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Its going good mate. Just finished 2 hours of alone time with the babe. Had a fun first. Was holding her over my shoulder with my hand under her butt bwhen she did a pretty big sloppy dump. There was a daiper between me and the mess but the feeling was funny. She is looking better and better. She was bruised head to toe our nurse said so its no wonder she looks like her color is coming back to her.

Haven't flipprd yet. Oh... but I was gonna flip when she was bron. Oops ill do that soon. Maybe lol.

Amazing how little sleep a person can run on.
reminds me of Pumping and Dumping on the sail boat, lol.....glad she wasn't butt nekked! lol. that could have been fun:spew:
Its going good mate. Just finished 2 hours of alone time with the babe. Had a fun first. Was holding her over my shoulder with my hand under her butt bwhen she did a pretty big sloppy dump. There was a daiper between me and the mess but the feeling was funny. She is looking better and better. She was bruised head to toe our nurse said so its no wonder she looks like her color is coming back to her.

Haven't flipprd yet. Oh... but I was gonna flip when she was bron. Oops ill do that soon. Maybe lol.

Amazing how little sleep a person can run on.

Hah! Yeah, I felt the same way about the dumps... even though your arm is clean, your mind is telling you it's now dirty. Good times.

Wait until you're changing her and she squirts poop all over the place. THAT is fun. And don't think it won't happen to ya. It happens to everyone ;)
Hah! Yeah, I felt the same way about the dumps... even though your arm is clean, your mind is telling you it's now dirty. Good times.

Wait until you're changing her and she squirts poop all over the place. THAT is fun. And don't think it won't happen to ya. It happens to everyone ;)

or the first time she gets his face with baby pee, or maybe thats just boys?
I did get peed on yesterday. Not looking forward to being sprayed with poop... but I'm sure it will happen. Baby is looking so goood now. She's mostly all pink and just looking more and more full of life.
Babys got blue lights on her today. Not sure if kmart is having a special on babies in aisle 11. We are going over now to find out about it. Baby starting her club life early.

And yeah shocking revealtion huh whodat.

Hope ur all doing well. We get discharched later today. Baby probably in another couple days.
Hehe poop spray just wait :spew::spew:!

About 6 months ago my daugther came to me so proud she had gone potty by herself......sadly she forgot to lift the toilet lid first :facepalm:
Our wee H has been picking the poop out of her nappie and doing quite groovey poo pics on her crib/cot sides lol
Oops. Hahahaha that sounds fun. Im glad we've had so many cats. Nasty poop and bad smells aren't horrible for me these days.

Here's baby looking hella cool in her baby locs
Our wee H has been picking the poop out of her nappie and doing quite groovey poo pics on her crib/cot sides lol

hell yea,thats when them lil ones is real fun......I got woke up with one of them "cosby" the chest....haha baby locs
Damn west... little h taking poop to the next level. U think hatty will be an artist. That'd be a cool thing. Can't wait for our h's to hang out. And probably another little one by then.

Edit. Wtf is a cosby bomb. Babies flinging poo too? Wtf am I getting into.
Congratulations to you and your family, no better feeling in the world bro! It's amazing how your life will change and the joy your child brings. Pamper the wifey man she needs it.

She's gonna be a superhero lad!!!!:) Loving it!!!

Oops. Hahahaha that sounds fun. Im glad we've had so many cats. Nasty poop and bad smells aren't horrible for me these days.

Here's baby looking hella cool in her baby locs
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Me and wife spent the night at home. Babeis chillin under what I think woud make a badass grow light. Itook a pic will postlater. Im tryingto get some more sleep. Wife on phone atm finding out if baby has meningitis. She does have an infection. Hopefully its not meningitis. If not meningitis she will be thee till wed. If it is meningitis she will be there till next next wed. Either 1 week or 3 from birth. Alls well. We are actually really appreciating some peace. Wife finally got a good night sleep for the first ime in monthes bless her. And the poor thing has no conrol over her bladder. :(