Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Romney is a fucking clueless corporate stooge. The only difference between him and Bush is the accent.
no he wouldn't...he is lying through his teeth...he has no real plan..he is corrupt as the "Calming" while he robs us or what? lolRomney would bring a calming to the markets which would free up 1 trillion plus dollars and create a faster recovery.
More Obama means more of the same.
no he wouldn't...he is lying dude...he is corrupt as the "Calming" while he robs us or what? lol
Romney would bring a calming to the markets which would free up 1 trillion plus dollars and create a faster recovery.
so, your claim is that romney will be elected and companies will all of a sudden invest in expand despite overwhelming lack of demand in the market (a lack of demand which romney's policies will make worse).
all i can do is laugh. are there unicorns and magic fairies involved?
Robs you of what? What do you think that Romney is going to take from "you"?
Is your claim that 5 more years of the same or worse (Obama with a fully Republican controlled congress) is a better choice?
Is your claim that 5 more years of the same or worse (Obama with a fully Republican controlled congress) is a better choice?
money because thats what he does for a living..takes money...he will take it and add it to the national debt and then we have to pay it off...just like newt did.
another squirrel. i asked you to stand behind your claim. what did you do instead? you asked me about a tangent.
le sigh.
moving on, there is no guarantee about what the composition of congress will be like. many signs point to the dems regaining the house.
finally, i will do what you won't: i will address the question instead of dodging it. you make an ASSUMPTION that things will continue being "the same or worse" for the next 5 years (in addition to your ASSUMPTION about congress). in any case, we have seen steady progress take place under the leadership and policies of obama, and i think we will see more of it. also, i stand to keep more of my own money under obama and have less worries about my medical grow under obama.
do you care to tell me how and/or why businesses will suddenly start investing trillions without the demand being there? or is it time for more squirrels?
Because alot of the hesitation is related to Obamacare (which should be repealed and/or overturned) and Obama's radical green agenda. He had to suspend his own EPA regulations. He has had to give over 1000 arbitrary waivers on Obamacare. The business world doesnt plan in 6 month or 1 year increments. They plan for 5-20 years.
Someone like Romney would calm fears and cause some of that capital that is sitting on the sidelines to be diverted into growth.
The business world is not hurting particularly, look at the stock market, look at businesses. They are running lean but there are always opportunites for growth.
Uh what? I am not talking about Obama, fuck obama, I wouldn't vote for him or any of the other corporate crooks. Ron Paul is the only one with integrity that has a plan for change. The rest are the "same or worse"...Obama just asked Congress to up the debt ceiling to 16.2 trillion.
Ok, so what you are saying is that you want 5 years of the same or worse rather than a shot at it getting better. It is your vote.
why would there be growth without any demand though, much less trillions of dollars worth of growth?
it doesn't make any sense.
Well, I guess since there isnt any demand there will never need to be any growth so we are fucked.. might as well roll up the sidewalks now eh?
Why do you assume there will not be any demand?
just basing it on things like the average american wage (stagnant) and the cost of living/inflation (rising). ya know, actual things and whatnot.
i do not think that somehow a change of presidents will have businesses suddenly investing trillions of dollars for no reason whatsoever.
Why should they? They are raking in the highest profits in history.
Cheap land, cheap loans, etc. It has got to change eventually. How did all the other recessions end?
Businesses expand so they can make more profit... Duh...
If by expand you mean by outsourcing and moving business overseas so they can get exploit third world countries and employ slave labor tactics, then yes, they do make more profit. Did you hear about the Chinese factory workers who make X-Box 360's threaten mass suicide? How about the rash of suicides at the Apple plants or the health risks and squalid working conditions? Oh yes, and child labor. These are the businesses you're defending and think are just swell.