Soo...Easter Sunday, I promise I will get all of the watering information caught up with costs analysis... soon GK.
I decided to wait until the plants were telling me they needed to be watered, late Saturday night, they were getting a little droopy. They had been watered on Tuesday, so this fits our idea of a watering schedule for vegging plants closely. If I had watered them on Friday, they wouldn't have had to tell me, I am one of those anal kind, I like to try and make sure what I think is what actually happens. Because I had pretty much let them 'go dry' this will be another 'soaking', 1/2 strength nutes, all the additives, PH'D water (Pats Himself on the Back).
The method is still the same, the dose starts a little higher after going this long between watering, four basters, approximate 250 ml, wait 15 minutes, do it again. If you get runoff, its enough. If you don't add more about 15 minutes later until you do get runoff. I use right at 3 gallons and got 2 qts. of runoff. The next watering we wil go to 3/4 strength nutes and then put them on a flood and drain table. Next week we should be full strength with the nutes. WIthout the early operator error we would have probably been ready for that now, we lost that week to let them recover.
Here are the four Blueberry's before the one puked on me. The stem had gotten twisted a little bit and that was cutting off tranfer to the top of the plant. I tried to replant it, that didn't work.
Here's the Skunkberry, and a close up, the color is that dark green, I think. For a four" or five" tall plant this is a decent stem. And then we have the Northern Berry's.
Last, I pulled the picture of the Hemp-Warp from Friday and Sunday, still doing ok. Probably should start preparing for that final transplant of these by the end of this week.