Never fear, Theowl is here!
hey guys! Sorry about the absence of late, between the boy, work, and a somewhat overly needy wife, I haven't been able to do too awful much.. Almost out of greens again, so it's past time to get back on the train..
I had planted out the last 4 of my NHK BX1's(I don't think Tryna sent out many of these), and fukkin roly poly's ate them before they had so much as pigmentated--soil was cracking, roots already to the edges of the little convenience store salsa cups ya get with a mean(in so many ways.. C'mon guys! Wet tortillas!??!?!)breakfast tacos.
^hows that for a run on sentence..

upset puts it in a dim light, the emotion I felt..
Reef these cuts are doing well, save for the one that had the white areas on the uppers. They don't have any feed in the soil(like last time)huh? Potting up soon and also tossing in some Roms, and Special Ed to germinate for a 12/12 FS run. Ahh, hearkening back to the old days.. My inner child smiles..
thanks for asking about me HC, that's really cool man.
Voidling! Yes!! I want an Apollo cut or so!!! What ever you can do, but not too many, I've been hurting really really bad lately, and would still go traipsing through the woods on a soil making trip to make up as much as needed. Then I might just die..
dang it, what am I forgetting? ........... OH! My C99 male seriously made me wish I had made a cut happen! Frosty as all get out, and then started throwing pistols! I had a reverse hermie, and let it escape me..

but I did get pollen

here check him out:
alrighty fellas, I'm on the wing.. Have a good one! Hell, have two..