I've never grown before. To be honest it's been years since I've smoked, however I'm more looking to benefit from the medicinal standpoint and seeing as my state will probably never legalize even medical cannabis, I'm exploring alternatives.
My wife has okay'd a small grow tent, I'm going to be doing a 2x2x5.1 gorilla which has already been ordered. I'm still confused as to what kind of lighting, as I'm only going to be growing probably one plant at a time, but that is not the subject of this thread.
I've read up quite a bit on these forums but still have a few questions and was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem: I'm still very confused about the flowering time estimates on the website I may order seeds from. They list the flowering time as 50-60 days.
Does this mean I am waiting 50-60 days from seed to harvest, or is this 50-60 days from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12 after veg?
Assuming it happens from the time I switch my lighting to 12/12, what do I do if I see myself being away from home for about 7-10 days during time flowering time? Not sure I trust automatic watering.
If I'm going on vacation at the end of December, is there any feasible way right now that I could grow something to harvest by that time, and if not how do I care for the plants while I'm away?
Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been answered.