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Are you there yet?

Is she here yet?

This could be it. I'm freaking at home now... wife at hospita. Had appt. this morning and I went grocery shopping while she did a test thing. Called to pick her up and she said to take food home she might be a while. Now they are talking about inducing her and i'm 45 mins away. No more time to type.

love you guys.

pray for us. might be another 6er later today. :) :) :)

WOOOOOOOTTTT!!!! Thats what I wanna hear. I'm sure if they induce(d) her they will/would wait for you Jig.

Can't wait to hear the word buddy!
This could be it. I'm freaking at home now... wife at hospita. Had appt. this morning and I went grocery shopping while she did a test thing. Called to pick her up and she said to take food home she might be a while. Now they are talking about inducing her and i'm 45 mins away. No more time to type.

love you guys.

pray for us. might be another 6er later today. :) :) :)


Hoo hoo!

Love to the little one!

They are gonna induce. Doc said his guess is shell be born tomorrow... but we here. Admission going on now. I guess little one isn't acting right. Her heartbeat looks good to me but its not acting perfect so here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Still working... well wife is. She's feeling waves now (contractions). My parents are here with food and help. Wife is doing so fucking amazing. No pain meds. Woot.
thanks for the support jd.

This is definitely is a stressful process. :/ three cheers for low blood pressure.
Last check wife was 4cm. I'm guessing around 130am little one will breath her first breath. Getiing some sleep now... both of us.
Back in the day when there were waiting rooms for expectant fathers-and other family members, a first time father asked a father of six, "How long after the delivery could they resume having sex". to which the rather jaded fellow replied, "Depends on if the room is private or semi-private." ....I hope you brought some smoke for the wait. Happy, healthy family. ................:peace:cof