Voidling's Wicking Bed

Hope you get luckier than I did... my sparkle was a viney stretchy beech... apparently not the usual of what owl's seen though. It was one of the harder ones to train LST and get it to shape like I wanted... the branches were so bendy they didn't provide any tension to tie against. never had one grow quite like that.
Yeah the six I had were tall lanky things. They are c99 x haze. I wouldn't expect them to be any other way.

I have 3 recovered clones in two small cups. I didn't expect either to really survive and definitely not both. So I put them in a single cup and off course both survived and tangled their roots up together.

Just put 3 in cups and fertilized as they had extremely long roots and getting too yellow. Got two more bare root
Very nice!! Turning out even better than I expected... imagine if you had one more of those LEDs in there for more even coverage or just a bigger one. Save me a couple bowls!! :) hope my cuts survive... they are looking like they are adapting to their new homes still not a lot of regreening or new growth.
The ones I put in coco day before those look like they might have gained a little green. Gave them a bit of n. Do you have a nitrogen foliar feed? Might help.

That's a 240 watt I believe, not that it actually pulls that much. I'm not sure if more light in the tiny cab would help much. If I pull an ounce that's still pretty bad gram to watt right?
Ever made hash before voidman?

Or you could take the trim and put it in a paper bag and freeze it. The colder the temp the better,,,,then give the bag two or three good shakes and strain through a colinder and finally strain it through your grinder and you will have some pure kief. The first couple of times you do it the kief will be pure and by the third of fourth run there will be a slight green tint to it but it will still get you very high

No I've never made hash. I've seen how to make bubble hash but I don't have the bags. I remember seeing instructions for some alcohol extraction or some such before.

I did the paper bag in the freezer bit before from your directions. Good stuff. Nice and simple just the way I like it
Void, if you wanna make some I'll loan you my bags I won't need'em for another month :) They're 5g bags though you'll need a couple clean 5g buckets to use.
I need to buy bulk order of food grade 5 gallon buckets. I also seem to need one for this and that. Thanks

Only one of four sparkles came up so far. I soaked for 24 hours then put in coco. I should of done the paper towel method but was out of paper towels :( hope the rest come out so I can quit worrying
Not sure what they are made of and it might not matter for that. But for multiple other things I want to do it does
So I poked around in the cups of the 3 sparkle seeds. 2 showed no sign of cracking, one had cracked and barely put out a tap root. All four had sank in a cup of water in less than 12 hours, I left them in for ~24 hours. One came up just fine. I'm not sure what to do. This is really disappointing only bc I was looking forward to these so much. Hopefully this one is female though I was hoping for at least one of each to go for super fruity pheno out of it.
Is the sparkle for outdoors?

I hate to say it but you might have drown them, once they sink they have cracked. $.02
Morning Void!...... Reef.... other homies a lurkin'
puff, puff, pass....
It is c99 x haze, these were an f2. I didn't know that about them sinking, that's how I've always treated my seeds. Won't do that again if I can help it.

They were put under a light on maybe third day. Temps between 70 & 80
No way colo I always do mine in water... 12-24 hours... sinking has nothing to do with whether they'll germ or not. you can definitely soak'em too long and decrease the viability, but up to 24 hours definitely fine - if they drown in that time there was something wrong with the seed.

not sure where your sparkle seeds came from, but i've definitely noticed the seeds i've gotten sent via mail or through associates here from individual breeders don't germ at as high a rate as my tga beans... it could just be the beans you popped weren't ever meant to be too :)

i always make sure as soon as mine come out of water and go into soil now they have light overhead... i had one time that i left the beans in the dark in soil for a day or two and i think all or almost all of those failed. Not sure if the dark had anything to do with it or it was just some other factor like too much humidity, not enough, whatever either... but i've had much better results since then making sure they have light over them.

my guess is just unlucky beans though if you didn't even get taproots.
Yeah I'm not sure. Could be too many things. Hopefully this is a female. I can give her as the present and cull it if need be. Then I can pop any number of things I've still got. I'm thinking one of T's lemon pain meds to replace and upgrade my lost romulans. Keep the Apollo for the more sativa like effects. Then see where I go from there.
My hands smell like chlorophyll from pulling weeds in the veggie garden.

I was wanting the fruity sparkles but guess I could go ahead and try the funky ones. This time using a paper towel so I can see them.