Vote Blue and let nationwide legalization happen !

There might be something in your laws that states you may posses anything produced by your grow as long as its locked up. Thats how it is here. But here a single adult can grow 12 plants which is much better.
I think someone found it for me before but either way legalizing here didn't stop the major corporations setting up, tax money is tax money. doesn't bother me none as long as I'm not being told I cant grow a plant im pretty happy.
Biden wants make cannabis schedule 2, not legalize. That puts the entire industry under the control of the FDA, with powers to regulate every aspect of the medical side, including demanding years long trials. Not to mention the rereational side. Ruh-roh?

The link works to a Motley Fool article, so it's investor focused

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Biden wants make cannabis schedule 2, not legalize. That puts the entire industry under the control of the FDA, with powers to regulate every aspect of the medical side, including demanding years long trials. Not to mention the rereational side. Ruh-roh?

The link works to a Motley Fool article, so it's investor focused

Better than what trump did nothing ...
I'm on CO, and I have no problem with the plant count rules. With my wife, I can grow 12 plants, with half flowering. I love CO. I lived in Truckee CA back in the day, but overall California has gotten crazy. So has my hometown of Seattle. No thanks. The West Coast isn't the same as it use to be. The people there have changed. I love everything else about the West Coast though.

One plant alone can give you a decent amount. Just chopped this one.
View attachment 4731520
I lived in San Jose and Fresno. I know exactly what you are talking about. Some of the best most beautiful scenery!
Biden wants make cannabis schedule 2, not legalize. That puts the entire industry under the control of the FDA, with powers to regulate every aspect of the medical side, including demanding years long trials. Not to mention the rereational side. Ruh-roh?

The link works to a Motley Fool article, so it's investor focused

Biden is going to have a tough time rescheduling cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. It likely can't be done by executive order and if he did try to it would likely get reversed by the courts. It's pretty complicated and involves multiple agencies. A stroke of the pen won't do it. It's going to take Congress.
If that shuts down the rec industry, is that really better than nothing?
Here in Indiana yes sir ... shut down the rec industry that’s funny... and from the looking online at the prices they are way high but don’t get me wrong I would love the convenience of having one down the road just wouldn’t be a regular
Here in Indiana yes sir ... shut down the rec industry that’s funny... and from the looking online at the prices they are way high but don’t get me wrong I would love the convenience of having one down the road just wouldn’t be a regular
Wont be long until every state is legal. Be patient.
Biden is going to have a tough time rescheduling cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. It likely can't be done by executive order and if he did try to it would likely get reversed by the courts. It's pretty complicated and involves multiple agencies. A stroke of the pen won't do it. It's going to take Congress.
Maybe if he has a solid nap before he starts working on it...... If he can win an election that sleepy, imagine him well rested.
Its kind of like how states that went legal early on are now in a tough spot because their laws are pretty strict. Low plant counts, low possession amounts, etc etc. The states legalizing now are typically a dozen plants per person and you can have as much weed as you want as long as it was grown on the premises.
Biden is going to have a tough time rescheduling cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2. It likely can't be done by executive order and if he did try to it would likely get reversed by the courts. It's pretty complicated and involves multiple agencies. A stroke of the pen won't do it. It's going to take Congress.
Back when designer analogs started popping up, the law was modified to permit the President to schedule on his own say-so...might be wrong, but I believe the way they did it permits POTUS to deschedule the same way.
And you can only have 6 plants right? 3 in veg 3 in flower?
Yep, but only 1 ounce of weed per 21 year old. So I'm only allowed 3 ounces here total since there's 3 adults here. It's the messed up part of the law. I can grow 12 total with 6 flowering since there's 3 of us here. It doesn't take much to go over the limit. They need to fix that shit.
Its kind of like how states that went legal early on are now in a tough spot because their laws are pretty strict. Low plant counts, low possession amounts, etc etc. The states legalizing now are typically a dozen plants per person and you can have as much weed as you want as long as it was grown on the premises.

Not some of them. In Illinois you still need a medical card and there is a 5 plant limit. The commercial growers lobbied and got it so you couldn't grow recreational. Same thing in New Jersey which just legalized. No recreational grows for the home user. They want to force people to the dispensaries so that the commercial growers can make money while the state collects taxes. In fact it's the commercial growers lobbying in states to prevent people from growing at home. Those are the guys with deep pockets and the ability to pay the upfront fees and traverse the legal landscape to start a commercial grow. Whenever they sense that a state might go legal they seem to be moving in to shut down the ability for people to legally grow at home.

The people might vote but it's the state legislatures that set the rules. They get more money from the big legal growers than they do from some home grower that just wants to grow enough to support their habit. The big growers have been funneling money to politicians for years. When you have former Speaker of the House John Boehner lobbying for the big cannabis growers he's not doing it so people can grow at home. He's doing it to protect the profits of a few by preventing people from growing at home.

It really is unfortunate that a few well connected lobbyists funded by a few are making it so the profit keeps rolling in for a the few companies paying them to do so. If anything the states that legalized early and allowed home cultivation are lucky. I expect to see the established cannabis industry pushing harder to prevent people from growing their own. It's not just about legalization but money as well. They want it legalized so they can sell more weed. Not so people can grow their own. And since most people will be content to go to their local dispensary they won't care that they can't grow at home. The amount of people that are interested in growing their own cannabis is small compared to the amount of people that use cannabis so there won't be enough pushback to make a difference.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the future states that currently allow cultivation at home start tightening the restrictions or even taking away that ability by using the argument that it's ending up on the black market. With so much money involved through taxes and profits the only people concerned about home cultivation are people like you and I. And our voice isn't loud enough to be heard. And if it was I doubt the people in charge give a damn.
The commercial growers lobbied and got it so you couldn't grow recreational.
I could see those same commercial growers lobbying to reschedule from 1 to 2. Democrats just want to tax the fuck out of everything and not let anyone do anything for themselves.
I could see those same commercial growers lobbying to reschedule from 1 to 2. Democrats just want to tax the fuck out of everything and not let anyone do anything for themselves.

Maybe so but the Republicans don't want it legalized period and when it does get legalized in their states they tax it the same as the Democrats do. If there is money to be had politicians want to get it. It doesn't matter if they have a D or an R in front of their name. As for not letting anyone do anything for themselves the Democrats are much more liberal with regards to personal freedoms. Hell, we just decriminalized small amounts of heroin, crack, and meth here in Oregon. Sounds like a great way to get people off of hard drugs. :wall: Now instead of going to jail they get to attend taxpayer funded treatment that rarely works. They'll be looking to score a bag as soon as they walk out the door of the treatment center. Stealing to get the cash. Crazy shit these days.

Cannabis taxes in Republican states. There's more but this is the norm. However, I think in Utah which is medical only, cannabis will be exempt from taxation. There are so many different laws written so vaguely or states where the voters legalized either medical, recreational or both that still haven't worked out the details of how everything is going to be implemented. Those details will fall to the state legislatures and who knows what they'll do. I've been following legalization over the last couple years just out of curiosity and one thing I've found is that it's being implemented differently in every state.

Mississippi which just passed initiative 65 which only legalizes it for medical use will have a 7% tax.

Oklahoma 7% tax.

Montana recreational 20% tax, medical 4% tax.

South Dakota 15% tax.

Arkansas medical only 6.5% tax.

West Virginia medical only 10% tax.
Maybe so but the Republicans don't want it legalized period and when it does get legalized in their states they tax it the same as the Democrats do. If there is money to be had politicians want to get it. It doesn't matter if they have a D or an R in front of their name. As for not letting anyone do anything for themselves the Democrats are much more liberal with regards to personal freedoms. Hell, we just decriminalized small amounts of heroin, crack, and meth here in Oregon. Sounds like a great way to get people off of hard drugs. :wall: Now instead of going to jail they get to attend taxpayer funded treatment that rarely works. They'll be looking to score a bag as soon as they walk out the door of the treatment center. Stealing to get the cash. Crazy shit these days.

Cannabis taxes in Republican states. There's more but this is the norm. However, I think in Utah which is medical only, cannabis will be exempt from taxation. There are so many different laws written so vaguely or states where the voters legalized either medical, recreational or both that still haven't worked out the details of how everything is going to be implemented. Those details will fall to the state legislatures and who knows what they'll do. I've been following legalization over the last couple years just out of curiosity and one thing I've found is that it's being implemented differently in every state.

Mississippi which just passed initiative 65 which only legalizes it for medical use will have a 7% tax.

Oklahoma 7% tax.

Montana recreational 20% tax, medical 4% tax.

South Dakota 15% tax.

Arkansas medical only 6.5% tax.

West Virginia medical only 10% tax.
Cant tax something people can grow themselves.