Vernon BC dispensaries next on the Hit List

Wow...just got here in this thread...really dexter? How fucking ignorant of you...let me ask...were you conscripted? Thanks for your service.

Don't worry what.. The gov isn't handing out free personalities so poor dickster is stuck with the this false sense of self entitlement...
just forced them underground is all.......won't help Shwagways sales one bit!!!

It must suck to have so much shwag and no place to off it OTHER than the BM (:
only a matter of time...until they're found out...more likely after legalization happens though ;)

Awesome system PM's of Canada!

You suck at business more than the rest of the fuckwitts!!!

seems his posts here have gone away...
makes some interesting reading now though....very strange conversation going on
Wow Dexter, just to inform you, nurses are the most frequently assaulted workers, expose ourselves to life threatening diseases every day and still continue to put our hearts and souls into helping others.
Oh booo hooo, you're not getting shot at
seems his posts here have gone away...
makes some interesting reading now though....very strange conversation going on
Speak of the devil and old dickster pops back up.... Did your big bro beat ya at your call of duty game? What war were ya in that was protecting Canada? Cause if I remeber correctly all wars of recent have been about propoganda and oil for greed so thanks for serving but don't feel like you should be put on a pedestal my friend. Cause it's these propoganda and oil drivin wars that have givinen birth to terrorist groups such as Isis!!! Imo
Wow Dexter, just to inform you, nurses are the most frequently assaulted workers, expose ourselves to life threatening diseases every day and still continue to put our hearts and souls into helping others.
I can agree with Marie 100% on that...

all because they wanna help..

but watch out for Marie's bedside .... (:
My last nurse looked like this......Are you saying GB that it's ......what ?
images shoulda seen the pic I deleted.
Oh @oddish is gonna be mad cause I'm trying to be funny again. And he doesn't want funny.
trying being the operative word.
Just curious...but ah...what makes you think your posts are all that some kind of Superstar are ya boy. Cause frankly a lot ( subjective ) of your posts are um...Trying
Next time you post something so worthy of my attention please PM me so i don't miss it.