Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
For portable I've seen the solo arizer recommended. I definitely want portable for camping.

I quit smoking cigarettes some time back. I'm afraid if I get used to the smoke in the lungs I'll pick up cigs again. Besides, at the moment I can't clear even a small pipe. I'm lightweight.

Overview from this morning


Well-Known Member
the two topped ones... left and right are blowing up, Looking like a good time to transplant them two.

I use my vap alot for kief. Its one of them globe ones... The thing I hate the most about the vap, is the taste. Something like burnt/nasty popcorn, or if i could imagine smoking cardboard.. Its not the bud, cause it taste great in other forms.
And IT IS missing that throat / lung hit that I would get from a bong, bowl or J.

In the last few months Ive noticed I cant smoke BHO that much anymore without coughing like a mad man for 30minutes. It makes my lungs tingle and feel like I have a Porsche revving in my lungs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I used a ecig to quit smoking and definitely know about the lack of throat hit.

I wonder if you could plug your vaporizer into a dimmer and reduce the temp that way? Less power running to it, lower the temp I'd think. Just a thought.

Yeah they are. I haven't ordered pots yet. I've got a couple containers that are double in size roughly I'll have to use for now. Just need to get a cutting and they'll go to flower when I get a rooted clone from each plant.

Thanks HC.

Still working on my new light fixture, I'll get it done in a day or two I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I tried the ecigs too, but I am still smoking regulars. I sit around alot at my job so I smoke outta boredom. I still got them and I believe i got some hidden motivation somwhere to quit again.
I am actually updating my journal next, you get some time come on over and check the plants out. The link in my sig will lead the way ;)


Well-Known Member
I would think you can take bigger hits of bud if you have quit smoking cigs??? My lungs dont expand like they used to but I am sure its from the deadly cigs. I did quit for 4 days and then work did me in. I am going to continue to quit smoking till I finally do. Its a nasty habit.




Well-Known Member
I would think you can take bigger hits of bud if you have quit smoking cigs??? My lungs dont expand like they used to but I am sure its from the deadly cigs. I did quit for 4 days and then work did me in. I am going to continue to quit smoking till I finally do. Its a nasty habit.


I quit for 14 months, Went to visit DIzzleFrost one time, ended up partying for almost a week straight and came home smoking again. I'm with you, I will quit, oneday.


Well-Known Member
My lungs are still recovering probably. I'm a light weight so can't handle big hits but it's the only way I know how to hit. So I tend to ko myself really fast.

Looking back, it wasn't that hard to quit but sure felt like it at the time. Good luck quitting to yall.


Well-Known Member
THe financial grip that smoking cigarettes have should relive some stress eventually. Shitty thing is that I kinda enjoy smoking which makes it that much harder to quit, but I also know I wont be smokign them forever. But i do love my weed smoke even more, wonder how hard it is to grow your own tobacco. lol

How's the grow going?

I just bought a big bag of soil, I gotta get out and do some transplanting too. My seedlings are catching up to yours! Just started on their second sets!


Well-Known Member
Couldn't be too hard to grow. You're better off quiting though. Clean your lungs up, absorb more thc.

Its going. Waiting for each plant to get a clonable shoot and to finish my new light fixtuhen time to flower. Will be small but get me more seeds and also throw out males and pick a keeper or three to experiment further with.

I'm holding off on transplanting since I don't have much spare room with 10 plants.


Well-Known Member
No problem, drop by any time. Check back in a day or two I'll show you how it looks when painted, plus my new veg light fixture


Well-Known Member
Or sooner

This is how my light used to be

Here's the new light. need to switch two bulbs around due to light colors getting placed next to each other

Do you think there's enough light on top of the light to root a clone?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
growbox looks good man!
Yeah the Voidman is coming along pretty good. I'm thinking time has slowed down for him though like mollasses up here when it was -10 this morning. Kinda like watching paint dry lol. Patience grasshopper, you'll only have to go through this stage one time.

Shmooking dog kush puff puff pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Yeah the Voidman is coming along pretty good. I'm thinking time has slowed down for him though like mollasses up here when it was -10 this morning. Kinda like watching paint dry lol. Patience grasshopper, you'll only have to go through this stage one time.

Shmooking dog kush puff puff pass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
fuck thats cold...its cold here but not that cold...and we got another 7/8" of snow again LOL it might be closer to 13/16" tho haha

im smokin a BMF joint right now...hit it while its hot


Well-Known Member
No snow here thank goodness. T-shirt weather during the day, little cool at night. Was 75 in my room, 80 above the light where I plan to to put clones.

Just dropped 6;bb seeds.

Got to figure out how long of a cutting to take and how much leaf to leave for cloning