Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
GASP>>>>>>Fishen?!?!?!? Did I hear you correctly? Did you say I could clone when my leaves have 7 leaflets? Guesssssssssssssss what??? We are SO there!!! I thought I had to wait until the 3rd node on side branches appeared in order to have 2 sets of leaves on each clone. I stand corrected & thanks for your insight. I wish they'd just preflower in veg & show their lil panties. Would save time & materials then I could just clone like a mad woman straight females form then on AND I wouldn't have 2 diff size plants flowering at same time!! Very inspirational Fishen, you are!!!! MJ


Active Member
I wanna say first, ROCK ON CHICA!! :)
Not too many of us braving the growing world, eh?
Your babies look great! I'm glad you havent ran into any major issues. Ive lost 2, myself. I've been around others growing, but its my first real hand in the game (makes me a virgin grower too!). Jus keep that positive thinkin, and post us some new pics! :D


Well-Known Member
GASP>>>>>>Fishen?!?!?!? Did I hear you correctly? Did you say I could clone when my leaves have 7 leaflets? Guesssssssssssssss what??? We are SO there!!! I thought I had to wait until the 3rd node on side branches appeared in order to have 2 sets of leaves on each clone. I stand corrected & thanks for your insight. I wish they'd just preflower in veg & show their lil panties. Would save time & materials then I could just clone like a mad woman straight females form then on AND I wouldn't have 2 diff size plants flowering at same time!! Very inspirational Fishen, you are!!!! MJ
thay will eventualy show there perflowers in veg , that is when u have a trew mom . but if u clone one erly u can tell if u ar wasting ur time growing boys , or training girls. ur clone will be geneticaly the same age as ur doner plant. u still want to clone a mature mom for the best plants, more developed. we just want to ensure we are working with girls.


Well-Known Member
thay will eventualy show there perflowers in veg , that is when u have a trew mom . but if u clone one erly u can tell if u ar wasting ur time growing boys , or training girls. ur clone will be geneticaly the same age as ur doner plant. u still want to clone a mature mom for the best plants, more developed. we just want to ensure we are working with girls.

I got ya' Fishen!! No time to waste on silly lil boys!!! Fishen, there's a clone contest going to be happening around the end of May. Cut...root for 2 weeks...flower for up to 12 weeks... you should consider entering;) Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is my two cents worth. Keep the temp below 80 and the humidity around 50%. That should be taken care of by losing the dome. Another thing I have learned from experience is that Miricle-Gro is great for the garden, but it sucks for weed. I finally had to bite the bullet and buy decent nutes. I am now using Botanicare organic nutes. You will be amazed at the difference it makes. Another thing is that the plants need air circulation. That means either running intake and exhaust vents, or figure a way to keep the cats out(I have the same prob) with the door open and a fan blowing air into the closet. I learned most of this the hard way by killing shit loads of plants. Hope this helps some, and good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is my two cents worth. Keep the temp below 80 and the humidity around 50%. That should be taken care of by losing the dome. Another thing I have learned from experience is that Miricle-Gro is great for the garden, but it sucks for weed. I finally had to bite the bullet and buy decent nutes. I am now using Botanicare organic nutes. You will be amazed at the difference it makes. Another thing is that the plants need air circulation. That means either running intake and exhaust vents, or figure a way to keep the cats out(I have the same prob) with the door open and a fan blowing air into the closet. I learned most of this the hard way by killing shit loads of plants. Hope this helps some, and good luck with your grow.

Hi Tex...welcome;) Just a few responses for ya...My temps stay between 70-75F with all lights on with the portable AC going & vented through attic. I also have muffin fans in my grow areas & leave the door open with fans running most of the time. Humidity is optimal & dome has been off seedlings since I posted such. I have purchased a nice aeromist cloner that will work nicely with my grow WITHOUT a dome LOL I don't use MG...use Sensi (veg) & Canna (flower) this grow. This is my very first successful grow (so far) as I promptly killed my first 8 Jack Flash (I am still pissed bout' that for sure!!). I have no cats although I do need one for outside since I'm deep in the country & summer is upon us (watching for mice even though I've done massive remodeling & feel house is sealed well EWWWWW). I really appreciate your advice & stay tuned... MJ


Well-Known Member
Well I have had quite an eventful weekend. Traveled out of town for the weekend but returned home early due to family circumstances so that stunk ... had locked my grow up tighter than dick's hatband before I left so as no one would have access to my grow, etc. Got home & went in to "try on clothes" (AKA check my grow LOL) & when I came out I locked my keys (yes, both of them) in my grow closet. What an idiot!!!! This is a huge old house with huge doors, etc... & of course hinged on the INSIDE. So I haven't actually seen my grow for about 24 hrs & may not for another 24. Will have to contact a locksmith tomorrow which I am quite nervous about to be sure!! Surely they won't go in my closet after door is unlocked...may be a bit suspicious with all the distilled water, AC, & grow cab (with door kinda cracked for air movement), nutes, & meters in there. It's a large closet though & most everything is behind the door when you open the door but this strain is very smelly!!No locksmith locally so it may be another day or so. Last I saw my plants they were growing like weeds:hump: Can't wait to post some new pics. My PH has been bouncing around some so I'm a bit concerned about that. Temps & humidity have been great though so am hoping the plants are ok. Got my finger's crossed all will be well. Will update tomorrow as soon as I find out something;) MJ


Well-Known Member
I wanna say first, ROCK ON CHICA!! :)
Not too many of us braving the growing world, eh?
Your babies look great! I'm glad you havent ran into any major issues. Ive lost 2, myself. I've been around others growing, but its my first real hand in the game (makes me a virgin grower too!). Jus keep that positive thinkin, and post us some new pics! :D

First of all +++reps for saying "ROCK ON CHICA!! LOL Thank you for saying my rag tag bunch look are too kind. Being a virgin isn't too bad here at RIU ...have had many nice members offer me some great advice. Have read lots & lots of great info here. Hate you've lost 2 plants...I killed 8 seedlings early on, GRRRRRRRRR Am trying to remain positive despite the fact I'm currently locked out of my grow LMAO DAMN NEWBIE GRRRRRRRRRR Hopefully I'll still have something to take pics of when I get back in there. Best of luck to you GF... do you have a grow thread? Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Well after about 2 hrs the LOCKSMITH finally was able to open my closet door with minimal damage to door. Nice to know I have an unpickable lock however it was fairly stressfull & I definitely need some green therapy just now LOL Plants did ok but grew too close to light & some got a bit torched as you can see. Also res was about a gal down so I suspect some of what you see is some mild nute burn. Also, since I was not able to leave door open as usual & cab door was pretty much closed I believe I have a lil mold growing. SOOOOOOOO, whole cab was bleached down with mild solution & rinsed. Res, airstones, pump, etc all cleaned well with very mild bleach solution & rinsed. New nutes mixed up & BTW I will be purchasing Hygrozyme this week for sure. H2O2 just not working for me like it does for some on RIU. Probably due to the fact that I don't have big open area??? Pulled some of top rockwool out to get rid of visible mold growing all visible out but roots are throughout rockwool & I didn't wanna damage them ...ANY suggestions totally welcome. I have placed foil around empty pots instead of leaving rockwool so as to decrease breeding ground for said mold, GRRRRRRRRRRRR I have flushed all plants with distilled H2O + H2O2 after visible mold removed. My PPM meter stopped working today (Thanks BCNL!!) so I only have the Sensi feeding guide to "guesstimate" what my ppm is. The guide has been pretty accurate with my readings so am hoping all is good...made executive decision to stay at week #3 recommended feeding schedule for veg. Plant #5 very droopy & "sad" looking (in group photo it's on the front left if you're looking at pic). Appears like over watering but no other plants exhibiting & it's only getting water 2x/day x 5min each time. Temp doing well as is humidity. I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever see these plants through to completion LOL Wanted to do individual pics this time so pulled them over to flower side thus the golden hue in some pics. Still don't see any panties showing but am hoping I will soon;) Thanks for listening to the rantings of a mad woman LOL Keeping my fingers crossed, MJ



Well-Known Member
OK, so I discontinued the top drip feedings until further notice. I will hand water as needed for now. My plants are drying out some but still look pretty rag tag to me. My lil #5 is at least trying to stand up straight & not leaning over drooping today!! No slime or mold... Jesus obviously loves me today!!! Side note: I threw about 50 bag seeds out into the part of my yard that is wooded approximately a week ago. I see a few wee seedlings out there today. There are tons of birds, bunnies, squirrels, & bugs here so am thinking nothing will come of them but we shall see LOL Maybe I'll pick up some outdoor seeds over in Amsterdam late summer for next yr LOL Thanks for all your support & encouragement, MJ


Well-Known Member
OK, so I discontinued the top drip feedings until further notice. I will hand water as needed for now. My plants are drying out some but still look pretty rag tag to me. My lil #5 is at least trying to stand up straight & not leaning over drooping today!! No slime or mold... Jesus obviously loves me today!!! Side note: I threw about 50 bag seeds out into the part of my yard that is wooded approximately a week ago. I see a few wee seedlings out there today. There are tons of birds, bunnies, squirrels, & bugs here so am thinking nothing will come of them but we shall see LOL Maybe I'll pick up some outdoor seeds over in Amsterdam late summer for next yr LOL Thanks for all your support & encouragement, MJ
hy mj. sory to here you are having somuch trouble with ur plants. i have been away for a cuple of days, just got back and read ur post, holy crap. all u need is some damage control, get some hygrozime and stop using the h2o2. add alitle carbo load with it when u change ur nuits, the extra sugar will hwlp the enzims to get started feeding , and have faith. i tryed to warn u about the bloom box is big on breeding mold, it just powdery mold and can be treeted with neem oil and a litle safer soap. its not bad wheen thay are veging u can spray any time, its kinda like floer feeding. ill be back


Well-Known Member
Hi, virgin grower here in need of serious tutoring!! Have BCNL Bloombox up & running ($5500 in the hole). Recently germinated 8 Jack Flash them sprouted & under light in clone dome. After about 10 days began venting lid off dome to "harden" the babes...they died within 8 hrs. :cry:OK, live & learn... called BCNL (excellent tech support but you never get the same answer twice!!LOL) was told I should've just planted in 3" rockwool & left in dome for a few weeks. Skip ahead to today.... I have 8 Maple Leaf Indica babies that sprouted 2 days ago & went under lights in the dome yesterday. I can see about an inch of a root growing out of the rock wool of a few of them & they're looking good....T 88F.... H 88% Besides being patient & making sure temp & humidity stay good, what should I be planning for. I do not want to screw this up again since these seeds cost around $200 bucks & I'll be growing dirt weed if this fails. PLEASE can someone mentor me on this journey?!?!?!?! Any & all help is greatly appreciated:peace:
the best advice i can give you is read the grow faq then read it again. don't panic if some small thing goes wrong. like your light stays off for the regular light on peroid. its only a plant you won't die if it does. basicly don't sweat the small stuff. gl on your grow.may you be cursed with many buds.


Well-Known Member
hy mj. sory to here you are having somuch trouble with ur plants. i have been away for a cuple of days, just got back and read ur post, holy crap. all u need is some damage control, get some hygrozime and stop using the h2o2. add alitle carbo load with it when u change ur nuits, the extra sugar will hwlp the enzims to get started feeding , and have faith. i tryed to warn u about the bloom box is big on breeding mold, it just powdery mold and can be treeted with neem oil and a litle safer soap. its not bad wheen thay are veging u can spray any time, its kinda like floer feeding. ill be back
ok im back i had a customer walk in on me and needed to close that page. like i said mold when thay are veging is not so bad just spray them with safer sope and neem oil , turn lights off spray completly tops bottems and stems. let it dry fro about 30 - 40 min then turn the lights back on. watch them for the next week or two and watch for more mold. it will only grow on the new groth, cause the old groth is treeted with neem oil. u need to try and keep it under control befor thay start to flower. u can spray ur plants in flower u gust want to stop spraying about 2-3 weeks before harvist. i have been down this road before, the only differance is , u have a friend that has a bloom box and learned the hard way. my mold problems started about 4 weeks into flower. the first three attemps failed badly , root rot, powdery mold and heat exhaustion. pm me if u need moor info ill check later tonight, good luck.


Well-Known Member
OMG thanks so much Fishen!!! Where can I find this Neem oil & the safer soap? I sometimes hate living so far in the woods...definitely no hydro shops around, LMAO Am so glad I have a friend with a Bloombox;) Yep, you warned me & I was watching & waiting for sure but it just really took advantage of no human eyes/hands for a couple of days. The mold was/is mostly on the tops of my rockwool & I am just sick about it, GRRRRRRRRR Did you see my poor plants? LOL, they lookin' more rag tag every day...hope i make it through this without killing them!! My hubby will never let me forget this just like the first 8 I killed LOL Needlesstosay, he's not too supportive but I bet he will be when I make it to harvest!!! Thanks for your continued support...wish you were here to help me, LOL MJ


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been a solid month & I'm just sitting here waiting & waiting LOL Am just dying to clone these plants & flower them. Hoping cloner shows up this week because some of lower leaves really need a trim. Mold hasn't reappeared yet... everything is nice & sparklin' clean but I don't trust that wet rockwool for a minute. Plants doing well without top drip feeds for now. Stopped using the seaweed stuff too even though my plants seemed to love it. Just doing straight nutes (Sensi grow A & B) & H2O2 for now. Purchased some Hygrozyme off Ebay & hope it arrives with the quickness LOL Alright, headed out fishing this morning....Talk soon, MJ


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been a solid month & I'm just sitting here waiting & waiting LOL Am just dying to clone these plants & flower them. Hoping cloner shows up this week because some of lower leaves really need a trim. Mold hasn't reappeared yet... everything is nice & sparklin' clean but I don't trust that wet rockwool for a minute. Plants doing well without top drip feeds for now. Stopped using the seaweed stuff too even though my plants seemed to love it. Just doing straight nutes (Sensi grow A & B) & H2O2 for now. Purchased some Hygrozyme off Ebay & hope it arrives with the quickness LOL Alright, headed out fishing this morning....Talk soon, MJ
aww thats messed up, im working and u r fishen. o well hope u catch that big one.

safer soap can be baught at ur local hardware store. or somthing likit, safer soap is what i use for spider mites and nats. u can use it strate it controls mold aswell, but use the neem oil aswell thats the ticket . u should be able to find it on line aswell.good luck for naw. hope to hear some good fish storys.


Well-Known Member
Just tucked my plants in for the nite. Noticed a bit of fur/fuzzy moldon the top of one of my plants rockwool this afternoon:( Neem oil ordered & heading out to look for safer soap tomorrow. Do you use them in a particular order or like alternate & every 3 days do one or the other? Need some help there. Use both full strenth? mix together? And I can use both up until 3 weeks before end of flower? Just trying to keep it all straight. I hope Hygrozime shows up PDQ. I do not feel the happiness radiating from my plants right they're saying "Mommy please help!!!" Growing a weed shouldn't be this stressful LOL Gave a mist of PH balanced H2O only today...I don't think they liked it ***sigh*** Fish didn't care for my jigs today either, LOL Fun all the same to me...I fish therefore I lie!!! MJ


Well-Known Member
Just tucked my plants in for the nite. Noticed a bit of fur/fuzzy moldon the top of one of my plants rockwool this afternoon:( Neem oil ordered & heading out to look for safer soap tomorrow. Do you use them in a particular order or like alternate & every 3 days do one or the other? Need some help there. Use both full strenth? mix together? And I can use both up until 3 weeks before end of flower? Just trying to keep it all straight. I hope Hygrozime shows up PDQ. I do not feel the happiness radiating from my plants right they're saying "Mommy please help!!!" Growing a weed shouldn't be this stressful LOL Gave a mist of PH balanced H2O only today...I don't think they liked it ***sigh*** Fish didn't care for my jigs today either, LOL Fun all the same to me...I fish therefore I lie!!! MJ
safer sope can be sprayed full strangth it can control mold, but the neem oil will keep it from coming back on parts that are treeted. use about 10 mills of neem oil and about 1/4 cup of sope, mix it with about a qt of ro water.the soap will emulsify the oil and alow it to mix with water. so it can be sprayed in a botle.

im learning about microbs & benafishal bacteria. u might want to try some vodo juice by advance told it helps protect ur plants from the inside,and help prevent mold from growing. its recamended to treet with baracade and vodo juice one helps inside and the other helps outside.