Vote For Romney "The King of Bain"

  • I bet that somehow Gingrich and his war lobbiests are behind that too eh?​

uh....they are behind any wars because selling missiles is their business. Newt is like in with arms dealers..well he works for them..

Yeah, well Barney Frank is in with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and IMO he has done far more harm to the average American that any of the people you listed have even dreamed of. If someone should be up for a life in federal prison it should be him.

If the politicians didnt keep going to war there would be no need for weapons dealers eh? Yet somehow the politicians (that send Americans to war) get you angry at the profits that THEY PAY to the people who create the arms. I have to give them credit for diverting your attention from the real criminals.
Yeah, well Barney Frank is in with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and IMO he has done far more harm to the average American that any of the people you listed have even dreamed of. If someone should be up for a life in federal prison it should be him.

If the politicians didnt keep going to war there would be no need for weapons dealers eh? Yet somehow the politicians (that send Americans to war) get you angry at the profits that THEY PAY to the people who create the arms. I have to give them credit for diverting your attention from the real criminals.


you like changing the subject, don't you?

you like changing the subject, don't you?

In post #94 Deprave made some comments. I replied to them.

Are you going to start demanding that every thread stay on topic? Because I dont think one of them that I have ever seen here has complied.
In post #94 Deprave made some comments. I replied to them.

Are you going to start demanding that every thread stay on topic? Because I dont think one of them that I have ever seen here has complied.

you can do whatever you want short of posting porn, basically.

but i am doing you a favor by trying to keep you on subject, it will make you a better debater. it's just that we have been talking about newt and you bring up bill clinton and barney are just trying to distract/deflect attention. i mean, you can do that and i can't stop you, but i can point it out.
  • I bet that somehow Gingrich and his war lobbiests are behind that too eh?​

uh....they are behind any wars because selling missiles is their business. Newt is in with arms dealers..well he works for them..of course newt and his bosses aren't the only ones that are all about war and Obama is included among the others. Just for much bigger reasons essentially they are the big players and newt is just a joke.

seems you kinda just skipped over my other point on how Romney and Newt are both convicted crimianls..I think that should disqualify them for POTUSA. Don't you agree?

No, not really. The Democrats threw everything they could at newt and of 74 indictments only one stuck. And it rose to the approximate level of the lie Clinton told congress about Monica Lewinski. I do not think that should disqualify him in running for president. And I dont think it even qualifies as a criminal conviction.

I am not sure what you are referring to in regards to Romney. Maybe the DNC is saving that one for the main election.

BTW, I am assuming you meant POTUS when you said POTUSA :P
Yeah, well Barney Frank is in with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and IMO he has done far more harm to the average American that any of the people you listed have even dreamed of. If someone should be up for a life in federal prison it should be him.

If the politicians didnt keep going to war there would be no need for weapons dealers eh? Yet somehow the politicians (that send Americans to war) get you angry at the profits that THEY PAY to the people who create the arms. I have to give them credit for diverting your attention from the real criminals.
Yea and the arms dealers are the ones that keep it going...They are the ones with the pretty hair on cnn and fox telling you that we should be at war and lying to your face.....This is like saying that any of Obama's problems are to blame on bush or that because.

And then you say Barney Frank is in with 'fannie and freddie' and you recognize this has done harm to the people yet you are cheering for gingrich? A man who helped orchestrate that whole thing?
No, not really. The Democrats threw everything they could at newt and of 74 indictments only one stuck. And it rose to the approximate level of the lie Clinton told congress about Monica Lewinski. I do not think that should disqualify him in running for president. And I dont think it even qualifies as a criminal conviction.

I am not sure what you are referring to in regards to Romney. Maybe the DNC is saving that one for the main election.

BTW, I am assuming you meant POTUS when you said POTUSA :P

Well you obviously haven't looked it up. Nancy Pelosi simply pointed it out its on the congressional record he was cited for ethics violations that are felonies... A much bigger deal then lying about a blowjob...or lying about anything really because lying is implied with "felonious ethics violations" its kind of a gimme, besides again Bill Clinton is not running for president....Intead we have real criminals and corruptness running and its like WTF!??
Yea and the arms dealers are the ones that keep it going...They are the ones with the pretty hair on cnn and fox telling you that we should be at war and lying to your face.....This is like saying that any of Obama's problems are to blame on bush or that because.

And then you say Barney Frank is in with 'fannie and freddie' and you recognize this has done harm to the people yet you are cheering for gingrich? A man who helped orchestrate that whole thing?

I wouldnt exactly say that I am cheering for Gingrich. Personally I think he could do better against Obama, clearly he could in the debates. However, his little diatribe against venture capitalism turned me off recently. I brought Barney Frank into it as a counterpoint to show that both sides have people that can be accused of violating rules and abusing their power, etc.

I would not vote for newt because it is cool to cheat on your dying wife and I would not vote for Romney because locking your dog in an airtight container on the top of your car is the brightest thing to do.

I would vote for either of them because I honestly believe they are far more capable of getting the economy moving in the right direction and building confidence with the business world to generate more jobs and an overall healthier economy. And that is what I care about right now.
I wouldnt exactly say that I am cheering for Gingrich. Personally I think he could do better against Obama, clearly he could in the debates. However, his little diatribe against venture capitalism turned me off recently. I brought Barney Frank into it as a counterpoint to show that both sides have people that can be accused of violating rules and abusing their power, etc.

I would not vote for newt because it is cool to cheat on your dying wife and I would not vote for Romney because locking your dog in an airtight container on the top of your car is the brightest thing to do.

I would vote for either of them because I honestly believe they are far more capable of getting the economy moving in the right direction and building confidence with the business world to generate more jobs and an overall healthier economy. And that is what I care about right now.
Mitt Romney is good at selling people to the stock market as cattle. Newt Gingrich is about building missiles. Neither of which will help the economy. They are feeding you lines of horseshit man, they have nothing to backup what they say whatsoever.
Mitt Romney is good at selling people to the stock market as cattle. Newt Gingrich is about building missiles. Neither of which will help the economy. They are feeding you lines of horseshit man, they have nothing to backup what they say whatsoever.

i thought newt was about selling books?
I wouldnt exactly say that I am cheering for Gingrich. Personally I think he could do better against Obama, clearly he could in the debates. However, his little diatribe against venture capitalism turned me off recently. I brought Barney Frank into it as a counterpoint to show that both sides have people that can be accused of violating rules and abusing their power, etc.

I would not vote for newt because it is cool to cheat on your dying wife and I would not vote for Romney because locking your dog in an airtight container on the top of your car is the brightest thing to do.

I would vote for either of them because I honestly believe they are far more capable of getting the economy moving in the right direction and building confidence with the business world to generate more jobs and an overall healthier economy. And that is what I care about right now.

If you can say we have no problem with Clinton's infidelity then we can say you're cheering for Gingrich. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You Gingrichophile. ;)
Mitt Romney is good at selling people to the stock market as cattle. Newt Gingrich is about building missiles. Neither of which will help the economy. They are feeding you lines of horseshit man, they have nothing to backup what they say whatsoever.

Yes they do, both of them have records.

Gingrich has a record of working with a Democratic president and a Republican congress to achieve some pretty remarkable thinks like the restructuring of welfare into workfare. Lots of people dont like him, but I dont hold that against the guy because he is arrogant and rubs people the wrong way.

Romney worked as a venture capitalist taking struggling companies and trying to re-structure them into healthy ones. That is the type of business experience needed today to get some of the regulation that is causing so many problems in business.

What is Obama offering from his 2nd term?
Mitt Romney is like a used car salesman trying to sell you corporatism....Newt gingrich is like a used car salesman trying to sell you missiles...News Flash - Corporations and Missiles can not save us...We need a new fucking car not another lemon..
What is Obama offering from his 2nd term?

Police state and Collectivist globalism w/ more wars and more violations of the consitution including a continued drug war..the same as mitt romney..he is the corporatism advocate for big banks. I am just waiting for Obama to rip off the mask and reveal that he is Mitt Romney or vice versa.
What do you think about torture, the NDAA, and how about drug laws?

Not for torture but waterboarding is not torture although watching the view for 4 hours straight should be considered as such.

I think the drug laws should be changed but it is not my top priority.
Police state and Collectivist globalism w/ more wars and more violations of the consitution including a continued drug war..the same as mitt romney..he is the corporatism advocate for big banks. I am just waiting for Obama to rip off the mask and reveal that he is Mitt Romney or vice versa.

Romney would bring a calming to the markets which would free up 1 trillion plus dollars and create a faster recovery.

More Obama means more of the same.