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Soo glad things are going well for you man, and you'll get to bring her home tomorrow. That will prolly be one of the weirdest car rides of your life, least it was for me.
Pretty gutted right now. Its insignificant in the big picture but I've had a hat for a baby thatw as sent to me by my best friend back in 2010 for my first baby. I've always dreamed of bringing a baby home in the thing and so I brout it today. Put it on baby. Left for 30 mins to eat and it was gone when I got back. I left a description with the laundry folks but its tiny and white. Don't think well ever see it again. :(

Still waiting on baby.
Let it roll off of you man. Hospitals are tough and positive attitude is the only thing that keeps them bearable. :) Soon you will have your family at home and all will be good in the world. Keep your cool and watch for all the crazies on the ride home.
Boo for missing hats, BIG YAY for little Hannah! :) You are probably going to loose a gazzilion things as the little one launches them out the pram unbeknowns to you, lol.....
Home now. Alls well. I let the hat go. Was about 100 f outside anyways, so for the better I'm sure. Little girl rode home like a dream. Still sleeping in the car seat parked in the living room. Uh oh... there is some stiring. Here's a pic.

It's been fun so far. We are figuring things out. She got a little hysterical cuz we waited too long to feed her the first time. Got that down. She spent about an hour laying on mommys chest, then another hour on daddys. Was definitely the most special time I've spend with her.

Mom and babe are sleeping in the other room now... not for too long I'm sure. What a adventure it all is.

Today is definitely the best day I've ever had.
Cheers to best days ever man!! Thats just awesome. I remember those first few days and them just laying on you its pretty great :). I have to beg mine to come and snuggle with me now :(, she's always to busy playing :).
So its 8 am here, I figure prolly around 4 am there? Hope the first night went well :), or is going well. How many times did she wake up on ya? Either of you guys get some sleep?
don't let a hat spoil the day for you mate!

I Hold several personal items dear, they have little value but i know how i'd feel if i lost one of them. try not to let it eat ya and you never know someone may get back to you. there are good people out there. i've had wallets and phones returned with all my stuff in lol
So its 8 am here, I figure prolly around 4 am there? Hope the first night went well :), or is going well. How many times did she wake up on ya? Either of you guys get some sleep?

How many times did she wake up? Frankly, I'm not sure she ever went to sleep. I mean I guess she did, but it seemed like we were up all night. Wow... still can't believe it actually. We made it through one night. :) At the hospital she was eating a lot every 3 hours. At home she seems to be eating a little every hour. Not exactly the same enjoyment level from our standpoint. She is however sleeping right now, so wife is getting some much needed shut eye. I fall asleep easily, so if baby gives us 15 minutes, I can spend 14 asleep. Wife not so much. She was awake a lot and I told her she needs to take it easy, let me handle a couple rounds.

FFS.... just amazing what can be done with insane tiredness levels.

Me and wife have absolutely NO IDEA how people do this who have full time jobs. If I had to get dressed for work right now and put in 8 hours, I'd be fucked. So to all of you who raised kids, full time job or not, my hats off to you.
Challenge #1 Try and get her on a schedule of eating, the little every hour will continue if you let it. She may cry early but stick to the schedule, it will be a life saver in the long run and she will sleep longer and eat more at the right time :) Its easier said than done!
^^ Schedules from the start pays dividends down the road for sure.
I'll tell you what though, after 18 years I fear the "quiet"! I miss my babies man!