well I saw that. I think the subject is better suited here. I just asked a simple question. If you're new, are you ready to experiment with adv techs?
oh yeah i no you were. i was tryna say my bad for posting in advance. but yeah i think i am ready for adv techs. pops isnt doing so good and he likes to toke his weed. just trying to get a schedule going where i can harvest every month so hes not waiting all the time. just wondering if it would be smart to fim or to or just grow a single cola plant. i only plan on harvesting three plants a month hoping to get about 1-2 ounces dried per plant. any help i would appreciate it krondizzel


New Member
Well. Since you were cool about it, I will be too :)

A method that I prefer is based on a 4 month timeline. 10 days for cloning/rooting, 35 for veg, 60 flowering, 10 to dry, 5 to get ready to do it again. 120 days.

I would rather stockpile and save versus the sea of green method.

Harvesting every month, well, you just have to figure out your rotation to allow for the sea of green. Some get a crop every 2 weeks, some monthly, some every 2 months.. just depends all in how you want to time it out. After a while you'll get an idea of how long it takes to do stuff.

I'm willing to answer questions if you have them. It's your thread so, ask away and I'll reply. That's what it's here for right! :)


New Member
Sounds like you just want to nit-pik.
In my opinion, your telling him its fine to learn that way.
eventually learning the right way.
If this is your way, it's wrong to me. Just my opinion.
Yeah bro, veg 30 days, top, and flower..if you want smaller, and less.
I was telling him that double posting the same thread in both newbie and advanced wasn't necessary. I'm not going to subscribe and reply to both threads. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Well, I've never really grown indoors other than one closet grow, but I vegged for about 6.5 weeks (but I have grown outdoors a lot). So I don't know how good my advice will be to you...
But from my personal experience, starting plants late into the outdoor season with about a month to veg, they generally do better/yield more untopped/unfim'd (but once again, that's only from my personal OUTDOOR experience).
Topping/fimming stunts growth and with that little time to veg, I'd suspect that you'd yield more without doing either of those techniques and just growing a single cola....


Well-Known Member
toping is all good to get more branching and bud sites. try it a cpl diff ways, its really the only way your gonna learn what works for you. different growers, different styles.
also, consider a lil LST training, just tie your branches down a lil bit to open up the plant. I will stick a thumb tack in the side at the top rim of the pot, use as a tie point. im pretty sure between doing that, and using wire cages around some of my better plants has contributed to about a z more per plant. my best so far was 4.5 off one. 3.5 off its sister in a DWC (that i neglected really)

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
i have a clone and mother room, a veg room, and a flower room. now tell me if this would work.i grow a mother, take clones, root them, veg for 30-35 days, then into the flower room. ten days before i put in the flower room i start more clones.repeat the veg process and put in the flowering room. that means i would have a plant thats been in the flowering room for a month and has a month left and i have a plant that has 2 months to go till harvest. that way i can harvest every month. you think that will work? obv itll take some time to time it all up

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
toping is all good to get more branching and bud sites. try it a cpl diff ways, its really the only way your gonna learn what works for you. different growers, different styles.
also, consider a lil LST training, just tie your branches down a lil bit to open up the plant. I will stick a thumb tack in the side at the top rim of the pot, use as a tie point. im pretty sure between doing that, and using wire cages around some of my better plants has contributed to about a z more per plant. my best so far was 4.5 off one. 3.5 off its sister in a DWC (that i neglected really)

thanks for the advice bud. but how long do you veg for and flower for. how bigs your light if you grow indoors ofcourse?