Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Glad u are back on the island don.
island, reservation whatevs man lol, glad your getting some sleep in lad. hope you don;t have a wailer. i just spent 2 hours in the largest shopping centre in europe, you are never more than 30 ft from a screaming infant and bank holiday is like x3. someone changed their kid in the store i was in before i went in to try some shorts. gnarly is not the word...
Ew dude... no need to change the kid right there. I have to say our little one really is a blessing. She doesn't scream and cry like all that. She's actually really good, I'm just a wuss. I seriously can't imagine having a kid who doesn't sleep well, or doesn't eat well, or has gas. Don't know how single parents do it at all. This is a challenge. It's quite fun when it's not the middle of the night.

Bobo, I don't envy you. Thanks for making me feel lucky. Hehe, our little one is bubbling out the poo right now. It's such a funny sound. It's like when you get to the bottom of the ketchup jar, or the last of the conditioner bottle. Lol.. I love when I spell a word so poorly the spell check suggest something completely different. Spelled ketchup so wrong it only suggested satsuma. Having to guess a spelling close enough to the real one to actually get the real one suggested is sometime harder than expected. And I even have a college degree.
We are getting ready to head out on the town with the babe. I'm going to Home Depot and Petsmart while wife tears up Target with her mom and child. Then we'll pick up lunch or maybe even dine in if we feel lucky. I might get a phone too. :)

My plants are looking nice although the Grape Kush are hungry for N. Going to need to address nutrients soon as I think the roots soil is about dried up in that regard.
Keep it up Poppa.

On the topic of interesting spell checking suggestions, this odd one
was still being done in MS Word up until only a few years ago.



Take care,


I cant wait for this. :-) Its gonna be much better with my wife NOT pregnant...LOL. I love the hell out of her but this has made her beyond emotional and moody at times. Not to mention this has not been an easy pregnancy either. 35 wks and counting brother!

I know this is a total high-jack... But I snapped a picture of my outdoor sour-bubble and my almost completed grow cab! woohoo! LOL. I only get to share with all of you so pardon my excitement.... :)

we're on the kusp of potty training atm, they say the earlier you start the longer it takes. Nice plant sg, what strain? Yeah jig sleeping baby's are cool, Mines not settling at the min grr lol but it wont be long.
we're on the kusp of potty training atm, they say the earlier you start the longer it takes. Nice plant sg, what strain? Yeah jig sleeping baby's are cool, Mines not settling at the min grr lol but it wont be long.

I think the opposite.... especially if kids get to see mom and dad go, then they get the idea super quick... But WTF do I know. :-)

Sleeping babies are cool because they are cute, quiet and not needing anything...LOL! Its the only time you get to marvel at what you made and/or sleep.

The strain is BOG's Sour-Bubble. it doesn't yield heavy at all, but will smack you in the back of the head pretty hard. great for pain relief.

Currently have that, Diablo og, and Blue Dream. Looking to add some others to my mom line up too hopefully. :) Love the free CA sun. :)
WooHoo... nice cab SomeGuy. Really really nice. No problem posting up pics... it is a weed growing website after all. I should take pics of my gals.

So stoked for you and the wife. I hope it's soon for you. I know I love having my wife back. I didn't really care as much for the pregnant lady I lived with for 9 months. (don't take it the wrong way Mrs jig)
Wife declared that cycyling home 40 minutes on a bike makes her a bit too breathless, okay then ya woosy, seriously I did not, and would not say such folly to my dearest, she is core in my eyes, HARD CORE!. So next week I think we get the bus to our Bump lesson.:)

did I menion all the nationalities that are there? I am sure I told someone, lol.
We are going to be using cloth diapers here soon. Only reason we haven't started yet is they are so fluffy they make the little one like a weeble wobble. hahaha

DId I mention to you guys that my parolee buddy is in an apartment!!!? Well if I didn't, here you go. :) Stoked for him.

Been a week of 12/12 for the ladies. The J-1 is all clustered up already. Will snap some pics.
have you discussed getting him set up so he can make a living for himself?. it's the first thing i thought of when i read that he has an apartment.

how are you jig? managed any decent nights sleep yet?.
He's been working since April... that's how he's in the apartment.

And yeah, we are working out the schedules. Each getting enough sleep. Now that we've discovered the gold mine in mom in law watching baby we are doing really good. I feel rested, wife feels rested.. she's actually wearing real clothes for the first time in 3 weeks!!! We got 15 minutes this morning where we laid together... that was nice. Haven't had that in a while. I got the drywall up out in the back room. I've been trimming my plants up a little, giving them some TLC. I brushed the cats. Dusted the house... shit... it's like we don't have a kid with all the stuff we are getting done.

Oh, and totally cool is the gifts just keep rolling in. People I don't even know how they know we have a kid... much less what our address is. It's actually kinda creepy. Like how the hell you know where I live. I ain't talked to you since I moved here 6 years ago. No worries though... I'll keep the goods. We actually got a $250 kiddo backpack thing. Super official looking backpacking type pack to put kid on your back and go hiking. Looks a serious piece of gear.

Roofer is coming over today to give me a quote. Assuming he can finish the work this week, and assuming I can finish the electrical, wife will be ready to move in next week.. just when she wanted to start working anyhow. Crazy how she is itching to get back to work... I truly do not understand ambition. I just like chillin with the babe... pounding a few nails here and there... grow a plant or two. Wife's like I need to feel productive.


Hope you are having a good one GHB. I'm sure you are pretty busted up the Ashes are finally over. ;) lol... probably didn't even know. I'm bummed though.
Grats for your buddy!! clothe diapers are nice when they are clean, suck when they are dirty, but sure are more cost effective and better for the environment!
fair play to the guy, he has done well, i guess i just think it is easy for everybody to grow or even that people would want to grow. but seriously, have a word.

in truth the ashes were over a fortnight ago, i don't understand why they have to keep playing when the other team can't win, madness.

and yes, you guessed right, i'm not a cricket fan, god knows how you are.
We are going to be using cloth diapers here soon. Only reason we haven't started yet is they are so fluffy they make the little one like a weeble wobble. hahaha

DId I mention to you guys that my parolee buddy is in an apartment!!!? Well if I didn't, here you go. :) Stoked for him.

Been a week of 12/12 for the ladies. The J-1 is all clustered up already. Will snap some pics.

I have a feeling you will go back to regular diapies, but i do hope cloth works out for you! lol, have you dealt with the poopy all the way down their back or coming out the sides yet? Most of the complaints i hear are of the "pad" for soaking doesnt hold very much and that other than being eco friendly, they are not very convenient and make changing a hassle. Remember youve got about 3 years and change of diaper changing to go. Keep us updated.
We are gonna do some cloth diapers also Jig. I still have to rig the the DIY diaper washer to the Seems like there are constant additions to my project list. My folks are moving and I have been helping them too. I have been feeling like I have a ton of shit to get done before this baby comes and NONE of it is nearing completion. My mother plants are getting big and I need to clone and go to flower with the big ones... Cabinet needs to be finished first...

I think I need to chill the fuck out and have multiple bags (volcano) and some beers. I feel that masta-bubba wax calling me... LOL

Wish your buddy well. Its an uphill battle but can be done.

Look forward to the pic update. ;)
I think a true green diaper is one thats disposable, but compostable. Bam, invention... make it happen.

Its called, big ass banana leaves
One bit about the cloth diapers... the fact that they don't soak up the pee makes them more uncomforable for the kids... making them potty train earlier. Average cloth diaper kid trains at 2 years, average huggies kid trains at 3 1/2 years. That's enough for me. Plus they look cool.

And haven't had a true poop blow out yet. She's managed to get poo all up her front, and a bit up her back, but I can' only imagine the crazy messes in store. Has yet to blow out the diaper yet.

And someguy. Man... I understand getting stuff done at the last minute. I'm so glad I did all I did before she was here. It's not really easy to get shit done anymore.

Roofers said $450, and that they could do it Friday. Wife said, do it! I hope it's a good price.

I'm going to snap the plant pics now. Here's baby stuff to tide you over.

baby helping work in the office

Mama holding the littlin

Bad ass baby gear. Drying rack for bottles and accesories. Necessary if you want to actually use the old drying rack for adult dishes.

Bottle warmer next to the kettle.

Baby backpack. It's called a Poco plus
I think a true green diaper is one thats disposable, but compostable. Bam, invention... make it happen.

Its called, big ass banana leaves

Dude... ultimate in green diaper. Wife knows some peeps that live in Berkely and take their liberal wacko ness seriously. The are doing no daipers lol. Yeah... No... daipers. Not sure how that works... apparently a lot of pads??? I'm sure the kid won't be vaccinated either. Really good combo... no vaccines and shit all over the place. Hooray for being new wave.