Veterans see access to medical marijuana curtailed over doctors' concerns

See what I mean? Look how non relaxed you are, and psychotic. I rest my case.
No, I don't see what you mean. I'm perfectly relaxed. You are the one spewing bullshit and getting worked up over the use of your tax dollars. You even go so far as to recite Harper-era anti-marihuana propaganda in a failed attempt to justify your ignorance. Might just be you who is psychotic. You should try some mmj to relax. Hook yourself up with some of that LP poison. Ask for extra myclobutanil.
What, they were getting 10 g a day on the taxpayers? At LP prices that's at least $100 a day. Are you fucking kidding me? Give em some goddamn valium and tell em to grow the hell up. Fucking pussies. See a few heads get blown off and they crack. PTSD my ass. It's pussy boy syndrome.

Actually, I think I've heard that it's not stress that causes the conditions, it's chemicals used on the war fields, or something like that, I don't recall exactly. Could probably find out about it by searching. Dropping all em bombs is gonna spread some crap around, that's for sure. Anyway, doubt if weed would help, and way too expensive. Guess I was a little harsh above. No disrespect to vets intended. Just seemed like a drain on taxpayers. Maybe it's from blast waves injuring the brain, page.
are you for real?
herb would be cheaper and still is if they didn't want to charge 9 plus a gram lol...
man way to have respect for those that served...some people just suck...meaning you bob
the gov has just found out how good mmj works for PTSD...and now they want out...ha..
most of those guys could qualify for 4 or 5 things that mmj helps for...give them what they need...
they have earned it.
where the problem lies is with the greedy LP's who are overcharging,vets for their prescriptions....period.
man way to have respect for those that served...some people just suck...meaning you bob
the gov has just found out how good mmj works for PTSD...and now they want out...ha..
most of those guys could qualify for 4 or 5 things that mmj helps for...give them what they need...
they have earned it.
where the problem lies is with the greedy LP's who are overcharging,vets for their prescriptions....period.
Pretty sure you're allowed to grow your own med weed now. Are vets lazy fuckers who prefer to have others grow it and then charge the taxpayers? Who said it had to come from an LP? Must be sweet getting 10 g of free weed a day though. I can see why they don't like getting it reduced to 3. I damn sure don't smoke 10 g a day. Pretty ridiculous really. What's that, like a joint every 30 minutes of the day? They must do nothing but lay on the fucking coach all day chain smoking joints and eating Cheetos.
Pretty sure you're allowed to grow your own med weed now. Are vets lazy fuckers who prefer to have others grow it and then charge the taxpayers? Who said it had to come from an LP? Must be sweet getting 10 g of free weed a day though. I can see why they don't like getting it reduced to 3. I damn sure don't smoke 10 g a day. Pretty ridiculous really. What's that, like a joint every 30 minutes of the day? They must do nothing but lay on the fucking coach all day chain smoking joints and eating Cheetos.
Why are you here? You do nothing but insult people.

Did you know Bob, that the government doesn't really support home growing...not to mention the physical demands of growing...lazy vets...
Pretty sure you're allowed to grow your own med weed now. Are vets lazy fuckers who prefer to have others grow it and then charge the taxpayers? Who said it had to come from an LP? Must be sweet getting 10 g of free weed a day though. I can see why they don't like getting it reduced to 3. I damn sure don't smoke 10 g a day. Pretty ridiculous really. What's that, like a joint every 30 minutes of the day? They must do nothing but lay on the fucking coach all day chain smoking joints and eating Cheetos.
You're a fuckin' tool. Go crawl back under your rock you ungrateful fuk!
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Why are you here? You do nothing but insult people.

Did you know Bob, that the government doesn't really support home growing...not to mention the physical demands of growing...lazy vets...
Take a look at the posts and tell me who insults whom? Least I'm not a weed freeloader. Why am I here? To keep people in check. Otherwise they'll try to get a bunch of free weed.
Pretty sure you're allowed to grow your own med weed now. Are vets lazy fuckers who prefer to have others grow it and then charge the taxpayers? Who said it had to come from an LP? Must be sweet getting 10 g of free weed a day though. I can see why they don't like getting it reduced to 3. I damn sure don't smoke 10 g a day. Pretty ridiculous really. What's that, like a joint every 30 minutes of the day? They must do nothing but lay on the fucking coach all day chain smoking joints and eating Cheetos.
Take a look at the posts and tell me who insults whom? Least I'm not a weed freeloader. Why am I here? To keep people in check. Otherwise they'll try to get a bunch of free weed.

whats wrong Bob?
You're mad they get free extremely high priced poison? really?
ITS NOT GOOD FOR ANYONE......specialy FREE! lol or paid for at a high cost which


Take a look at the posts and tell me who insults whom? Least I'm not a weed freeloader. Why am I here? To keep people in check. Otherwise they'll try to get a bunch of free weed.
I'll fucking insult you and your ugly wife and stupid kids - no worries loser. I come from a proud military family and you just called them pussies. Funny thing is, these guys and girls are the ones protecting your right to call them pussies. They also protect my right to call you ( or your wife, kids, mother, etc) whatever I choose. Ain't that right , you disgusting piece of shit?
I don't like buying other's meds when they are financially better off than myself, either, but we pay for the veteran's medication as part of the deal for them serving the country. It's what we do as Canadians to show thanks. Even LP cannabis is cheaper than most of the pharma drugs we'd pay for anyway. I don't like paying for your welfare cheque, either, but we help out those in need.
I have a 10g/day license too and I'm not sitting on my couch (or 'coach'). I work, volunteer and fish nearly every day - and smoke copious amounts of mmj while I'm doing it.
What do you do, Bob? My bet is you sit in front of your computer and click between trolling RIU and jerking off to kiddy porn sites.
You are a fucking embarrassment, Bob.
I'll fucking insult you and your ugly wife and stupid kids - no worries loser. I come from a proud military family and you just called them pussies. Funny thing is, these guys and girls are the ones protecting your right to call them pussies. They also protect my right to call you ( or your wife, kids, mother, etc) whatever I choose. Ain't that right , you disgusting piece of shit?
I don't like buying other's meds when they are financially better off than myself, either, but we pay for the veteran's medication as part of the deal for them serving the country. It's what we do as Canadians to show thanks. Even LP cannabis is cheaper than most of the pharma drugs we'd pay for anyway. I don't like paying for your welfare cheque, either, but we help out those in need.
I have a 10g/day license too and I'm not sitting on my couch (or 'coach'). I work, volunteer and fish nearly every day - and smoke copious amounts of mmj while I'm doing it.
What do you do, Bob? My bet is you sit in front of your computer and click between trolling RIU and jerking off to kiddy porn sites.
You are a fucking embarrassment, Bob.
Boy, glad I didn't actually read your post after the first sentence. Must have been filthy.
Why am I here? To keep people in check.
So you're not a mod, but you feel the incessant need to "keep people in check". Holy fuck thats a HUGE inferiority complex you have there. Seems there's a ton of underlying anger towards veterans. Poor sad little man, ooops I mean boy. Grow the fuck up and act like a functional member of society, not a fucking troll.
Tell me if I am wrong but did the feds not just reduce what the vets were allowed to have? I remember the media going nuts awhile back mentioning that the vets 10 grams a day was being reduced to 3 grams a day. Can anyone verify if that is the case?

When I served in the 1990's I remember very well that you did all that you could to get access to benefits promised to you because you quickly learn nobody is looking out for you other than you. So if they're entitled to a certain amount, you can bet an ex soldier will consider going after their weed quota. Besides BC, nova scotia and newfoundland soldiers love their weed. I haven't checked my facts when saying that, I'm just going with what I saw with my own eyes. I love the newfies, they're always positive people.