• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

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Well-Known Member
What I mean is that given the current two choices. ER: keeping the marijuana laws the status quo where someone can be arrested and charged for a joint is preferrable to you than the uncertainty and change that the repeal of at least most of the anti-marijuana laws would bring.
you will not be arrested for a joint in california. you will be given a 100 dollar TICKET. if that. :roll:

anymore BS i can clear up for you?


Active Member
you will not be arrested for a joint in california. you will be given a 100 dollar TICKET. if that. :roll:

anymore BS i can clear up for you?
OK, so people who go to jail, go for over an OZ right? How do said leo officers find that OZ plus on the person? Is is because of a joint? or a baggie in their pocket? Is it the smell of weed? With prop 19 they have no legal cause to search you for any of that. How is that not offering more protection than current? Can't they arrest you even if you are 215 compliant? Isn't 215 just a defense? Granted they don't mess with most people but they can. If a leo wants to hassle you this is a legal way for them to search you or your home or whatever. Prop 19 takes that power away from them. It even goes so far as to say specifically that they can't touch you so if the feds want to start busting people who are compliant with prop 19 the local police are bound by law to not be a part of it.

Smoking around a minor... I mean really, are they installing cameras in your home? Is it a hassle to smoke in a room that your kids aren't in. do you ever get off your couch? If you are disabled is it that hard to ask your child to leave the room while you light up? Who the hell would ever know if they didn't? They don't want people lighting up around kids because of second hand smoke, and/or encouraging kids to smoke. Don't hang out at the playground with your bong and you are good to go! Regardless though, prop 19 doesn't call out any penalties for smoking in front of a minor or at a public place, this was never legal before, it just states specifically that prop 19 doesn't add this legality. Same as it is now.

Carrying more than an ounce. OK, if you are carrying more than an ounce it is logical that you have intent to sell. Certainly some very ill people use more than that in a day or two but that is a rare medical need. This is common sense that carrying more than a zip means you are selling and that is something that prop 19 is designed to protect from. That is what most of the people voting on this or any other bill want, to take the pot sales off the street! If you are going on a trip and are a heavy medical user put some in your suitcase and unless you rear end a cop and then call him an asshole, who the hell is going to search your car? They don't have probable cause because under prop 19 pot is legal. And for clarification, prop 19 specifically says there is no limit to what you can have in your home. As much as you can grow you can keep at your home you just can't go driving around with it all! Regardless, this bill specifically states that prop 19 does not take away the rights of medical users, so you medical guys don't have to worry a bit! That part is tucked in there a bit but it is there. You have to read all the healthcode references to see how that is affected. this is a cut and paste that explaines it better than I can:

Section 11357 of the California Health and Safety Code is the section that relates to possession limitations and penalties. Prop 215/SB420 (Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7-.9) are specifically excluded from the limitations of 11357. Prop 19 limits the application and enforcement of 11357 by establishing the 1 oz. legal limit on possessing, processing, sharing or transporting. HERE'S THE KEY: Prop215/SB420 are not subject to 11357 AND they were excluded from the purposes of Prop 19, therefore 215 patients are not impacted by the 1 oz. limit. Prop 19 even goes as far as to state that local governments have the power (within the framework set forth by Prop 19) to tax, regulate, oversee and control how and how much may be bought and sold, EXCEPT that they can't touch 215/SB420 limitations (or lack thereof)

As for the 18-20 crowd, there is nothing in the bill that states they can get arrested. There is no penalty listed for anyone in that age bracket possessing. There is no reason to think that they will get any more than the current $100 misdemeanor. It
DOES say however that they cannot work at a place that sells or grows, and it does impose a large penalty for anyone over 18 who sells to a minor and anyone over 21 who sells to someone under 21. There is no additional possession penalty for being that 18-21 yr old!!!

Now, for the bs you can clear up. How does anyone other than an 18-20 yr old who wants to work in the industry, a person who is selling illegally, or a person who is an illegal commercial grower afraid to go legit, find fault with this prop?


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Now, for the bs you can clear up. How does anyone other than an 18-20 yr old who wants to work in the industry, a person who is selling illegally, or a person who is an illegal commercial grower afraid to go legit, find fault with this prop?

I'd like to hear the answer to that.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
let's assume i didn't. :dunce:
Then you couldn't have two ounces now either, so nothing would change in that situation. Unless of course after prop 19 passes and you live in a city/county that allows for more than an ounce.


Well-Known Member
Then you couldn't have two ounces now either, so nothing would change in that situation. Unless of course after prop 19 passes and you live in a city/county that allows for more than an ounce.
then why would i vote yes for something that wouldn't help me? ;)


Active Member
Then you couldn't have two ounces now either, so nothing would change in that situation. Unless of course after prop 19 passes and you live in a city/county that allows for more than an ounce.
Dan, there is no limit to what you can have. the only limit is what you can leave the house with. they just don't want the street dealers. That is all that is about. Has nothing to do with how much you can have at home. Certainly if you had 50lbs they would question how you managed that out of a 5x5 garden, but they would need probable cause to walk through the door so how would they know?



Active Member
I learned a lot about prop 19 on http://stop19.com/ten-reasons-to-vote-no/

The info on this site is pretty interesting. I read enough to vote no in november.
wow man. you should read the prop! This is all lies and conjecture. It looks like it was written by a 5th grader, and not one of those smart ones on tv!

1. Proposition 19 isn’t really legalization. It only allows possession of up to one ounce of cannabis. Under current California law, an ounce or less of pot isn’t an arrestable offense. And soon this amount will be a simple civil infraction. Prop 19 doesn’t make any improvements to decriminalization or prop 215.
you can have as much as you want at home you just cant travel with more than an oz. No jobsite wizz quizes. No card needed so no giving your name to anybody as a grower and asking the feds to stop by. No using smell, smoke, a joint, a bong by your open window as cause to search you, your car, or your house. I could go on and on.

2. Prop 19 creates several new cannabis related crimes with extremely severe penalties. Don’ t mistakenly pass a joint to a 17 year old, you will be looking at 7 years in state prison, seriously.
same as beer. Is it really so difficult?

3. Prop 19 is solely designed to allow large scale cannabis production by politically connected corporations. Oakland has already granted a license to the Prop 19 Cartel.
that has noting to do with prop 19. big business has big money and that is what got this bill out there. Oakland has made the deal with the devil but that has nothing to do with other communities. Prop 19 is designed to allow the legal use, manufacture, sale, and purchase of Marijuana in order to provide money for the state, access to quality product, bathe California in the BILLONS of cannabusiness tourist dollars, take the black market out of the picture, and keep people who are simple users out of jail

4. Most legal experts agree that Prop 19 is poorly written and will leave police and judges to enforce it at their discretion. For example, consuming cannabis would be illegal in the same "space" as a minor. Police and judges are free to interoperate the word "space" to mean the same room, house, or entire apartment complex.
So in a state where they don't give a shit now if you smoke a little grass they are going to start doing random hose check to make sure daddy went to the backyard before he lit up. Then because it went from the room you are in to the entire house, to the apartment building you are in it must now mean the whole state... that's a really big space! That is what they will do for sure!

5. There is no need to rush into a law that will be difficult to change. There are better full legalization laws, including one set to be on the ballot in 2012.
Yup, all we need is another millionaire to back it. One who doesn't care if he gets anything out of the deal, but would prefer to have people selling pot to whomever because it is just a plant that god made and nobody can tell us what to do with a plant.

6. Prop 19 will lead to the walmartization of the cannabis industry. And unfortunately, this will result in lower quality and fixed prices. Limited competition and government control will allow large scale growers to determine prices and dictate quality standards (or lack thereof).
If the weed sucks nobody will buy legally. If the prices are to high nobody will buy legally. There is a flourishing illegal market now, so they will need to do something to defeat that and it won't be jacking up prices and only allowing shitty weed.

7. Local governments will control the taxation, production, and distribution on cannabis. This is a touchy political issue; most local politicians won’t risk a backlash by allowing dispensaries in their city. This means many people will have to travel long distances or break the law to purchase cannabis.
Or you could grow your own. I think the fear of the taxation is more about them wanting to much, not them wanting nothing. If someplace really doesn't want a peice of the pie just buy like you are now. You are legal to posses, and there is no such thing as "marked buds" They have no way of knowing where you got it if they don't see the transaction. Regardless of what any community says anyone anywhere in the state can grow in a minimum of25 sq ft, have as much at home as they can grow, have up to an ounce on them at any time, gift up to an ounce, and can smoke.

8. Prop 19 will supersede prop 215, adversely affecting medial cannabis users by dictating grow size, possession amount, patient to patient sales, and location of use.
this is not true at all. 215 is unaffected by this prop.

9. Unbiased cannabis activists do NOT support Prop 19. This includes the late Jack Herer and the co-author of prop 215, Dennis Peron.
gotta wonder why though don't you? It isn't from anything here! Jack always envisioned a pot utopia where pot was treated like a garden vegetable. It would be nice but that boat sailed in the 30's when it was labeled a demon weed and people believed it. Pretty cool to see that stigma put to rest with the first possible attempt to legalize it in 80 years, huh?

10. The federal government has decided to not prosecute medical cannabis users. This will not be the case if Prop 19 passes. Many people believe that the passage of Prop 19 will bring an aggressive response from the feds, perhaps putting medical users at risk of losing access to medicine.
Well if that happens they are on their own. Prop 19 specifically states that local law can't do shit to people who follow the law. If the government retaliates against this on a scale big enough to do any damage we will have a civil war on our hands. They aren't that stupid.


Active Member
where do you come up with this stuff? :roll:
I just read boss
Section 3: Lawful Activities Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale. (ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands. (iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.


Well-Known Member
I just read boss

from your own quote, ......

Section 3: Lawful Activities Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale. (ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands. (iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.


Active Member
from your own quote, ......

Section 3: Lawful Activities Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read: Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale. (ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands. (iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption.
yes... on your person. on the premisis you can have however much you can grow.



Active Member
where does it say that?

to "posses" is to "posses". whether it be here or there.
nope. You are trying to read it like common english. "personally possess" means have on you. "possess on the premisis where grown" is the house where you grow, the shed on the subdivided out-lot out back where you can run your second grow, the neighbors basement who was a nice non-smoker and is letting you lease a 5x5 patch of his land... You can lease land to have a new grow space, and those with bigger lots may even be able to break off a parcel. All they are doing is trying to keep the dealers off the street. This is very reasonable verbiage! If the possession of over an ounce thing wasn't in there, nobody except dealers and growers would ever vote for this thing. It is painfully obvious to most anybody that more than a zip means you are trying to sell it. But if you want to hook up you buddy, just bring him a zip! NBD, because you can share if you want to!

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