went to the local grow store because his prices online were a bit cheaper then amazon and ebay. other thngs his prics are wayy too high.
i got 2 cocotek 5kg bales... i figure that should work if not i can always buy more.
then he had 10 liters of clay pebbles thee for 10 bucks. i was going to spend 20 on ebay because i wasnt sure how many i would need.. this looks like enough.
hard to see, but its maxibloom and my vert socket.... finally got that. just some updates thats all.
Nylons work great for keeping bugs out. Doesn't restrict air flow noticeably. Put a piece of tape on the toe and attach it arms length up the inside of your ducting. Pull the open end of the hose out and pull it around the outside of the duct, then tape it in place or use a big rubber band. Don't worry if the tape holding the toe lets go, it will still work fine. You may need to replace it occasionally if you live in a "buggy" area. I replace mine each new grow. May not be as good as a dustshroom, but the price is right.So i checked on them, and getting air from inside made me have a wasp infestation. i took care of all the live ones without the need for pesticides.. so, i took a muscle shirt and stretched it over the hole so it doesnt suck anymore bugs in. going to try to post pics, and get supplies for the start of my vertical grow. didnt get anything yet.
Here they are I hope..
Here's a couple pics of the growth. I ran out of the botanicare nutes so I'm using my dyne gro nutres and they seem to be responding well. No issues yet.....
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Here's one of the side growth...
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This is the pictures of my screening job I did for the intake. Lol
here's a pic of the window itself... Don't mind the shit.
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Here's the thing I use, it's from a portable ac but the ac is shit. This is with the screens already in.
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Look closely and you can see the screen. That is the part that hangs in the window.
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Look close in this, and you can see the screen. This attaches to the thing above. It's like a 4 part thing to put it I'm the window using a portable, but I just just the window thing.. Useful enough for me.
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Here is a close up of what I did. I double screened it to make sure it works.
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A little about the closet now....
From my journal you can see I had a tent and white poly In it. Well I took all that out and repainted it flat while
here is a pic of the left wall as you walk I'm that is painted.
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Here is another shot of the front left and part of the door way where I just hang a thick blanket... I will def be investing in a door lmao.. Some time,
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Here's some pics what I did with the window, to make it so I can hook my inline fan up, and use outside air instead of ac!!
Here is the portable ac thing in the window.
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To hide all light leaks, I used a blanket I had laying around and stapled and screwed it to the window so no light gets in, and none gets out...
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Here's a couple pics of the fan attached to ducting...
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Thought I had everything good until I found this... Nothing a bit of tape can't patch though....
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Here's my new electrical setup... Looks empty compared to last ones...
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Here are pics with everything in there. The black empty pots, idk if u can see them but that's how I'm going to do my wow when I get my fencing and stuff. I got 2 5kg bales of coco so it should be enough.. Kiss feeding.
This is the left side of the closet
...thank you for the kudos bro but it's really gonna be on you whether or not you can make this work, all i've done is point you in the direction i use myself and i've advocated for it because it is a very simple and forgiving combination of methods that can be very effective.
...but whether or not you succeed will be up to how willing you are to dig into the threads i've linked you to. ...keep in mind to that my way isn't the only way, it's not even the only way to implement the same basic strategys, ...knowledge is power bro so the more time you spend acquiring it the more free knowledge you find along the way, little nuggets of data that help you fill in the bigger picture in your mind.
...anyway, lol, here is another of those most valuable threads that will teach you many things you didn't know you needed to know.
AC Boxes Made Easy (to understand and build)
...the advantage i have is that i've been at this for a minute so i know where to find some of the more valuable threads and while many of the threads i've linked you to are long, most are still active with either the original poster still there answering questions or other, equally qualified members, ...in this particular case the thread is near 6 years old and the op is still active although he covers the topic in great detail so if you just read the thread by the time you get to the end all that you should need to do is thank him for sharing, lol, ...by that time you'll have already found all your answers.
peace, bozo
I used to clone in Coco all the time. I tried to use the small clear plastic bathroom cups. Put the Coco tight around the stem really moist. Then I would put them under a dome for 2-3 days or longer. Keep the Coco moist. Then in 2 weeks or less you will have roots. These days I just clone in a aero cloner with plain tap water. It is beyond easy. I'm sure it is more elaborate ways to clone in Coco but this is just what I use to do.
...morning man, first off you should know that my own closet typically runs above 80 degrees during lights on with no problems at all, the important thing to being able to run at 80 plus is good exhaust AND good air movement within the space itself, i have a rather large fan blowing straight up at the bulb plus i have 2 oscillating fans just blowing on the plants which helps promote stronger growth and helps prevent powdery mildew, ...the point being that 80 degrees is no big whoop so long as you have good exhaust and air movement.
...as for cloning, i share a link to a thread that helped me master cloning some years ago, before this i had been cloning with rockwool cubes for nearly a year until i upgraded to a bubble cloner that i also used for about a year, year and a half before i found this Walmart cloner that worked so well that i still use it in the original way, ...my grobro on the other hand has been using coco with good success now for many months but his methods are somewhat different than the original method,
World class cloner new at walmart
...so learn the original method first and that will require that you spend about $8.00 for a bag of vermiculite which is available at Lowes, Home Depot, most decent hardware stores and i'd guess all decent garden centers, ...the point being it's cheap and easy to find. ...you'll also need an ice-tube-tray which is available at Walmart although you may have to go looking around in the store, sometimes you find them in housewares where other ice cube trays are to be found and sometimes you can only find them in sporting goods because their intended purpose is to make ice TUBES that fit into water bottles for cyclists and hikers and such. (it's also available at REI and some other decent sporting goods stores and they can even be ordered from Amazon and delivered if you like)
...if you are interested here is a link to my build thread on the cloning/seed start box i built specifically for the purpose of housing 4 of these cloners, that's how convinced i was then and how convinced i still am almost a half dozen years later, lol. (it turns out it was only 3 years ago i built this box)
my micro cloning factory...PL-L's and Walmart cloners doing the job!
...btw, here's a couple pics of my DIY bubble cloner that i was using very successfully when my friend pointed me at the Walmart cloner, ...i only decided to try it because after some reading it looked so easy to do and it was CHEAP so what the hell, lol, ...this bubble cloner has been retired now for at least 4 years, it's just not needed any more.
...now here's a few of the ice-tube-tray cloner that works so simply it's almost set and forget, no pumps, no domes, no nothing, lol.
...and not to confuse the issue but to illustrate that once you master the Walmart cloner you'll be able to make ANY cloning method work, here's a couple shots of a couple that were cloned directly into cups of coco, lol.
...trust me bro, if you read that thread and follow it's few simple directions you WILL succeed.
peace, bozo