Thanks alot. No doubt you deserve Hannah. And i feel kinda small thinking bout what you have been through.
My sister called me for a face to face. She got a son 1½years old. She was crying like mad and it took her 10 minutes to get out that she was pregnant again and was having an abortion. She tried to keep it secret but it was eating at her. Just a very emotional day. I love my sis.
I here you bout the movies. Get away for a couple hours. Thats just awesome. I do have a problem though, very big one. I hate seeing the same movie more than once. Unless it is darn good!
I watched Kick ass 2 in a not so good quality and i will be seeing it again in good quality

Another thing about movies that drives my girl crazy is i dont like Danish movies, lol. They are so slow and dark. People act like its another decade. So annoyingly unreal. Danish comedy is great! A bunch of new comedy series just started so thats awesome.
My dad is a book man. He can spend an hour on the toilet

Dont wanna step on toes here. But i got "pirat tv". Got 900+ channels and i dont even watch that much tv. I download it lol. That must make me twice as bad
Hahaha, i bet you dont remember! Now you know i pull out all the gods for a fine company. That happens when you mix cannabis with mdma and bathsalt

I appreciate your vote even though it doesnt count

Thanks mate. Ill go rest in peace now

Take care. Thanks
Edit: No bed. This just came out: Ooops

World war z without link to my account