Well-Known Member
I wonder if it's really worth it for me trying to do this. I was thinking of maybe doing it with 10 grams or something, I doubt I will end up with a lot of concentrate from that amount of weed.
And can I just smoke that stuff in a joint or would I need a dab rig for that?
I think I'm just going to do it with what I have for now, just use the vodka I have anyway and throw in 10 grams of weed, let it sit for a while, filter, then just take shots of it, fuck getting rid of the alcohol lol.
The vodka stuff. You can make into a liqueur. Keep it on top the fridge. Try to maintain it at 80°f. Shake it every once in a while. I triple dog dare you let it age for at least 3 months.
I can't prove it but Green Dragon seems to get stronger the longer it ages. Fresh made tincture works. After a few months, it seems like it takes less drops and it's a deeper buzz.