Vernon BC dispensaries next on the Hit List

You think I care about your feelings online? LOL
I'm not here to make any fucking buddies
Drop your sense of entitlement . My grandpa was in a landing craft on Normandy beach. He didn't milk it. Not down playing your service or trying to be disrespectful but your the reason some people hate on military guys.

Yes. You defended our country. But who builds your houses? Cars? Produces your food? Fixes your power lines?

You benefit just as much from people in different lines of work, you're no better than anybody else.
Drop your sense of entitlement . My grandpa was in a landing craft on Normandy beach. He didn't milk it. Not down playing your service or trying to be disrespectful but your the reason some people hate on military guys.

Yes. You defended our country. But who builds your houses? Cars? Produces your food? Fixes your power lines?

You benefit just as much from people in different lines of work, you're no better than anybody else.
I built my own house, bought my own car and grow my own food, just because some people are stupid doesn't mean we all are ;)
I know most of you are on disability and sit on your asses all day
I built my own house, bought my own car and grow my own food, just because some people are stupid doesn't mean we all are ;)
I know most of you are on disability and sit on your asses all day
Lol I'm not. I work. I didn't say buy a car shit head. I said BUILD. And I bet you paid someone to build your house.
One last thing next time you guys do your taxes just remember your paying for my medicine, thanks and it's time to go smoke some LA Confidential and play COD
I built my own house, bought my own car and grow my own food, just because some people are stupid doesn't mean we all are ;)
I know most of you are on disability and sit on your asses all day
all that and you have no personality
why are you here if you aren't trying to get along? why not troll somewhere else? no friends? i don't doubt that at all with your charm
going to sit on your ass and play video are so cool!
how aboot we just move on from the subject and stop instigating more bs to happen, and get back on topic

like ive already asked of you all
thank you ^_^
Ignore him as Sunni says...he's a liar and not worth anyone's time. We've seen his likes before and the best part is he's stuck with himself. By ignoring him he talks to the hand and that's about perfect I'd say.
Remember tosh and his and raving's........he's another one.
i am doing that right now....unbelievable. something like him is real!
he doesn't want to make friends and is offensive. i guess he is truly a troll. only wants to wind people up. what a waste of a life!
Bitch about dex all you like however at least he did something for the country unlike a lot on here who have done nothing and just complain about how they are not getting their way. Btw im an ex soldier as well and i think his personality is shitty as well. he was probably in the navy they really like seaman.
Bitch about dex all you like however at least he did something for the country unlike a lot on here who have done nothing and just complain about how they are not getting their way. Btw im an ex soldier as well and i think his personality is shitty as well. he was probably in the navy they really like seaman.
people serve the country in many ways, nurses, doctors, hospital workers, social services, we all serve the country in a variety of ways to make canada function as a society.

dont act like an entitled servicemen. it doesnt look good .
people serve the country in many ways, nurses, doctors, hospital workers, social services, we all serve the country in a variety of ways to make canada function as a society.

dont act like an entitled servicemen. it doesnt look good .
My point exactly
people serve the country in many ways, nurses, doctors, hospital workers, social services, we all serve the country in a variety of ways to make canada function as a society.

dont act like an entitled servicemen. it doesnt look good .
LOL...if you were getting shot at for your country, you might feel some entitlement too..
I built my own house, bought my own car and grow my own food, just because some people are stupid doesn't mean we all are ;)
I know most of you are on disability and sit on your asses all day

Does someone want to ban him? I don't know if its ignorance, lack of education, or just early 60's way of thinking.... Don't hate on others because they may be stupid or disabled, so they do not have what you have? Who doesn't want a house (SHELTER), food and a family?!
You are a vet. thats great you did your time, thats respectable. Whats not respectable is you coming on here demanding respect. For you to say something like the last sentence in your post is extremely degrading (and no I am not disabled or on disability at this time, I just do not appreciate bullies). You could have lost both your legs in the army... guess you would be sitting on your ass all day also wouldn't you? Don't bash others.

This is an awesome community with real, nice, helpful members. We do not need the negativity @Dexter.
Bitch about dex all you like however at least he did something for the country unlike a lot on here who have done nothing and just complain about how they are not getting their way. Btw im an ex soldier as well and i think his personality is shitty as well. he was probably in the navy they really like seaman.
It doesn't take a good personality to be a soldier, we come in all shapes sizes and personalities