Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

I agree but I'm having trouble finding recipes, everyone says a little of this a little of that, but it seems far less common to post a recipe.

Instead of a five year thread arguing about two or three large companies' questionable nutrient systems, why not talk about personalizing and mix/matching existing nutrient and soil builds, and hydro nutrient teas and etc. I personally am dying to do an organic dwc
Use the search. Button your last post is a completely disrespectful and rude including rule breaking
I have personally seen trichoderma on perlite (green perlite). Granted it isn't being broken down, but that is not its purpose. It is only there because it is porous and holds water. It is also perfectly natural, as far as I am concerned. Really it is just natural glass that has been further heated to more extreme temperatures so that it expands.

As far as your fecal ramblings go... No manures sourced from any omnivore would be organic anyways. Only from strict herbivores. Animals such as cows for instance, or chickens; they have plant based diets, is their manure not itself plant based? Beyond that manures are typically composted specially, or pasteurized which would kill any pathogens.
Ultimately, the majority of most natural (organic, vegan, whatever) fertilizer ends up being the result of another organisms excrement. Bat guano from bats, vermicompost/worm castings from earthworms (which have gizzards), kitchen compost from a great plethora of insect, bacterial, fungal, etc decomposers.

I mean the whole process of digestion is largely the result of a symbioses between other micro-organisms (flora) that are alive in each and every animals gut; helping break down the plant matter they have directly consumed. Thus chicken and cow manure is indirectly a result of those microbes breaking that plant material down.

All this really sounds like is a rehash of organics, only more finicky and minus any manures or excrement from any organism larger than an earthworm.
Chickens are not straight herbivores. They eat a shit tone of insects and anything small enough to unfortunately crawl into their space. I’ve seen it a thousand times with my Grandmother’s chickens.
Hey RIU, whats up? This is the result after 14 weeks on a Western Winds x Queen Mother using Bio Canna, Hummus, Compost and Humic acid, no pHd and no PPMd. 80litre pot outdoors! Plant had a lot of stress, but anyway the result looks pretty decent!

Edit* Sorry i didnt noticed that the thread was dead, i bumped it. :/
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That's gonna be one gnarly mother fucker to trim, but looks like some flighty sativa. Not familiar with the strains.
Looks like the borg got ya there at the end, eh?