Very new.. could use some help

if you're looking for a good site with pointers on growing, check out They provide great advice and walk you through the steps to growing.

Again...wish you the best on your grow and welcome to the forums.
400w is about the biggest light you would want for that 2x2 space. You want to set everything up beforehand. Lights,fan, odor control, exhaust, temps (throughout the height of the tent) humidity and breakers or fuses all need to be checked before growing. Seeds would take two weeks to deliver (may sit in customs).it takes a few days to germinate and a seedling would take a month to mature enough to start flowering. I would hold off on the canna and try to grow something else in the tent first. Going on vacation in the middle of flowering is not a good idea imo. Too many variables that could make you homeless or busted to be left unattended.
400w is about the biggest light you would want for that 2x2 space. You want to set everything up beforehand. Lights,fan, odor control, exhaust, temps (throughout the height of the tent) humidity and breakers or fuses all need to be checked before growing. Seeds would take two weeks to deliver (may sit in customs).it takes a few days to germinate and a seedling would take a month to mature enough to start flowering. I would hold off on the canna and try to grow something else in the tent first. Going on vacation in the middle of flowering is not a good idea imo. Too many variables that could make you homeless or busted to be left unattended.

@Dr.Pecker Do you think the 400 is too much for 4 square feet? Just using the rough guideline of 50 watts per square foot, that would be 200watts. I'm wondering if he'd be better off with a 250....cheaper to run, less heat, plenty of light. Unless he's planning to move up to a 3x3 tent might be too much.
a 250 or an led would be fine for that area, you could put a 400 in there, but you'd have to have it in a hood with a fan, no way you could put an open 400 in that space.
even the 250 might give you small heat issues if you can't vent it somewhere
@Dr.Pecker Do you think the 400 is too much for 4 square feet? Just using the rough guideline of 50 watts per square foot, that would be 200watts. I'm wondering if he'd be better off with a 250....cheaper to run, less heat, plenty of light. Unless he's planning to move up to a 3x3 tent might be too much.

I believe I said not to go over 400w. Obviously you would need a hood and exhaust.
LED would probably do great in that small space as well as for heat management
That's a great idea you could probably find a panel that would cover the whole thing.

I've never grown before. To be honest it's been years since I've smoked, however I'm more looking to benefit from the medicinal standpoint and seeing as my state will probably never legalize even medical cannabis, I'm exploring alternatives.

My wife has okay'd a small grow tent, I'm going to be doing a 2x2x5.1 gorilla which has already been ordered. I'm still confused as to what kind of lighting, as I'm only going to be growing probably one plant at a time, but that is not the subject of this thread.

I've read up quite a bit on these forums but still have a few questions and was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem: I'm still very confused about the flowering time estimates on the website I may order seeds from. They list the flowering time as 50-60 days.

Does this mean I am waiting 50-60 days from seed to harvest, or is this 50-60 days from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12 after veg?

Assuming it happens from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12, what do I do if I see myself being away from home for about 7-10 days during time flowering time? Not sure I trust automatic watering.

If I'm going on vacation at the end of December, is there any feasible way right now that I could grow something to harvest by that time, and if not how do I care for the plants while I'm away?

Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been answered.
Man U are new. My $0.02 for what it's worth. Order seeds marked beginner or easy until you have 3 or 4 SUCCESFUL grows under your belt. Flowering times as advertised run from inaccurate to laughable. In my 10 years of occasionally buying seeds ( make my own fems.) I have never seen one finish within 10 days of as advertised. 1 ran over 35 days. Flip wait 7 days, then start countdown to harvest, after a couple of grows you will know when to harvest no need to track days. Twalte is prob. right on the mats, I have used the glass globes with the spout for up to 5 days, I wouldn't trust them for longer, However you can learn to make larger ones on YouTube from soda bottles. Test thoroughly b4 trusting. First grow, 2x2, I would go cfls, least expensive move around for good coverage.NO heat issues. 1 plant, not more than 250 actual watts needed. My bet no more than 175 for your fast harvest. B4 Xmas grow harvest= Small pot, 2 gal. max. top once.12x12 from start or not more than 5 or 6 days. There is a strain out there called Freedom 45, couple of grow journals on RIU make it a legit. 55 day flip to harvest strain. if U can find it maybe your best bet for a quick harvest. Don't know its degree of difficulty. A word for success , Get a ph. pen and a ppm. pen, noobs tend to give this a low priority It is a HIGH priority. Also as soon as your plant can take neuts. (based on plant development) get nitrogen into it. Nitrogen deficiency will show up as the first prob for noobs (other than damping). Head it off...Good luck. Post and let us know how things go.
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I've never grown before. To be honest it's been years since I've smoked, however I'm more looking to benefit from the medicinal standpoint and seeing as my state will probably never legalize even medical cannabis, I'm exploring alternatives.

My wife has okay'd a small grow tent, I'm going to be doing a 2x2x5.1 gorilla which has already been ordered. I'm still confused as to what kind of lighting, as I'm only going to be growing probably one plant at a time, but that is not the subject of this thread.

I've read up quite a bit on these forums but still have a few questions and was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem: I'm still very confused about the flowering time estimates on the website I may order seeds from. They list the flowering time as 50-60 days.

Does this mean I am waiting 50-60 days from seed to harvest, or is this 50-60 days from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12 after veg?

Assuming it happens from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12, what do I do if I see myself being away from home for about 7-10 days during time flowering time? Not sure I trust automatic watering.

If I'm going on vacation at the end of December, is there any feasible way right now that I could grow something to harvest by that time, and if not how do I care for the plants while I'm away?

Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been answered.
Your flowering time is gonna be estimated after U switch to 12/'ll be given a "from seed" time period most likely on autos.
You seem like your in a hurry and want things now and quick....maybe growings not for you. We're talking about plants here not sex... You don't even have your lights or setup and you want bud for December? Dude slow down your wife and plants will be happier if you did. Start you grow when you get back problem solved......on to the next one!