Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Man, everyone is feeding on some killer chow! Carne asada, shrimp burritos (californians lol), rellenos, flautas, with guac, and horchata! mmmmmm
I'm going to have to have some chile tonight ;)
Green chile and chicken stuffed sopapillas i think will fill the bill, I like the list above better but that's too much work. Damn, my stomach is growling now! :D
Take care of ALL of your ladies Jig! ;)
HAha, yea make her take pics. I was mad, but it was paid for by insurance. but all she did was hold her hand and feed ice chips. i really can't think of anything else.

Per Wikipedia
A doula (/ˈduːlə/,[SUP][1][/SUP] also known as a labour coach[SUP][2][/SUP] and originating from the Ancient Greek word δούλη meaning female slave[SUP][3][/SUP]), is a nonmedical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, as well as her partner and/or family by providing information, physical assistance, and emotional support.[SUP][1][/SUP] The provision of continuous support during labour by doulas (as well as nurses, family, or friends) is associated with improved maternal and fetal health and a variety of other benefits.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][4]

[/SUP]The overall goal of a doula is for the mother to feel safe and comfortable, enhancing the goal of doctors and nurses which is to ensure a safe delivery for mother and child. Doulas have no clinical role, duties or decision making, deferring instead to nurses or doctors.[SUP][6][/SUP]
The kinds of support provided during childbirth may include physical assistance and comfort (massage, maintaining a supporting posture or providing water), emotional support (providing company, encouragement or simply talking in a soothing tone of voice), information (advice or the progress of the childbirth), and acting as an advocate for the woman undergoing childbirth (suggesting options or supporting the woman's decisions to a medical team).[SUP][1][/SUP] Doulas may also be involved during pregnancy and after birth.[SUP][1][/SUP]
A doula is normally selected when the mother is approximately eight months pregnant.[SUP][2][/SUP] Continuity of support by the same person is thought to be an important aspect of the relationship between doula and mother.[SUP][3][/SUP] Doulas may be found in hospital- or community-based programs as well as private practice and may be reimbursed by insurance companies or out-of-pocket by clients.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] They are more popular among older, affluent parents in larger cities, and can charge up to $1,000 for three visits (before, during and after birth).[SUP][7][/SUP]
It has also been suggested that doulas or doula-like practitioners may have a role in caring for critically ill adults in geriatric care.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Glad the dr was good man hhbg!!!

You gotta find the mrs a really chill indica Dom so there is no anxiety :). My wife swears the bud helped 10000x with the whole process. About the 2 days after, I know you wanna go home but those 2 days completely disappeared man. It felt like they were over so fast and the next thing you know your strapping that carseat in and rolling out!
You don't understand my wife and pot. It's not about indica or sativa dom. It's about her freaking the fuck out when she even sniffs it. Like I will take a very small hit... very small. And I will stand about 2 feet away from her and blow it towards her face, so she only gets a little bit of that hit. And that sends her into a near panic. One time she felt as though she would faint for a week after smoking. It was really bad.

I'll do all the smoking for us. :)

Cool about the 2 days. I just know we had to stay about 18 hours after we lost our baby in '10. It was the longest 18 hours ever. I hated it. Watching Ax Men or something on TLC over and over and over and over and over. Shitty food. People asking if we want to pray with them. Death Certificates to sign. Wife back hurting from the epidural that didn't work. Was a horrible feeling to feel trapped in that place. I'm sure it will be a completely different experience this time. But thanks for letting me know that.
Ah that sucks she reacts that strongly I thought you meant she could onlly smoke a little or she got tweaked out :(. Anyway, I'm sure that the posativity of things this time will completely make it better and different!
More for me anyways! haha My wife is definitely a normie, or whatever you want to call it.

I forgot to mention I smoked enough to make my face and lips tingle last night. :)

Oh, and I saw a commercial on the Home Run Derby tonight that was for these crazy looking shoes. SpringRazor I think they called it. Adidas? I think. Looked cool.
You don't understand my wife and pot. It's not about indica or sativa dom. It's about her freaking the fuck out when she even sniffs it. Like I will take a very small hit... very small. And I will stand about 2 feet away from her and blow it towards her face, so she only gets a little bit of that hit. And that sends her into a near panic. One time she felt as though she would faint for a week after smoking. It was really bad.

I'll do all the smoking for us. :)

Cool about the 2 days. I just know we had to stay about 18 hours after we lost our baby in '10. It was the longest 18 hours ever. I hated it. Watching Ax Men or something on TLC over and over and over and over and over. Shitty food. People asking if we want to pray with them. Death Certificates to sign. Wife back hurting from the epidural that didn't work. Was a horrible feeling to feel trapped in that place. I'm sure it will be a completely different experience this time. But thanks for letting me know that.

i remember how bad i felt for you guys then. thats how i know this kid here is gonna be UBER appreciated. I have a buddy who's doc told him he was sterile and still is yet his wif had a child two years ago after 12 years of trying, and it looks just like him. He spoils his son too death i can see that being you. Hanna(it is Hannah right?) is going to be one lucky baby!

What you gonna do about the cats? or are they not in the house?
Whats this shit about staying for 2 days? We were lucky to get one. I think if you had the child early enough in the morning they would let you go that evening. When it was time to go I was thinking jeez cant we stay for awhile?
Yeah hannah will definitely be blessed with a lot of love. We're going to get the adoption process started pretty soon after she gets here, so she can have a brother (from another mother lol). I guess the way things go we are most likely to end up with some shade of kid other than white, so that should be quite exciting. About the cats we are gonna put them out in the building I'm making. One is actually getting adopted next week. So we will be one lighter. The plan now is to have one cat stay in the house, because she is really special to us both. However, if she wakes us up just one time, out she goes.

So just us, baby, and one cat in the house. A few in the little cat house, and a few in the new office. We are also thinking of adopting a dog for little girl to grow up with. Like we don't have enough living things already. :)

About the staying in the hospital, I sure as hell hope it's quick. Funny how we usually get what we don't want in situations like that. We even asked the place and they said it's usual to spend 2 nights. I've had two friends recently have kids and both stayed 2 nights. Wife says it's a good thing so they can monitor stuff. Apparently a lot of women have blood pressure issues soon after birth and it can cause serious issues. Might be that your wife is so fit they said, she ain't gonna be a problem. Send her home.

And Hydro... that's one of our special songs for sure. We have a little kitty named Simba and we are very much fans of little life forms.

Oh shit! Speaking of circle of life.... totally opposite end of the spectrum so wipe your mind of happy babies and such like. So wife is from a small-ish town in farm country PA. She was talking with someone from her class in high school last night and they told her about this dude. Fucking guy went nuts. He was in their class too and they 'knew' him. Guess you know everyone at smaller schools like that. Anyways, they had a H.S. reunion in '09. The guy Ricky showed up high as fuck. I wasn't there so not sure what he was on, but sounds like crazy amounts of meth or pcp. Like real tweaked out shit. He saw his estranged wife there and things were tense. I guess he didn't like seeing her or something. Less than a week later the wife is sitting in her car in a parking lot getting ready to leave, with her boyfriend, and her (and Ricky's) 3 kids in the back seat. Ricky runs up and blows the dudes head off right in the car with his wife and kids in it. Runs to his car and takes off.

They find him later that day on top of an oil storage tank. He's just gonna stay there but it start raining hard. He then proceeds to fall on top of the oil tank going to the ladder. Then he falls down the ladder. The fucker caught himself midfall (by luck not skill) and climbs down more before he falls the last 15 feet or so onto his back. And the news had the whole oil tank thing on camera.

Forgot to mention the best part of the day yesterday. Went to the post office and had a package. Looks like we got out little girls coming home outfit!

Thanks a lot to the family who got it for us. :) Really means a lot bro.
I dont understand that with the hospital. Here in Denmark they almost kick the mom and child out. My sister was out after 3 hours on first birth. Danish health system is fail´ing fast.
That is Nuts! And very sad. Cruel world outside. I like being home with my sick knee making hash and giving the girls some extra love.
What breed of dog are you thinking bout?
One big difference is we pay a shit ton for health insurance. So they should treat us like royalty lol. Here's a snippit I found from an article just now:

So basically the U.S. system costs more than twice as much (as the Danish system) and still leaves nearly a quarter of the population in the lurch if they need any medical care.

In fact, the U.S. could get universal coverage and still save about 1 trillion dollars per year on healthcare!

So what makes Danish health care so cheap? It's not because it's of poorer quality. According to international surveys, more than 90 percent of Danes are totally satisfied with their health care, and it uses the most advanced methods available anywhere. And per capita there are more hospital beds and doctors than in the U.S.

If one wants to talk about health systems that are failing, I would look to the US. We are a wreck. And it's absolutely crazy how bad we are with child birth. We have the highest rates of all sorts of unnecessary medical interventions in developed countries.

Dog... I think a Lab of some sort. I don't know dogs, never had one. Don't know much difference between them really other than size. And hair length. Wife knows about dogs, she's had some in her life. She's more in the driver seat on the dog part. Opinions are welcome.

How's the knee?
That article sounds a couple years old. I mean 90% satisfied thats just crazy. Its fail operation on failoperation on not cleaning the tools and giving 1000 people some sort of blood dissease. lol Tings have been a bit crazy lately. And on top of that two "girls" i know is now fully working nurses. They should care about other beings but they are like thats gross and thats nasty i hate this job bla bla.. No wonder the ship is sinking.
I have a Labrador retriever and a Pitbull/English staffordshire terrier mix. Both would be perfect. But a muscle dog might be overhand with a little baby. The training needs to be spot on. Always should be anyhow. Ah dogs i love them.
The knee was feeling good when i woke. But after a few hours its that pointy pain again. The painkillers i got from the doc aint working so im very high cause that seems to help :) Im smilling anywho :D
But it best get better for next week! We plan a trip to Amsterdam. Exited like ****.
I gotta say I like your cats way more then a dog especially with the little one. My daughter is 3 1/2 and still has a hard time with anything other then SMALL dogs. My experience with labs is that they are large high energy dogs that are very high maintenance. My brother has been breeding them for several years and he plans his life around the dogs needs sometimes. He almost didn't come to visit with me in OH last weekend because his do was in heat...........: facepalm :

If you guys do get a dog my favorite breed is he cocker spaniel I think. Everyone I've met was very friendly and well behaved. Just my 2 cents though. I dog sat a pit pup for about a month and was completely sick of it after about 1.5 weeks.
good,good,good,jig..if you do get a dog,get a new born one,and raise him,i say him,cause a house full of ;)the best thing in the world...what are most of the cats you have?