Vertical stadium HPS+LED - TGA Apollo 11,Cheese Quake,Ace of Spades,9 other strains


Well-Known Member
I know, void.. Ima nutshell. :)

im down for campout brotha! Even if its cold my man, I used to camp in the snow when I lived up north... Wouldn't believe the insulative properties of snow until ya experience it!

got all stoned at a friends' house and left my weed over at his place :( But I'm sure he's happy with it ;) (I told him smoke up and I'll get what I can back :) )

I fookin needs me a solid several ounce harvest!!!!!!!!!

so, in an effort I'm starting more beans. Went out to the grove today and got about 20 gallons of uber nice forest floor mix, and several cans(maybe a gallon) worm castings. The deer droppings are scarce.. Mixed with Diatomaceous Earth... And screened through 1/4" hardware cloth to a very nice blend.

The only thing I worry about is compaction, not having the natural sized layers again. I may grab a bag of perlite to throw in, we'll see after I water in a petunia I'm trying to hold over for spring.

I also uppotted my Ghost Chili! Now in a 3.5 gallon nursery pot. Gonna trim and throw in a closet-cab. Should be awesome next year! Already about 3' tall, LST'd and like 5 main shoots.

Ok, enough rambling... Once Upon A Time is about to start. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow that new veg plant looks like it is gonna be a killer!!! I bet you will gt some realllllly nice results off of her!

Good look with your Ghost Chili Owl!


Well-Known Member
Woohoo got rooted cuts now on ace #1 and genius x deep chunk #1 (the super frosty slo mo one) -- hoping the other cuts take root, especially the other ace cut in there (the most purple in appearance one)

Big Red loved her feeding and is taking off like crazy.. i'm gonna have to do more tieing to get the colas spread out better. Owl your cuts are finally starting to really take off in growth I am betting when I water them next (they haven't gotten much water since their transplant I like to let them stretch into their new homes before I water'em) they are gonna explode. Baby cuts are doing good in their solos and will go to bigger pots as soon as they show new veg growth. All the seedlings are doing good. The last 2 to sprout are a bit stunted-runty (especially one) but both growing noticably so I'm sure they'll grow out of it. They also look more sativa than the others.

Big red's mom in flower is hanging on but just barely... looks like she'll make it to day 49... i'm giving her just water til then... as soon as the major fan leaves are gone i'm cutting her. She's looking really good otherwise as far as bud development... she looks like she is gonna be a fast finisher.


Well-Known Member
Oh that's great man! Make sure voidling gets the ones he wants.. I'll be fine with beans and such, but maybe an AOS has my name on it? :)

soo sleepy tonight. Ahh! Lights! Gotta run!


Well-Known Member
My main interest is my bb2. That strawberry cut would be quite nice too. I've also lost all my roms and sparkle I believe. Bah. Got one Apollo definitely rooted in my swc flower box :)


Well-Known Member
Getting close! Looks like big red mom will make it to day 49 at least :) she got water this morning + a bit of EJ microblast. she looks like she has a deficiency maybe but doesn't really look like the pics i've seen.... she's so close to done, i'm just gonna let her finish as she does there's no time to save her it's time to be done with nutes for her.

Just trying to decide when to switch with water on the rest... guess the ones I expect to be done by end of next week it's time to start :) Looks like only the Aces will be done at day 56, though the CQs might. Almost everything else looks more like day 63, or even longer on the apollos possibly. We'll see.



Well-Known Member
Getting chunky!! Gotta stop by and whiff the goodness! How the new lights doing for ya? Or too soon to tell?


Well-Known Member
More like smell the funk... halloween is gonna be rough... i'm gonna have to really funk up the house with cover up scents (good and bad) -- the ozone generator was working great when i first turned it back on.... but the grow room funk seems to be winning now!! Several of the plants have gotten REAL funky smelling. I call it death socks. Like a skunk crawled into a super funky gym sock and died. Particularly the cheeses and genius x deep chunks... i do NOT care for the smell...

Did last big feeding... 5 gallon plants got support bamboo stakes for the heavy branches... still worried about a light harvest -- hoping everything really plumps up the next week and a half or gets super dense


Well-Known Member
Last week or so is when the plumy comes on, so just keep pushing! That cheese is probably gonna be heavy smoke.


Well-Known Member
More like smell the funk... halloween is gonna be rough... i'm gonna have to really funk up the house with cover up scents (good and bad) -- the ozone generator was working great when i first turned it back on.... but the grow room funk seems to be winning now!! Several of the plants have gotten REAL funky smelling. I call it death socks. Like a skunk crawled into a super funky gym sock and died. Particularly the cheeses and genius x deep chunks... i do NOT care for the smell...

Did last big feeding... 5 gallon plants got support bamboo stakes for the heavy branches... still worried about a light harvest -- hoping everything really plumps up the next week and a half or gets super dense
Thats interesting about the gym sock funk. So far my CQs have a very pleasant fruity smell with some creaminess, if that makes sense. Like how Subcool described buttery grape cake. Haha!


Well-Known Member
both of my CQs are querkle dominant... not stretchy with indica like buds. Haven't grown querkle yet though so not sure :) Got pics of both... the plants might as well be twins except for one being in a bigger container

Big news for the day is rooted clones!

4/6 apollos rooted
2/6 ace #6 rooted
1/2 genius x deep chunk #1 rooted

I already moved them into solos upstairs. There are still some more in the dome i'm waiting to see if they root but guessing i'll only get one or two more maybe... we'll see. i really want the other ace cut in there from a different plant to root but there's only one and it hasn't yet.

Cheesequake #6

Ace of Spades #6

Genius x Deep Chunk #1 (EVA)

Cheesequake #1
Just checked out all the new pictures.. Everything looks better than expected I hope everything goes well the last few weeks.. Those are for sure some frosty buds


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are all starting to plump up more and more daily.... only gotta get 1.5oz each to hit my goal, so crossing fingers on that.... they're a bit small so hoping for density :)

They look much better in person -- the lights i take pics under aren't very bright and no flash on the camera... though i just got a new one for my birthday so will probably try taking pics with it next time.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but is that a nanner I see in the third AOS picture??? Be careful!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Could very well be steril at this point in flower but your right, something to keep an eye on. If your going to run subs stuff your going to have to deal with that. Maybe he's cleaned things up in the last couple of years but when I was running tga gear easily more than half of everything had nanners


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was I already plucked it with tweezers... real small. I didn't find any on the others I'm wondering if it might have anything to do with that being the one right under UV bulbs :)

I'm planning on putting big red's mom in the dark for the weekend and cutting her monday... may go earlier depending on leaves... or maybe even longer if she doesn't lose too much between now and then... but it's getting close aces should be done by the end of next week and maybe even the CQ... i'm sure the apollo won't but you never know.... i don't have anything to go into flower at the moment though and super soil is only going to be 2 weeks old at that point. bummer. Should have some to go in towards end of november at least though. Poor planning. May have to pop some more seeds....


Well-Known Member
Yeah 1.5 each is the goal for this round... any more would just be a bonus :) i'm wondering if i'm even gonna get that on these aces if they don't swell up and get hella dense.

My cut on the black cherry soda-est pheno did not survive... so no cut on the most purple-cherry soda one :( which definitely means time to order a couple packs of seeds....

So here's the big red mom from seed from last night (day 48 -- she looks like she'll make it to day 56... barely... trichs are not yet fully mature :(

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