Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
One trip was training, the other was clients in mining industry. So I'm off next three weeks and I'm just going to tend my garden and chill. My son took care of my garden and despite only being a chilli head he did me proud, no losses all healthy,


Well-Known Member
ahh gotcha. Where at in PNG?
Sorry I was in Port Moresby at the Grand Papau, honestly it's a scary place. We had to do everything in groups and had a driver take us everywhere. Some of the things I heard really freaked me out, I'm usually a risk taker and explore new places, I was discouraged from doing that.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, get out into the wilds of Angola or Nigeria, about the same. I was on my way there a year or so ago Port Moresby but got cancelled on me.
Went to a village that was cool, they did a war dance which was in your face and totally fierce, got to eat some kinda wild bird lol, bought some of their coffee there (unbelievably good from the source) enjoyed that part a lot.


Well-Known Member
I should just get up now and make a pot of coffee and smoke a big doobie and hit the trim table. I spent a half day each Friday and Saturday knocking down seconds on two plants still outside. Probably got close to another pound each off of them and still have full turkey bags from the first round. Clones are starting to root and about ready to fire up the lights again. I had an issue with scale and what I think was white flies in the end outside and dried all that flower in the house. Gonna have to do some fumigation indoors before I fire up the rooms. Never had an issue with white flies before but seen some scale last year and worst this year. Gonna have to do some reading on how to control scale and white fly. One thing I noticed is the ants are hearding the scale or something because where there was scale there was ants.
I had a bunch of scale bugs and ants herding them this summer. DE only temporary fix. It was weird, never seen them prior.