Voidling's Wicking Bed

My drying girls shrinking pretty good this run :(
I wont use the new nutes I bought again.
They sounded great on paper...
Never fear, Theowl is here! :D

hey guys! Sorry about the absence of late, between the boy, work, and a somewhat overly needy wife, I haven't been able to do too awful much.. Almost out of greens again, so it's past time to get back on the train..
I had planted out the last 4 of my NHK BX1's(I don't think Tryna sent out many of these), and fukkin roly poly's ate them before they had so much as pigmentated--soil was cracking, roots already to the edges of the little convenience store salsa cups ya get with a mean(in so many ways.. C'mon guys! Wet tortillas!??!?!)breakfast tacos.
^hows that for a run on sentence.. ;)
upset puts it in a dim light, the emotion I felt..

Reef these cuts are doing well, save for the one that had the white areas on the uppers. They don't have any feed in the soil(like last time)huh? Potting up soon and also tossing in some Roms, and Special Ed to germinate for a 12/12 FS run. Ahh, hearkening back to the old days.. My inner child smiles.. :)

thanks for asking about me HC, that's really cool man.

Voidling! Yes!! I want an Apollo cut or so!!! What ever you can do, but not too many, I've been hurting really really bad lately, and would still go traipsing through the woods on a soil making trip to make up as much as needed. Then I might just die.. O.o

dang it, what am I forgetting? ........... OH! My C99 male seriously made me wish I had made a cut happen! Frosty as all get out, and then started throwing pistols! I had a reverse hermie, and let it escape me.. :( but I did get pollen :) here check him out:


alrighty fellas, I'm on the wing.. Have a good one! Hell, have two.. ;)
That's a great male... frosty males are what most look for :) Anyway, they got some castings in the soil but that's about it... i only keep them in the solos (or at least i only plan to) until they start growing normally again then it's transplant time... i don't wanna shock'em with too much nutes in there when they're fresh rooting. I feel sorry for those poor cuts upstairs I've had in solos for 3 weeks now
What would you mix for 8 gallons of coco for two weeks veg and 8 weeks flower. No changing soil in between and no way to mix in nutes after the plants started.

After this last run I'm not sure I'm ready to go that route yet. Thinking I should stick with what I know. I also have general organics line of bottles
Was that the GH Flora line?

Yeah I am using their Flora Line now, but I was using the powdered maxi line in the past and thats what I was referring to with my breakdown

The flora line is different with the micro having the highest N in it unlike the Maxi powder that has most of the N in the grow

Flora is 3 part basic and Maxi is 2 part basic
Bummer... you need to get your own wormfarm going void... EWC selling for around a $1/pound most of the stores I go to, and everyone knows the store stuff generally isn't as good as direct sourced... you could probably get even better for top grade castings. Worm bin's on my to do list for sometime next run.
I ran out of pvc pipe tonight :( Anyway, this is a partial irrigation set up I plan to try using this time. I will drill tiny holes in the bottom of the pipes to slowly distribute water around the plants without my having to disturb them and poorly distribute the nutes
Yeah. I don't know why they didn't do just one line. I hate spending that much on the bulk being water

Everyone has a favorite brand of ferts.
My fav is GH based on price

There are lots better growers on here than me, but I grow pretty good usually (this grow aside) and find GH grows as well as I did with the other brands.
I dont buy ALL the accessories, and tried a different brand this grow, and it was a bad experience, but might be my fault for not having any working meters.

I totally agree about the water added to most brands including GH flora line.
I have a whole bunch of that right now since I was giftd 3 6gal jugs, and will see if I like it more than powders.

I will say the powders need to get flushed more often, and need to get dissolved correctly when used.
Yeah, I microwave water before pouring in the nutes. Then mix it real well before dumping it into the rest of the water and shaking it up real well.

Free is a great price on those
So in my current place I can fit a 30" x 18" x 36" (not much bigger than current flower cab), or a 24 x 24 x 48, or possibly a 36 x 20 x 63. I think 4' is too wide. I might be able to go with a 32 x 32 x 60 in a corner. Though thinking I need to get the 84" tall one at that size to cover it. My led is similar to blackstar chrome version and it says it covers 3' x 3' at 36", so I don't think 60" tall will allow that considering planter depth and light thickness. I'd have like 6 inches to grow my plants in. I guess I could scrog in six inches, just seems it'd be cramped to work my hands around under that.

I need to go measure the closet at my next place to see what will fit in that closet when I get to finally move.