I love your musical tastes, I been jamming this stuff lately a bit of a departure from the norm. Wish I knew Portuguese as well as I do Spanish though.
Funny you mention portugese. Just 2 days ago I was reading lyrics to a song I like which is part spanish, part portugese. HOLY SHIT. Never realized how different of a language it is. Had weird accents like some asian language, and strange letter combinations. Sounds kinda french or something. So that's what they speak in Brazil huh? Don't think that's one I'll ever learn.
reminds me of this....lmfao...Am a Lazy Cow!
WTF is that mate, hahahaha..... on a load of drugs... bit of crack on the weekend. You know the way they look at you once you tell then you don't want the job, lol. Where do you find this stuff.
Im sorry but I cant understand much of whats she is saying lol
And also, Iv heard great danes are awesome apartment dog because they are so lazy, and they are giants.
Dude, she's relatively easy to understand. You should have heard one of our RIU mates (hope he's ok) who was from round Birmingham. He not only had a thick b'ham accent, but he also had a strong 'hood' accent on top. So it was almost impossible for me to understand him... and I like to think I'm really really good with accents. Was the funniest thing when he called me. He's saying something like... "wuhgnvdisj vdjgiob" ... "hello, I think you have the wrong number" .... "nmhnnm ssahhuh ggsigg" (with more passion this time). Was about the funniest 'conversation' i've ever had with someone.
west midlands accent whodat, westy prob sounds somewhat similar lol. it is amazing how there are sooo many accents in such a small country, all thanks to the industrial revolution supposedly.
I am blown away with the diversity of accents you guys have. And I've only heard a few. Such a small country and so many different sounds. West is actually from london and sounds as such. LGP is a midlander and sounds a bit like that lady, but not really.
some of the toughest dogs i have known. not always kid friendly though, bur are natural hunter. the al around family dog to be is a well bred pitbull, unless you want your dog to be friendly w/ other dogs. people are fine, otherdogs not so much..How is everything jig? this is usually the time the birthing scares happen with false contraction and what not, you guys must be in the clear

good things
I would actually like a pit. Not sure wife is keen on them. They get a bad rap, but I've known some really great pits. Wife grew up with a boxer in the house. She has videos of her as a baby messing with the dog. What I think we are planning is to get an old dog, on it's last legs so to speak. Less energy and it should be good with the babe. And you know what you are getting. I think after that one, we'll end up getting a puppy we can raise and train to be our own. I'm looking forward to training a dog and honestly feel like I may really really really fall in love with dogs once I own one. I've never had a dog, or even had a girlfriend with a dog. Have had friends with one, but never really been in the family with one.
WAIT.... I lie. My godfather had a weimaraner that I loved very much and was very much part of the family. She was a sweet little girl. She was named "jetty' like the rock piles they put by ports. Ahhh I miss jetty. She ran onto the freeway and got hit. Poor girl. I feel so bad for dogs who get onto the freeway. Must be so scary, and then you are dead.
As for babe and the like. Yesterday was 35 weeks. If the baby were Don's panama red it would be getting near harvest time.

I still can't believe you flowered a plant that long bru. We haven't had any false contraction, or waves as we like to call them. Wife just can't sleep or get comfortable or feel good much at all. I'm constantly waking up to her awake or in another room... and that never usually happens. Freaks me out waking up alone. I had a premonition that Hannah will be born Aug 4. That's less than 3 weeks away! Got to get in gear.
Get your ass to LA jig!
I really do need to. Maybe a trip to let the fam to meet the new addition. I'm sure we could swing through your way too.
So it's wednesday today huh? I don't know about that. It feels like a Tuesday to me. We'll see who has the last word in this disagreement Calendar.
HAHAHA... was trying to find a song to share and this is the only youtube video for it. Props to dude for feeling open to showing the world his dancing prowess. Cool song at least. I would recommend to any of you guys to check out the album on Spotify. Michael Stuart - Back to da Barrio. Really cool songs on it in my opinion. I couldn't decide which to post, but this is a good one and has such a great video to boot.