It's a bit of a bummer really with enjoying the last few weeks. I'm busier than I've been in my life trying to get a home office built for my lady, so she can still work from home easily with a crying baby. We make time to spend with each other as we know it will be a long time before we get alone time again. And even then, we wont be young.
One thing that's nice is we are both committed to not giving up our lives because of the kid. So weekend trips with the two of us will be in order at some point. Wife's shipping me off to the Cup again in November which is nice.
Here's some pics of things:
OG Kush (just realized a couple are sideways.... neck ______ time) FUCK THAT WORD. It's the thing you do at the gym. Fucking spell check suggest every other fucking word. Accessorize, Oversize, Fuck You!!! I can't spell!!!

Psycho Killer

Grape Kush - reveg funkyness

Rafters are cut!
Access to the attic. Pretty sky huh?
Place for the rafters to go. The little slot in the middle. I gotta say, the area pictured here has been the biggest pain in the ass of the whole project so far. Lots of details in the corners up there. Annoying... but almost complete and onto fun shit like roof panels. Really not sure how I'm gonna get those big 4x8's up there an positioned. We'll figure it out though.

butterfly who spoke to me.
One thing I've been making the most of is smoking. It's been a pot renaissance over here. I woke up so high this morning I thought I was seeing things. Been blazing the hash like it's going out of style. Nothing like being beyond stoned and working with power tools. Mommy... why's jigfresh only got 7 fingers?
I been rocking out to music a lot lately too. I can feel my heart going through a bit of a metamorphosis. Like it's turning itself inside out. I'm recalling memories I haven't thought of since the things happened. I've reconnected with old friends. And started to nurture some of the friendships I have. I've been much more positive and not worried about things that don't affect me... and not worrying about those that do even.
I've also been overwhelmed with the need to see people. I've always wanted to hang out with you guys, but it's getting painful. I wish so bad we could just have a night together chatting. Not all at once, but I wish I could have a night with each of you. Lol... that sounds dirty. Just chatting lol...
Oh... ha. And the fucking nesting has hit me. I'm looking for stuff to throw away at this point. If a cat gives me a wrong look I swear I wont think twice. Also spent 2 hours scrubbing the doors and walls. At 10 pm.

Wife didn't even ask... I just looked at the wall and said "Enough!"
Things are getting weird.