Viking Fruit 15/16

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Glad I'm not the only one who had germinating issues with the Wonder Woman.

I had the same issue with weird growth when I popped some sour smurf from devil's harvest @Vnsmkr. They both turned out to be males. I might try the sour smurf again next year since I'm going on a skunk hunt now.

I'm dealing with mites at the moment Ruby so I sympathize with your past pest issues.
Gd luck mate


Well-Known Member
Its keeping me going at the moment keeps me actually like to ask wtf i have done wrong karma wise with a few things hanging over my head but that will sound like im.a drama queen cos i said it before so on i go .....:)
just keep your shoulder down and move forward Ruby...that's all I know how to do so only advice I can give. And remember that sometimes things just happen...not any fault of your's.


Well-Known Member
Its keeping me going at the moment keeps me actually like to ask wtf i have done wrong karma wise with a few things hanging over my head but that will sound like im.a drama queen cos i said it before so on i go .....:)
Feel ya buddy. Sometimes it just rolls that way like Fumble says. I have been asking myself the same thing, but again, fuck it, on it rolls