w.t.f. is going on? been researdhing fro 3 days and nothing. PLEASE HELP

http://pogenetics.com/?page_id=389. the link I provided earlier in posts ( that no one read lol)
I read it bro but my leafs aren't cupping like that. Only arching inward where the lack of color is. I'm gonna spray with that mitacid just to be safe. But I've looked for a mite for days now, and nothing. I raised the roots by adding rocks to a similar bucket and placing the plant bucket in the rock bucket for better drainage. I'm going to send pics to that web address and see what they say. Ill keep u all posted.
I read it bro but my leafs aren't cupping like that. Only arching inward where the lack of color is. I'm gonna spray with that mitacid just to be safe. But I've looked for a mite for days now, and nothing. I raised the roots by adding rocks to a similar bucket and placing the plant bucket in the rock bucket for better drainage. I'm going to send pics to that web address and see what they say. Ill keep u all posted.
you asked for the link of the place you can send in a photo too. thats the link
Oh, I hate to post this after Snaps has posted (no relationship in my answer to you posting Snaps) as I have answered on this MV issue before with Snaps answering before I did.

I do NOT believe that it's a MV of any type!
Sunn-Hemp is a tillage ground cover crop for farming! It is NOT a Cannabis related plant! Just because a plant name has "hemp" in it. Sure doesn't mean it's related!
With that said, Wiki is a user supplied information source web-i-pedia. Just who supplied the info that it (sunn-Hemp MV) infects Cannabis? The same for ICM or any related Cannabis grow site !

I am in a little "collective" of LONG time growers. We have sent HUNDREDS of samples to Mich. State University Ag. science for testing, looking for MV infections. NONE have EVER come back as positive!!!!!!
I have spoken directly to a Professor there that deals with nothing but plant disease/pest problems. He has not seen an infected (MV) cannabis plant ever.
With that said. I asked if it's possible that Canna can be infected. He was not "sure", but felt it was POSSIBLE. But he had some other points on the subject.
He felt that if it was a problem it was during the years of commercial HEMP production and he stated that he had NOT seen writings on the subject to indicate any large scale problem on record. He felt that it MAY be being bread out of our plant with the breeding being done in relation to it's use!

The visible "infection" would spread through out the whole plant and show it. ( I have seen here, one picture of a plant, that I SURE would have had tested. Just to know if it WAS an MV). The results would be to severely reduce the growth and yield of the plant.

Broad mite infection CAN appear like a MV infection. The difference being that it will not spread about the plant or transfer to others very fast. Broad mites are VERY small and attack stems and veins of leaves by digging in a bit and that damage creates the "curve" and the "mottled" look by limiting nutrition to the "down stream" effected area.

MV is transmitted by Bug bites(giving a wound location for infection) or by physical TOUCH from infected plants and Humans that have touched infected plants and then touching healthy plants.

I feel that may be possible and I would LOVE to see if it's real by a positive test if it is! (Don't wish that on anyone though).

With that said, I don't BELIEVE I ever will as it's not been proven to have happened around here, or anywhere else I have been in contact with, YET!

Treat for Broad mites with Forbid 4F.

IF and I do mean "IF", it gets worse and begins to spread out the whole or a major portion of the plant. Get it tested if you like. A handful of single leaf infection area's DON'T count!

To perpetuate the MV "myth" is wrong. I hope I supplied real world intel on this subject and hope you all learned something to use to your advantage.

If you believe in MV and believe you have an infected plant. Isolate it and don't touch it before you touch other plants in your grow. Sanitize your hands after touching what you "believe" to be an infected plant with an alcohol based hand sanitizer before doing ANYTHING else in the grow.

I don't care what size filter you have on your intake OP. Infestations are not an "if", they are a "when". Too many ways for pests to get in besides air intakes. Besides, BM's are TINY, around the size of a White fly leg (you saw the above picture right?). They can go through many intake filters.

Again, I hope everyone learned something and uses the knowledge for good.

I so agree. i stopped do to the fact that you cannot argue with rookie. i know its not that. i did learn of a virus that affects outdoor hemp. Not cannabis. but i wasnt gonna argue. Thanks for the info. All this is a very simple plant. trying to over do it only means you cant handle simple. well that said good luck on your grows. My ill take my 8 oz a plant average and continue what i do. KISS KISS just incase you missed it KISS. thank you all and have fun and stop looking for the worst instead feel the best.
Roots. roots and roots. Get a new pot ready and pull this one up. take pics of the roots. I bet you will see issues. All this is the most easy simple plant to grow. come on all.

edit. that looks like the light is 8 inches away and cooking the shit out of it. with low humidity
My pics are outdoors planted in the ground. There's 5 other plants in the same plot and none are affected just this one.
I so agree. i stopped do to the fact that you cannot argue with rookie. i know its not that. i did learn of a virus that affects outdoor hemp. Not cannabis. but i wasnt gonna argue. Thanks for the info. All this is a very simple plant. trying to over do it only means you cant handle simple. well that said good luck on your grows. My ill take my 8 oz a plant average and continue what i do. KISS KISS just incase you missed it KISS. thank you all and have fun and stop looking for the worst instead feel the best.
I agree bro I did as u recommend to get the roots more drainage. Im m bye no means a pro. I have 4 or 5 grows under me and that's it. I do my best to figure out thingz on my own instead of being a lazy noob and expecting someone to solve my problem. This issue I encountered is very new to me. And apparently there is a huge debate on weather its even real. Not to mention shit tons of miss information. I could find nothing not 1 pic in 3 days that resembled my issue. Its spreading faster now but doesn't seem to kill. I'm no closer yo an answer than when I started. I got loads of good advice and a few nutters. You each know who u are. But through it all I figured out that its a work in progress. Ill probably encounter 100s of issues that drive me crazy. But I'm thankful to each and every one of you and the time u took to try and teach me and help me. I believe drainage is definitely part or the issue u, and have remedied it. I'm not convinced of broad mites but I sprayed out of precaution. I personally think that high temps and low humidity is playing a big role aswell and am looking at options to raise the humidity. As far as T.M.V. I don't know if it is real in cannabis, but I believe it foolish that it couldn't adapt. Its a virus. It may be similar to t.m.v. or totally diff like s.h.m.v. there is just not enough data to prove or disprove its existence, but I know the "supposed pictures" of it in cannabis on Google look a heluva lot like what I have going on. Since ther is no cure for it. If the other 2 remides fail ill just try and grow through it. 6 1/2 weeks... sheesh. Thanks everyone. You guys are all great and appreciate the knowledge. Ill keep u posted. Namaste yo.
I agree bro I did as u recommend to get the roots more drainage. Im m bye no means a pro. I have 4 or 5 grows under me and that's it. I do my best to figure out thingz on my own instead of being a lazy noob and expecting someone to solve my problem. This issue I encountered is very new to me. And apparently there is a huge debate on weather its even real. Not to mention shit tons of miss information. I could find nothing not 1 pic in 3 days that resembled my issue. Its spreading faster now but doesn't seem to kill. I'm no closer yo an answer than when I started. I got loads of good advice and a few nutters. You each know who u are. But through it all I figured out that its a work in progress. Ill probably encounter 100s of issues that drive me crazy. But I'm thankful to each and every one of you and the time u took to try and teach me and help me. I believe drainage is definitely part or the issue u, and have remedied it. I'm not convinced of broad mites but I sprayed out of precaution. I personally think that high temps and low humidity is playing a big role aswell and am looking at options to raise the humidity. As far as T.M.V. I don't know if it is real in cannabis, but I believe it foolish that it couldn't adapt. Its a virus. It may be similar to t.m.v. or totally diff like s.h.m.v. there is just not enough data to prove or disprove its existence, but I know the "supposed pictures" of it in cannabis on Google look a heluva lot like what I have going on. Since ther is no cure for it. If the other 2 remides fail ill just try and grow through it. 6 1/2 weeks... sheesh. Thanks everyone. You guys are all great and appreciate the knowledge. Ill keep u posted. Namaste yo.

okay take 16 oz pop bottles fill with water and freeze. pu them in fornt of a fan and take the lids off. that will lower temps and add 15% humidity fast just keep changing them till you get to the right humidity. veg 60% and flower 30% RH. temps at 75 is perfect. pm me if you live in us and want to talk on phone. If i cannot help i will ask a few who can help for the right fix.
Okay yes outdoors you got something going on. I use sevin. outdoors it works. dont ever use anything but pepper spray when buds are present. but till then sevin is the best. if you can find the powder version its the best. but liquid version is good just not as strong.
What your looking at is a Pineapple Chunk by Barneys Farm. It is in happy frog potting soil. Im using F.F. tiger bloom, F.F big bloom, CalMag, bud candy, by advance nutrients. Its under a 600watt m.h./h.p.s. conversion bulb. Monday will be the beginning of week 3 of flower. I thought it was either nitrogen toxicity, or nitrogen deficiency. Please help anyone. 100,000 blessing be yours for your kindness and time.
mist with an epsom salt solution check internet for amounts could be mag deficiency. find i`m getting good results with epsom salt .
I read it bro but my leafs aren't cupping like that. Only arching inward where the lack of color is. I'm gonna spray with that mitacid just to be safe. But I've looked for a mite for days now, and nothing. I raised the roots by adding rocks to a similar bucket and placing the plant bucket in the rock bucket for better drainage. I'm going to send pics to that web address and see what they say. Ill keep u all posted.

From what I can see, there is little resemblance between the broad mite damage and the "alleged" moasic virus damage. I'm not saying that the issue in question is a moasic virus, of which there are many.



looks nothing like this...


Notice how the pattern is asymmetrical and that the curve of the leaf is towards the side with the "infection".
From what I can see, there is little resemblance between the broad mite damage and the "alleged" moasic virus damage. I'm not saying that the issue in question is a moasic virus, of which there are many.



looks nothing like this...


Notice how the pattern is asymmetrical and that the curve of the leaf is towards the side with the "infection".
wow your slow... please read from the beginning of the thread. and spend more then 2 min googling
I have read the thread from the beginning, a few times, and I have spent more than 2 minutes Googling. Screw you. The guy has looked for your crappy mites. He can't find them. Maybe you see them because they are flying out of your cunt.

There are potentially many other reasons why abrooks2152's plants look the way they do, not just your crappy mites. Open your thought process to other possibilities and maybe together we'll all learn something new.

In fact, maybe you'll learn something new. For instance - it is "you're slow" not "your slow". You're 40...communicate like it. You lose credibility with every post in which you reveal your profound ignorance of written English and of the myriad possibilities of Plant Pathology. If you are truly as stupid as your posts make you out to be, you'll just want to be quiet and not draw too much attention to yourself.

Remember, in the grand scheme of things we are all on the same team. In the end we all just want to grow the best weed we can and help others do the same. We really shouldn't have to suffer the intolerance of stupid people like you in the name of lending a hand.
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