Viking Fruit 15/16

I seen maiden in 2011 ended with

I was in heaven best fucking time of my lift
I love every album from maiden..taking a couple listens to get into the latest one but i know i will...i never play the dance of death cd anymore though...almost lost my life in a blink of an eye car accident 6 years ago and just cant bring myself to even open that cd..i had just pulled over and put that cd on and it was playing when i thought my time was up....:(
I love every album from maiden..taking a couple listens to get into the latest one but i know i will...i never play the dance of death cd anymore though...almost lost my life in a blink of an eye car accident 6 years ago and just cant bring myself to even open that cd..i had just pulled over and put that cd on and it was playing when i thought my time was up....:(
Sorry to hear my brother glad your safe and healthy now thing with cars is life can be over in a flash and in Oz it's more just getting out of control and the amount of cars going in to homes now is just bull shit on the new every god damn day all the damn crack heads not sleeping for days then they pass out

everything from Fear of the Dark back is amazing Virtual XI shit The X Factor shit brave new world back on track and i haven't really tried there new stuff just like metallica everything after black was poo in my eyes
Ozzy is wat got me into metal back in the suicude solution and randy rhoades days ...hes a singer ive never seen live and im taking my wife and daughter and ill be damned if i aint gonna light up a joint while iron man is being played and share it with them.
He will be 67 this year if i dont see him now i never will.
Dio was a great fav of mine but ozxy with sabbath is what i know.
I seen Dio front and center in 1985 or 86 in L.A. (Long beach arena). Some guy with a press pass on his shoulder was standing back stage, watching the opening act (Y&T and Dokkin) against the wall that separates the audience and back stage. We snuck down to the front row, then we seen ushers checking tickets, we had no tickets for those seats, so I jumped up and grabbed that press pass off that dude's shoulder and took off into the crowd. That press pass was hanging over the wall calling my name. I went into the shitter and looked at what I had. Before Dio started I was fucked up, flirting with women saying "who wants to go back stage with me"? I had a few takers, so I pick out this fine babe, grabbed her hand and off we went. We got by every usher, standing in the center aisle on the floor when the lights went off just before Dio came out. We rushed to the wall along with everybody else, dead front and center. You couldn't have a better spot. I remember looking back at the audience thinking "everybody here wants this spot and I got it"! I call that "Drunken pride"!!
People started jumping over the wall that separates the audience and the stage. Girls were tapping me on the shoulder asking me to "throw them over the wall". By all means I thought, I'd grab them and toss them over......LMAO thinking of the story now. Me and the dude next to me must of threw 15-20 or more people over that wall. That girl that came with me, we ended up throwing her over the wall too. I guess her goal was to get backstage!
Another walk down memory lane. I was 21 and wild and crazy back then, the shit I got away with.....Geeez!
Off to the garden to pull dead leaves and suckers.

Sorry to hear my brother glad your safe and healthy now thing with cars is life can be over in a flash and in Oz it's more just getting out of control and the amount of cars going in to homes now is just bull shit on the new every god damn day all the damn crack heads not sleeping for days then they pass out

everything from Fear of the Dark back is amazing Virtual XI shit The X Factor shit brave new world back on track and i haven't really tried there new stuff just like metallica everything after black was poo in my eyes
Your definitely right about metallica,i only listen to masters,lightning,justice and the old killem all and garage days.
As for maiden the only recent one i like or actually one of my fav cds from the past 3 years is final frontier.
First listen it didnt grab me now its almost a favourite.
But its funny ive had a roller coaster 2 years mentally dealing with a few issues and sometimes a album comes along that grabs you and when ur feeling a bit unstable it rights you and picks u up..that wat final frontier does for me.

The car accident was the closest of close misses blink.of an eye stuff certain death...cut a long story was my fault and nearly caused two deaths mine and another.
No drugs no innatention just an overtaking move on a truck at night not realising there was a bend in front of the truck.
Pfft im getting goose bumps now enough of that
I seen Dio front and center in 1985 or 86 in L.A. (Long beach arena). Some guy with a press pass on his shoulder was standing back stage, watching the opening act (Y&T and Dokkin) against the wall that separates the audience and back stage. We snuck down to the front row, then we seen ushers checking tickets, we had no tickets for those seats, so I jumped up and grabbed that press pass off that dude's shoulder and took off into the crowd. That press pass was hanging over the wall calling my name. I went into the shitter and looked at what I had. Before Dio started I was fucked up, flirting with women saying "who wants to go back stage with me"? I had a few takers, so I pick out this fine babe, grabbed her hand and off we went. We got by every usher, standing in the center aisle on the floor when the lights went off just before Dio came out. We rushed to the wall along with everybody else, dead front and center. You couldn't have a better spot. I remember looking back at the audience thinking "everybody here wants this spot and I got it"! I call that "Drunken pride"!!
People started jumping over the wall that separates the audience and the stage. Girls were tapping me on the shoulder asking me to "throw them over the wall". By all means I thought, I'd grab them and toss them over......LMAO thinking of the story now. Me and the dude next to me must of threw 15-20 or more people over that wall. That girl that came with me, we ended up throwing her over the wall too. I guess her goal was to get backstage!
Another walk down memory lane. I was 21 and wild and crazy back then, the shit I got away with.....Geeez!
Off to the garden to pull dead leaves and suckers.

Haha that story made my night...4 hrs to go the 5 hrs till home ;)...

Y&T and theres bands along with whitesnake and quiet riot i was first into
Your definitely right about metallica,i only listen to masters,lightning,justice and the old killem all and garage days.
As for maiden the only recent one i like or actually one of my fav cds from the past 3 years is final frontier.
First listen it didnt grab me now its almost a favourite.
But its funny ive had a roller coaster 2 years mentally dealing with a few issues and sometimes a album comes along that grabs you and when ur feeling a bit unstable it rights you and picks u up..that wat final frontier does for me.

The car accident was the closest of close misses blink.of an eye stuff certain death...cut a long story was my fault and nearly caused two deaths mine and another.s
No drugs no innatention just an overtaking move on a truck at night not realising there was a bend in front of the truck.
Pfft im getting goose bumps now enough of that
Yeah trucks are fucked i am lucky i drive a v8 i was in the right lane and a bus was turning left and shit! his ass end come right in to my lane i had to put my foot down and power slide out of the way still took out my side mirror but if i didn't put my root down and my back end slip out i would of went right up his ass :) cammed Gts ftw 460hp at the wheels helped me at that point if i didn't move my front end would of been half way up it's back end glad you made it out of that crash to many people are taking out from others mistakes
Yeah trucks are fucked i am lucky i drive a v8 i was in the right lane and a bus was turning left and shit! his ass end come right in to my lane i had to put my foot down and power slide out of the way still took out my side mirror but if i didn't put my root down and my back end slip out i would of went right up his ass :) cammed Gts ftw 460hp at the wheels helped me at that point if i didn't move my front end would of been half way up it's back end glad you made it out of that crash to many people are taking out from others mistakes
Just one of those moments in life where u get a second i am now growing better weed than ever i have before due to some cool cats on riu ;)
Amen brother some of the people we meet of RIU we might never meet in real life but will be better friends then the people we do meet there are some great people on this site and that's what keeps me coming back there are a lot of assholes but i think you and i are at the stage were they don't matter no more

This site has opened my eyes and i have meant some great people and glad there are some people from the world of down under
Haha that story made my night...4 hrs to go the 5 hrs till home ;)...

Y&T and theres bands along with whitesnake and quiet riot i was first into
I got a few more.
I would help my buddies hard rock band in high school (class of 1982, No Surprise was the bands name) when they would have a gig or even practice (the party spot). They played all the time, they were decent. A bunch of Mexican/Chicano rockers (I grew up in East Los Angeles, moved to the Yosemite area in 1987). Back yards, clubs, even the Whisky A-Go-Go in Hollywood a few times. The guitarist who was my partner in the band was named Rudy Rios. His Guitar Guru/teacher also taught Carlos Cavazo of Quiet Riot as well. When they formed Quite Riot is exactly when I was immersed in that scene. We would be back stage when they played locally, when they were on tour.
Believe it or not I seen Motely Crew play in a back yard before they made it big. You had to know somebody to get in that back yard. They were a big draw even back then in the L.A. club scene. I was to young to get into a lot of the clubs they played, most were 21 and over, but I did see them a couple times in certain venues. I have an original "To Fast For Love" album that was produced by their own label "Leather Records" before a big label signed them to a contract. I could only imagine what my life would have been like if I stayed in L.A.
It was good that I got out of L.A. when I did. I can't imagine living life that "fast" again.
Hope this story helps the shift go by a bit quicker.
Sure did tmb..
When u mentioned whiskey a go go i straight away thought of the crue....
Funny to think that when u were young and hanging around at those times i was a few years younger again and getting into the glam bands including crue, brittney fox,and wasp etc.
Its been a slow stretch at work this week so spent more time than usual on riu
Looking forward to getting home the wife has enjoyed looking after my babies again after a 5 month break she said the dark devil really stinks for something so small when she has her coffee in the morning and said shes looking forward to helping out when im away working again.
Amen brother some of the people we meet of RIU we might never meet in real life but will be better friends then the people we do meet there are some great people on this site and that's what keeps me coming back there are a lot of assholes but i think you and i are at the stage were they don't matter no more

This site has opened my eyes and i have meant some great people and glad there are some people from the world of down under
Couldnt have worded that any better mate !!