Maybe so but the Republicans don't want it legalized period and when it does get legalized in their states they tax it the same as the Democrats do. If there is money to be had politicians want to get it. It doesn't matter if they have a D or an R in front of their name. As for not letting anyone do anything for themselves the Democrats are much more liberal with regards to personal freedoms. Hell, we just decriminalized small amounts of heroin, crack, and meth here in Oregon. Sounds like a great way to get people off of hard drugs.

Now instead of going to jail they get to attend taxpayer funded treatment that rarely works. They'll be looking to score a bag as soon as they walk out the door of the treatment center. Stealing to get the cash. Crazy shit these days.
Cannabis taxes in Republican states. There's more but this is the norm. However, I think in Utah which is medical only, cannabis will be exempt from taxation. There are so many different laws written so vaguely or states where the voters legalized either medical, recreational or both that still haven't worked out the details of how everything is going to be implemented. Those details will fall to the state legislatures and who knows what they'll do. I've been following legalization over the last couple years just out of curiosity and one thing I've found is that it's being implemented differently in every state.
Mississippi which just passed initiative 65 which only legalizes it for medical use will have a 7% tax.
Oklahoma 7% tax.
Montana recreational 20% tax, medical 4% tax.
South Dakota 15% tax.
Arkansas medical only 6.5% tax.
West Virginia medical only 10% tax.