VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

BobSilvey a veteran that lives in Kentucky, should be posting his story in this forum soon, we need to spread his story across this country loud and proud, we should not let our veterans or any citizens be subjected to the kind of treatment he has endured. I am asking every rollitup member that visits another forum to post his story there, visit the website he posts and check in. We need to be able to talk numbers, we want these charges dropped. I think his first court date is Feb 8th, he will let you know for sure, mark it on your calenders, it's time to go on offense. VV

You have my support, and So does the Vet!

All my Uncles were in Vietnam, and my Grandpa, was a vet of WW2. Gotta take care of our vets. So you have my support
Thanks VV, the Preliminary hearing is feb 20th, we are being offered 8 years consecutive on every count and between my wife and I it is 96 years! Won't have to worry about this world any longer if that happens huh? LOL. I have news for them. I don't make deals with narcs or cops. I will firght them to the wall! thanks brother.

Wow, I can't believe that. So I am guessing you are a medical user of marijuana, and thats what they are trying to screw you for?

We can't let that 96 years happen. I be happy to help in anyway I possibly can.
I was referred her by VV and I see a good group of free thinkers. Please feel free to visit us at www.k4mm.org and we are a new site that is rying to change the mindset in the state of KY. I appreciate being able to be part of this and hope we can change the whole country. it is time for a new way of thinking and action.

Wanted to say Welcome to RIU. I checked out your website, Very nice. I would like to get something like this going in Mass.

Keep up the good work.
Monday January 12, 2009. Federal Judge George H. Wu denies former medical marijuana provider Charles C. Lynch’s request for a new trial even though new evidence has been submitted. A jury found Lynch guilty of five cannabis-only felonies on August 5, 2008 for violating federal drug laws even though Lynch’s dispensary, Central Coast Compassionate Caregivers (CCCC), provided medical marijuana legal within California law.

SLO County Sheriff, Pat Hedges, had his narcotics deputies investigate Lynch, his employees, his patients and his dispensary. For eleven months, Sheriff’s deputies staked out the location taking photos, video, writing down license plate numbers, following patients and employees, and even pulling over employees after leaving the location.

Sheriff Deputies also used paid criminal informants to go undercover to attempt to get evidence of Lynch breaking the law. One paid criminal informant was even allowed to keep his personal stash of marijuana after Sheriff Deputy Nicholas A. Fontecchio found 2 joints in his pocket before going undercover.

Lynch relied on advice and began working with city and county officials in preparation of opening the only medical marijuana dispensary in SLO County. Lynch gave dispensary tours to local representatives to demonstrate the safety procedures he had created to assure medical marijuana was not diverted while providing safe access to qualified patients.

If you had a chance to meet Charlie, you would see he’s no criminal and he doesn’t deserve to spend any time in behind bars. He’s going bankrupt and losing the home which he has had for years before starting his own medical marijuana dispensary. Many friends have abandoned him because they fear the government.

His life has been ruined, not by medical marijuana, but by the laws that are meant to protect people. The laws are said to protect people from marijuana but who will protect the people from the laws? Charlie’s case is a perfect example of a bad law gone drastically wrong.

This is the story you wish us to spread? Yes?

Say the word and you got it!

I can't believe what they will do to someone making a difference. Someone helping others get the medicine they need so they don't have to take these useless expensive drugs given to us by the pharmaceutical companies.

We can't let something to terrible happen to someone who does so much good. Get this story out, and I am sure you will have many supporers.
Our govt is completely out of controll.Bob,glad ta see ya here.

It's been a downward spiral of tyranny since the 1920s, our entire community fears the police... The police that vow to protect and serve...

The only service I've seen in the past ten years is violence, shootings, tasering... (How many people have to be tasered to death before they realize it's cruel and unusual?!?)

In other countries in Europe and Asia, the police don't chase you if you run. They realize they're putting innocent people's lives at stake by inciting a high speed chase, and avoid it entirely.

In London, police don't have weapons...

In Japan, if you are going over 100 MPH they don't even try to catch you, they only get crappy cars that can't possibly keep up... Whereas in America "land of the free" if you are going 100 and running from the cops, they'll spin you out of control and have their guns out and fixed on your head...

Fucked up huh...

I believe Barney Frank of Mass has been trying to get federal law to recognize medicinal users not as criminals, and to quit fucking with them, I haven't really been keeping up with the medicinal news, my states not a medicinal state, and if it was I'd still do it the way I've done it for years. bongsmilie
It's been a downward spiral of tyranny since the 1920s, our entire community fears the police... The police that vow to protect and serve...

The only service I've seen in the past ten years is violence, shootings, tasering... (How many people have to be tasered to death before they realize it's cruel and unusual?!?)

In other countries in Europe and Asia, the police don't chase you if you run. They realize they're putting innocent people's lives at stake by inciting a high speed chase, and avoid it entirely.

In London, police don't have weapons...

In Japan, if you are going over 100 MPH they don't even try to catch you, they only get crappy cars that can't possibly keep up... Whereas in America "land of the free" if you are going 100 and running from the cops, they'll spin you out of control and have their guns out and fixed on your head...

Fucked up huh...

I believe Barney Frank of Mass has been trying to get federal law to recognize medicinal users not as criminals, and to quit fucking with them, I haven't really been keeping up with the medicinal news, my states not a medicinal state, and if it was I'd still do it the way I've done it for years. bongsmilie

Thanks man, I will google him and see what I can do. I actually went straight to Barack Obama. I know my letter probably wont get right to him, but I hope it grabs someones attention.

All about the benefits of the legalization of marijuana, How many jobs it would create, the free medicine it would give, It can be used to make oil. Also you not to mention to other great uses, and its just good for the planet. I wrote up a proposal, and basically said, I am no Dr. No Scientist, just a normal person, like you were. And I have a idea like you do. Many share my idea, If this sparks your interest just by reading this propsol, just hear me out.

Even if it does not get to the president. Or doesn't get anyones attention. I took a shot.
A lot of folks did, we crashed the phones yesterday complaining about the raid that was conducted on Thursday in California.VV
A lot of folks did, we crashed the phones yesterday complaining about the raid that was conducted on Thursday in California.VV


So thats the store that you guys want to be posted around right? The one Earl just posted?

I know a few people who would be glad to do it. I am sure you know a few of them too vic.

Alot of good people here that would love to help. I am one of them.
Makes me want to puke:

DEA's San Francisco Field Division coordinates the statewide Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (DCE/SP). The number of plants eradicated and assets seized represent the largest totals in California history.
Question VV , I see that your using a greenhouse for your seedlings but I look at other people's journals and they don't use one , whats the diffrince between using one and not using one?
Makes me want to puke:

No shit huh. WTF. Why aren't they out getting real criminals off the street? Or the people who are smuggeling drugs like herion into the US.

Gotta fucking take our meds away so were forced to use there pharmaceuticals. Slimy bastards
Question VV , I see that your using a greenhouse for your seedlings but I look at other people's journals and they don't use one , whats the diffrince between using one and not using one?

I use a humidity dome too...

It's really just a way of keeping the humidity at a constant high level.

With peat based root plugs it keeps you from having to water them so often, and keeps the plugs at a good moisture level for a longer period of time. You do have to "burp" them occasionally.

I've always used the humidity dome tops... Except for the EZ cloner... But I didn't like it, and stick to the GH Rapid Rooters.
I use a humidity dome too...

It's really just a way of keeping the humidity at a constant high level.

With peat based root plugs it keeps you from having to water them so often, and keeps the plugs at a good moisture level for a longer period of time. You do have to "burp" them occasionally.

I've always used the humidity dome tops... Except for the EZ cloner... But I didn't like it, and stick to the GH Rapid Rooters.

Very well said. I would have to agree in saying use a humidity dome.
Thanx all of you. The treatment of our vets is horrendous at best. There are many stories like these three. MHM, special thanx, all of you please continue doing what we have been. Educating folks about Marijuna with the emphasize on how to grow.
Kratose, I started it with Bob's story because he stopped in another forum I belong to, the others posted here are just as important.
When I joined rollit up the membership was about 500, now we have over 100,000, and we are not alone there are several other forums, many of us belong to more than one forum. I think the MJ forums have total memberships in the millions. We need to flex that muscle. VV
Thanx all of you. The treatment of our vets is horrendous at best. There are many stories like these three. MHM, special thanx, all of you please continue doing what we have been. Educating folks about Marijuna with the emphasize on how to grow.
Kratose, I started it with Bob's story because he stopped in another forum I belong to, the others posted here are just as important.
When I joined rollit up the membership was about 500, now we have over 100,000, and we are not alone there are several other forums, many of us belong to more than one forum. I think the MJ forums have total memberships in the millions. We need to flex that muscle. VV

And thats one big muscle we could flex!

I hear ya man, its really sad when you hear about that crap. My mom works for a soldiers home, they treat them really good there, but she use to work at others and she hated how they were treated.

And I agree with ya, we need to educate the people. Let them know the truth about marijuana. They were fed so much BS from the government that they are brainwashed into thinking its a bad thing.

But, I can see were getting through to some people. As you know, last year a few states moved a jump ahead in the fight. So that means people were voting in favor, so were getting there. We still have lots of work to do. I want to see it recognized as legal by our government. That would be a major victory.
No prob V, if someone is wanting to grow some herb, or has a question about growing, I'm more than happy to help them the best I can.

I'm educating people how to do it, at a much larger scale than Cali medicinal laws allow... But all the same, I try to help as best I can... Shit man, when I first joined I thought your journal was really long... Now my journal has grown a mind of its own, is well over 30k views and 1000 replies...

If just 10% of those viewers were helped by my journal then I've helped 3000 people...

Keep up the good work, the more people we have growing their own, the less money gets shipped out of the country for brick weed and shitty beasters...

The time for the end of marijuana prohibition is at hand... Let's take back our right to grow a common native plant! :leaf:

That, or make it illegal to grow roses, tomatoes, corn, cotton... Etc.

No more growing anything

That's how ass-backwards our laws are.

If I want to grow a field of poppies, and make opium, I should be allowed to do so.

"Land of the free, home of the brave."

Stand up and be brave, when you are oppressed by your government it's your duty as a citizen to stand up against it, and take back the rights you deserve.

::raises one fist::
Hey vic,

You know about the new Mass Decriminlization as we talked about before right? Guess whats all over the news....They are trying to amend that law. They want it out of here. They said they are stopping people and finding marijuana on them, but thats not all, they are using the, Most people we stop who have marijuana, also have other drugs on them bullshit.

They dont talk about the people who are just fund with a small amount of marijuana. Oh no ofcourse, they just talk about the people they stop that have other drugs too. so its not looking good now. I knew it was too good to last.

I will do everything I can to keep it from happening though. Any suggestions would help vic.

Oh, I just put up some budshots in my journal, Feel free to stop by and check them out. The best shots are on page 37 I believe. Pics were taken at 12 days flowering, so don't expect huge budshots.
Of course it's a gateway drug, kids are told how bad drugs are, and marijuana is lumped in with the harder ones.

Most kids try weed first, and realize it's awesome, and not that big of a deal, so they relate that information towards other drugs...

If marijuana was legal, it'd be like alcohol and cigarettes...