VERY low potency weed, no idea what caused it

I wonder if it's really worth it for me trying to do this. I was thinking of maybe doing it with 10 grams or something, I doubt I will end up with a lot of concentrate from that amount of weed.
And can I just smoke that stuff in a joint or would I need a dab rig for that?
I think I'm just going to do it with what I have for now, just use the vodka I have anyway and throw in 10 grams of weed, let it sit for a while, filter, then just take shots of it, fuck getting rid of the alcohol lol.

The vodka stuff. You can make into a liqueur. Keep it on top the fridge. Try to maintain it at 80°f. Shake it every once in a while. I triple dog dare you let it age for at least 3 months.

I can't prove it but Green Dragon seems to get stronger the longer it ages. Fresh made tincture works. After a few months, it seems like it takes less drops and it's a deeper buzz.
Less to bind to meaning it will probably extract less cannabinoids from the weed than with stronger alcohol?
I have no idea what an iso extraction is so I will stay away from it lol.
Thanks for the help man, and good luck with making your own e-juice.

Ok I'm pretty sure you are (sort of) right as I experienced extracting chlorophyll with water by making coconut oil/butter infused with weed, and the leftover water was full of it, but I just googled chlorophyll and this is what it says:
"Chlorophyll is not soluble in water"

I'm confused.

me too, same goes for spinach, the water rinse or cook is green too.
maybe I'm wrong, sorta too?:P
The vodka stuff. You can make into a liqueur. Keep it on top the fridge. Try to maintain it at 80°f. Shake it every once in a while. I triple dog dare you let it age for at least 3 months.

I can't prove it but Green Dragon seems to get stronger the longer it ages. Fresh made tincture works. After a few months, it seems like it takes less drops and it's a deeper buzz.
Yea I guess I'm going to do this. Probably just let it age for 1 month though, luckily I'm immune to dares lol, I'm not that much of a fan of ingesting weed, as it's not that predictable and usually hits me way harder than smoking it so I'll not go overboard right away. Maybe if I liked it I will do another batch and let it age for 3 months but I'll dip my toe in the water before I jump in, don't want to get eaten by the green dragon that lurks in the water lol.

me too, same goes for spinach, the water rinse or cook is green too.
maybe I'm wrong, sorta too?:P
I have no clue lol.
Ah well it's not like it's poison so I'm not too worried about it.
Maybe you need a week break to get your tolerance back in line. I've cut way back on my smoking the last 4 weeks due to a spot of trouble I found myself in, and I get high as fuck when I do smoke.
lol recently went on holiday and had to smoke shit euroweed for a week. When I got back home I was baked like a virgin again made the holiday all that bit sweeter :eyesmoke:
Back to the low potency thing.

I've read a study that correlates what nutrients are in the plant(tissue analysis) and the increase or decrease of both CBD and THC. I believe they have several strain involved in that study and found significant correlation between the NPK's and micronutrients with CBD and THC.

Too lazy to look for it now but I thought that was interesting.
Heat doesn't always hurt. Here my out doors sees well over a 100 degrees all summer and well over 90's in flower.

The reason it works is the roots are in the ground and cool. If you have high grow room temps insulate your pots. Keep the root zone cool.

Sometimes a plant is inferior. It just happens. Just like one in a hundred can be a jewel, one can be a dud.
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Heat doesn't always hurt. Here my out doors sees well over a 100 degrees all summer and well over 90's in flower.

The reason it works is the roots are in the ground and cool. If you have high grow room temps I safe your pots. Keep the root zone cool.

Sometimes a plant is inferior. It just happens. Just like one in a hundred can be a jewel, one can be a dud.

This little guy was on the side of a wall. 105+ in the summer 90+ during early flowering and never given any attention or nutes. Survived in heavy clay soil watered for 5 mins 3 x's a day before sunrise from the grass sprinkler system.
Smoke wasn't special. Tiny but fairly healthy.
I'm 100% organic for over a year on my lawn and garden. This was several years ago when I used synthetic lawn ferts.
did you let gary goodson take care of your plants for a wile ? this is why they turned out all shitty .

Back to the low potency thing.

I've read a study that correlates what nutrients are in the plant(tissue analysis) and the increase or decrease of both CBD and THC. I believe they have several strain involved in that study and found significant correlation between the NPK's and micronutrients with CBD and THC.

Too lazy to look for it now but I thought that was interesting.
Interesting, feel free to post the actual study if you find it as I want to read it but I'm way too high to figure out how to google it atm.

Sometimes a plant is inferior. It just happens. Just like one in a hundred can be a jewel, one can be a dud.
Yea but I had 2 plants, and I'm not entirely sure because I didn't process and store the weed separately but I think they're both about equal in strength.
I think that makes it very unlikely that it was genetics but who knows. I'm hoping not though. These clones I got going now better give me some quality high this time, or I'm fucked.
Ok read most the thread now... Definitely heat man. To put your mind at ease i taught a buddy to grow. Used half a pack. He refused to modify the grow room to drop the heat so i didn't argue. Let a monkey learn how a monkey learns. Looked great growin. had no smell no taste no potency super fluffy. I asked him again if he wanted to listen to me next time around and the other half of the pack came out great. You CANNOT have temps above eighty degrees without co2. Not even for a day. Will a day destroy it? No. But if you have it in your mind eighty is unacceptable EVER you will guarantee this doesn't happen again. Good luck on the second half of your beans. They still have potential.
What about cannabis that's grown outdoors? I'm in the NW where it's been in the 90s several times in August. They are 4 weeks into flower and the three biggest are stinky like I've ever smelled. Seriously. I've still got my ozone generator going because it's cloudy and the stink hasn't dissipated yet. Landscapers are at my neighbors house taking care of his lawn, so this is a very bad time to be stinky...
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