Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Well today has been a very busy day. I did switch all plants over to flower res today with lava rocks to cover. They didn't have hydroton anywhere so this is what I got. Took forever to rinse all the dust off! I filled the res with 7 gal of distilled water & half strength week 1 flower nuts (Carbo Load, Conosseiur A & B, H2O2) Still awaiting Hygrozime. All roots are nice & sparkling white but they are just poking out of pot bottoms. There are 4 12" airstones in bottom of res. I added 2 muffin fans & elevated res to about 12" from HPS behind glass with blower. I exhausted light through ducting I'd previously placed for AC unit. AC is running full blast at 65F but inside flower chamber temps persisted at around 76F. As the afternoon progressed to me the plants seemed to not like all the changes...IDK:confused: I do like the fact that the plants are more spread out for sure. More yellow leaves today & some of my new lil leaves are turning yellow. I tell you if they still look bad tomorrow I'm going to just straight Ph H2o Flush them for about a week, GRRRRRRRRRRRR I feel like they are having issues simply because they are over a month old & wanting to grow & now all of a sudden they have to lay down roots again. I just hope I can help them through this process as gently as possible. Any suggestions? Obtained safer soap & folilar sprayed them after lites out....Neem oil not here yet. Aeromist cloner arrived today like clockwork..hope I have something to clone!!! I think one plant is beyond repair but I'm just crossing my fingers. These pics maybe suck since they're off my blackberry as my Canon Rebel will not load pics for now. Hopefully within the next few weeks that will be resolved. Be honest...they look terrible don't they? I am just tryin'to keep it real... Here's the pics....MJ



Well-Known Member
Hi MJ. No They dont look terrible at all. I do think u are way over caring for ur plants tho.
Why are u spraying them?
My tent stays around 82 degrees all day everyday.
I run my A/C ionic mode on it 27 to help with odor.Auto A/C.
I think they would really perk up if u stopped spraying them now. See how they react. U may need to get ur lamp a little closer.
Im being carefull with that statement because im judging by mine but i can touch my glass and its not hot. If its the case for u then 8 inches should be good.
Its crazy but currently my tops are 3-4 inches away from the glass and everythings cool.Be carefull early tho. Ween um onto the lamp.
Well thats about all i got.Still havent read back.
Ur set-up looks really clean. I like it.


Well-Known Member
id agree with dl, you dont need to spray them. they should be getting enough water. spraying is good for clones with no roots. each drop of water is a magnifying glass on your plant. it can discolor and eventually hurt the leaves. also the added humidity could be the reason for your mold and mildew.

like dl said, you dont need to work the plants. they will do the work. just give em water, nutes, and light.

if you wanna do something, clean your room, clean your reservoirs, and read more.

btw they dont like terrible. just under stress. but wut doesnt kill em makes em stronger!


Well-Known Member
Hi DL...Hi Slammin'...Thx for looking:wink: I just read Al B. Fuct telling a 1st timer like me not to be misting, LOL OK, I will stop & I'm so ready for them to just do their thing where I can run in for 10 mins a day & be done. This is supposed to be zen not stress out the wazoo right? Glad to hear they don't look all that bad. One question??? Since I don't have any roots down in the water do you think I should increase the amount of top drip feedings now that they are under HPS? Or should I let them kinda dry out some to make roots "seek" water in res like I first did over in veg? Sorry I'm just really not wanting to mess this stuff up. You guys are awesome...Thx so much for your help . MJ:hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
i would maybe just keep it ..what was it 2 times a day ....for drip if that is same ...i am concerned with how much h2o2 u use tho ...i know that it can burn roots up .....did you also switch their cycle to 12/12

they actually dont look that bad at all in my opinion ..


Well-Known Member
i would maybe just keep it ..what was it 2 times a day ....for drip if that is same ...i am concerned with how much h2o2 u use tho ...i know that it can burn roots up .....did you also switch their cycle to 12/12

they actually dont look that bad at all in my opinion ..

Morning ;) Yes I switched them to 12/12. I used about 1.7 ml/gal H2O2 as widely posted by Al B. Fuct (as far as I'm concerned a hydro god LOL). The roots I have left are sparkling white & as of yesterday seemed to be thriving. I am considering using beneficial bacteria instead of just keeping it sterile as this box doesn't seem like it's going to be real easy to maintain with just H2O2. Will be prolly purchasing Barricade & Voodoo Juice to colonize my roots. What do you use? Haven't checked in on plants yet today but it will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds. MJ


Well-Known Member
K, plants have been checked on...they look no worse than yesterday. I think the roots look fabulous...take a lil looksy & tell me what you think?!?! MJ:hump:

No kidding Slammin'... I'd have to harvest for 2 years straight just to make up what I've spent. This is something I've learned from my husband...throw enough $$$$ at it & it's all good!! Well I am learning in life & in all things that that simply isn't true now is it?? In fact I wish I'd done the research myself & done a whole DIY grow. I am woman hear me ROAR, GRRRRRRRRR LMAO



Well-Known Member
hey girl. sorry to read of your troubles with the BB. I used soil. But then that's the way I prefer to grow. I chose the BB because it was everything I needed (and more.....that I wouldn't need). Not sure what to say that hasn't been already written. I also get the idea that you might be overdoing the due care and attention thing. Though its easy for me to sy that. I was very fortunate with my grows so far. Good luck and keep at it, with patience your reward will come. Cheers and Walk On!


Well-Known Member
hey girl. sorry to read of your troubles with the BB. I used soil. But then that's the way I prefer to grow. I chose the BB because it was everything I needed (and more.....that I wouldn't need). Not sure what to say that hasn't been already written. I also get the idea that you might be overdoing the due care and attention thing. Though its easy for me to sy that. I was very fortunate with my grows so far. Good luck and keep at it, with patience your reward will come. Cheers and Walk On!

Um Tahoe? How'd you get that pic of me?!?!? :shock: LMFAO Yep, I get that...been too caring, too over thinking, too anxious about it all. Maybe that's a girl thing? IDK That's over because I'm just not up for that long term stress level. Being new to growing doesn't help!! I figure it's just like going to college to learn a skill. You learn the basics but the most important stuff you learn from years of hands on experience, right? Thx for dropping by and for God's sake take my pic off your avatar!! LOL MJ


Well-Known Member
hi mj ok so what i would say basically what other guy said ...u can get away wwith not havin to spend alot of money on additives ...i did myself time i used a whole program of advanced nutes and went thru like 200 dollars worth of nutes in like 3 weeks ....

i use just 3 part general hydroponic nutes ..and i use a tiny bit of h202 ...very little tho like maybe two tablespoons in a 35 gallon rez ...and actually only did that first time i filled up rez ....then i just basically top it off with more nutes and koolbloom when it is ready

so basically i have learned that sometimes less is more with nutes especially when you are new cause if you start with a basic program ..3 part nutes , or some of the ones you already have ..u can learn about each nute as you add em like in seperate grows or diff plants with diff nute mixes ..i have found a basic nutes applied right will do some amazing things ..if you were to get some additives ...cause voodoo juice is so expensive ...enzymes too... i would get a bloom booster like big bud or koolbloom .....

o and your roots look nice and healthy i can see why they tripped out when drips turned off they dint have any of there roots really in water yet ......when your roots really start to grow they will drop down into water and that is when those airstones being in the rez will really benefit ....

lol i just did the math on how much h202 u use compared to me .....we use about the same a 35 gallon rez i use about 60 ml so let me c ....1.71 ml to gallon almost identical ..

that neem oil is some good stuff tho if you ever run into insect problems
it is best thing i have found for fungas gnats , and spidermites


Well-Known Member
MJ ur doing a good job with what u have really.
If there is a way to raise the water levels in ur buckets to the bottom of the pots now do so and submerge ur roots in the solution..
That and not spraying the leaves..
Getting ur light closer...
And keeping ur PH constant is the main thing u need to worry about right now.
Whats ur PH?
Whats ur PPM?
U dont need DRIP..U never really did.
I dont know how that system works tho.. IS it recurculating with a main res or are ur reservoirs all independant?
All in all i know u are on the proper path..
Yes AL B Fuct is a true grow genius dont ever doubt that.
He didnt only show us how to grow hydro..
He taught us how to completely manipulate our grows on every level to be pimped out at maximum potential..
The most i ever spent on a DIY tub was 39 bux. Not including nutes that brought it to around 70 bux..

Im sorry i dont know much about ur grow stuff.
I do know it doesnt have to be that complicated tho.


Well-Known Member
my dwc has a top drip in addition to the roots suspended in the rez ..i like the combination of both myself .....i have tryed em both ways with and without and they totally can be done without top drip but my opinion is that drips should still be continued .....until at least the roots reach water and then its all about the airstones i said tho i use a combination of both with great results...they are dwc/drip bucket units so its diff then like your system but very similar growin concept


Well-Known Member
Yea that really sux man. Id love to slap her old man around for a minute and ask him what he was thinking actually.
Its not necessary to drip water the top roots.. In fact I think it only slows them down considering the top third of the roots seek more oxygen than anything to use as a catalyst for the water ur the roots are taking in.
I guarantee if she stops dripping. Put her water level at the bottom of the pots. Those things will probably double in growth in 7 days.
Try it MJ.
Trust me.
Lets learn how to grow DWC first.
Then ill show u how to use all Als ideas in ur grow.

On Edit:
This was not a post to Knock anyone's particular style of growth. Doktor i think ur ideas and advice have been sound sir.
MJ heres a link to the DWC club thread. Please stop by. Im going to post up a few pix real fast for ya and show u what Als ideas did for me.
Not only do i think the system u purchased is a complete waste of money but. U could totally use ur space more efficiently with 3/4 less work. And 3/4 more yield.
Hope ya stop by. Id rather not jack ur grow thread up.
Peace. Overgrow.


Well-Known Member
he is right about roots if they were in water ...i know this from personal experience as welll ....

u got any pics of how your system works otdl i mainly use ebb and flow trays but have a few buckets that go crazy long you been growin .. and has it always been dwc curious how top roots dont dry out they just harden up and leave water consumption up to roots in water .....


Well-Known Member
Doktor im going to update the dwc grow club thread now man. U r also invited to come check it out. my grow style is completely primitive. Uses the least amount of gadgets and producing just as good results if not better than any ive seen. Yea maybe not the best. But in a small walk in closet ive had to improvise and this is what ive come up with. Im not using buckets anymore. Im using tubs. SOG style.
AL B Fuct Style. Completely Fuct up and Fuct out so to speak..
I got a link to my actual 39 dollar DIY as well. Which happens to be the one some of my moms are in right now.
See ya there.


Well-Known Member
Hi, Mj here...

Doktor') A few are prolly right about my plants getting beside thereself when I double dosed them with H2O2 after the appearance of mold & it ate all that stuff off the roots LOL I had very long roots down into the water & (I thought) my plants were showing explosive growth & I was gonna have a jam up grow. I was locked out of my grow for a few days (nope, not blond) and my plants were closed up with little fresh air and mold began to grow on my rockwool tops. Also, I was topping my res each day with 1/2 gal of H2o so my ppm was up & burned my plants. Then I started misting them, etc...So I've been dealing with multiple things. Bottom line I now have the keys to my room separated & that won't happen again LOL MJ

DL;) You showed up & brought your game. Thx! I am definitely going to visit the club. This is what I've done... PH 5.8, PPM 280, T 74, Humidity 35%, seperate res for veg & flower (with one large top for each side your pots sit in) & is recirculating drip from res so no problem turning that fact it's done!! I brought the level of the res up to right near bottom of pots where roots were touching H2o by adding PH 5.8 H2o. I need to mention I DO NOT have rocks in the bottoms of my pots...JUST rockwool so I did not submerge bottoms of pots. There has been no misting at all but after lites out last night I did spray with safer soap to help combat mold. I've seen what you got DL & I have nothing but an open mind;) As for my husband....well, that's for a totally different forum & we'll leave that there LOL Going to the club after I go have a puffy break.. MJ


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if I missed the pics or what? I had previously read quite a bit of that entire thread, LOL Were you posting new pics or am I confused? Still not blond! MJ


Well-Known Member
Which thread lol. MJ i just threw some pixels down on the DWC club thread earlier.
U may have to check back a page and i gave links to my current grow which and others fully explaining lots of things..
If u want i could drop a couple pix for u right here i guess. But things may get all hott and steamy in here just warning u..
Seriously i just did throw some pix in the club thread. It would be cool if ya checked um out.


Well-Known Member
No clue what happened there.... I finally got there!! Your plants are gorgeous...I just love those pinks. WOW!! well no one's gettin' all hot & steamy over my plants...maybe come harvest though I'll be the one laughing LOL Do what you wish ;) MJ