Skunk- How is it you can sex in veg? Pardon my noob in this situation but I kept my strain for 5 years before having to change now and realizing that I really need to start from seed now. I know that I read somewhere in your thread that you do not like to re-veg because it produces a less healthier mom. Is this true?
Im still trying to figure out jewish candy
Bears- By april it should get a lot more interesting. Thanks for stopping by
Gi Joe- The grow? yeah thats the point. If you read the thread you would know I was trying to test improovments. That is beside detailing a simpler shelf building technique for people who don't have the equitment GB had to build his room.
Im still trying to figure out jewish candy

Bears- By april it should get a lot more interesting. Thanks for stopping by

Gi Joe- The grow? yeah thats the point. If you read the thread you would know I was trying to test improovments. That is beside detailing a simpler shelf building technique for people who don't have the equitment GB had to build his room.