Vice Documentary : Kings of Cannabis

There are a few more videos. One in Morocco, one in India, one in Malawi. A youtube search will take you right to them. Pretty neat videos if you ignore their self promotions. :D
you ever see the one about the town in like south america somewhere that all the teen aged kids have sex with a donkey?
and the girls pretty much said they wouldn't have sex with a guy who hadn't have sex with a donkey first..

I have not seen the video but, have been to the village!
Thanks for posting! Something to watchafter 5.

Agreed on the articles. Some are good, many suck. That's the problem with aggregated freelancing.

Arjan is simply annoying. Such a shameless self promoting douche with questionable business practices.

I did watch an awesome doc on making hashish in Morocco. Should dig it up.
Lol hgk. Ya know he dropped that line!

How ya doing bud? If you are interested in September I will hopefully have some White Lotus, sunshine daydream, blue berry hill and a goji cut for ya. Just about to sex them but veggin till I have room in the flower tent. The goji is real nice, Lanky but Strawberry wands of awesome.
How's the silver mountain?
thats the only pack that made it through. my pack with blueberry hill got snagged and now it looks like the resend got snagged too. RIP 66 bodhi children.
Oh Damn brother! That sucks!

Well like I said I can share some bodhi love soon. I won't know how they perform but if ya want to run a few cuts let me know.

Sharing is caring!
o wow racerboy i was just quoting the documentary.... that shit worked out well... sorta lol

Man thats funny as shit. at least there just open about it. i heard all kinds of stories about farm hands and shit growing up. dairy calves get fed by a big ole bottle....

so weird tho...

Best quote i saw "Docters used to recommend it in puberty"

lol. so that goes on the long list of dumb shit doctors recommend!

Back to the vice doc.

you will couldn't PAY me to do cocaine. i would literally fight you...... unless i was on a mountain side in columbia lol.

you can totally tell when they all get iced out. franco gets all intense.

i wonder if all the blow helps him be Mr. ego.

franco says "we cant hate on the poor cause its where we came from, we cant hate the rich cause its where we are going" even arjan gave him a look like "You prick" lol
the real question is have you been to the hills outside of the village slumdog?? lmao, come on now, spill the beans, you're among friends here, lol... j/k, of course.. :D
The donkey was sick that week we had the option of either goat or sheep.
How have you been feeling Woods?
I'm feeling much better. The medicine must be working well. Of course my oncologist just got busted by the FBI for medicare fraud so I don't know if my next appointment will be valid. However it was my regular doctor who told me I had high white blood cell count so I don't think I'm being misdiagnosed though I'm going to check with my doc to be sure.