• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

wack start to the morning.


Well-Known Member
I have this odd feeling you are incredibly immature. Or maybe you're slow. You're just an all around shitty person. I'm not sure what made you think bragging about killing animals for the fuck of it, is a cool idea... but it's not.
so name calling is in order.. tsk tsk tsk lol "slap on tha wrist" bad! lmao


Staff member
Dude... Pot forum. I'll point out the really really super obvious. Most stoners are chill, try to stay irie. They don't groove on violence or killing. If you have to kill, you shouldn't brag it up on a forum full of people that appreciate the value of every life.

EDIT: And, everyone hating on the kill. Please remember this the next time someone's arrested for a heinous crime. They are still a life and still have the right to humane treatment. No more screaming for prison rape and death penalties, no more wishes for torture and castration.
;) i dont believe in death penalty so im allow to hate on the kill. haha

As for pervious comment that it was in his house so he should kill it , no he should have his holes in his house patched up and properly secured.


Well-Known Member
so name calling is in order.. tsk tsk tsk lol "slap on tha wrist" bad! lmao
to get a point across.. it has meaning.. not like shooting innocent animals, then bragging "you" will make a hat out of it. who the fuck does that?


Well-Known Member
to get a point across.. it has meaning.. not like shooting innocent animals, then bragging "you" will make a hat out of it. who the fuck does that?
i dunno i guess kushhound does lol at least he's not wasting it :? but im slowly gunna back away from this thread since i feel sum tension lol


Well-Known Member
i kinda agree wit u on this one lol but he is new to the site and still feeling it out, seeing whats good.. he only meens good he just tryna make convo with ppl.
He's trying to make conversation with a group that has a lower-than-average compassion-absent personality disorder rate than the general population. He's doing it by bragging about killing, in a way that makes my lizard brain say he enjoyed watching it suffer, but decided against bragging about that part until he got approval for the "righteous kill." Shock and dismay, there's not an outpouring of "CSB." Well, I'm not impressed at all. Neither are the people that care about life.

Being new on a pot forum, you should be quiet, learn the lay of the land. What if RIU was a setup site? Now the guy put out on blast that he likes to kill in a cruel fashion, and is willing to kill to protect his plants. Again... where's the leeway come from?


Active Member
yes and in this kingdom we have a food chain. an animal screws with part of his food chain to get food it has the right and responsibility to pay compensation with its life, so it can serve a purpose in the food chain. o and you spelled animal wrong.
First of all, this is 100 percent true. not to mention it was damaging my livelyhood. if it was a animal like a mouse or a rabbit, i would capture. however for those who dont know, racccoons eat anything, i have some sweet fruity satoris going. if i had have left it, gone and driven to town( about a hour away, if i want anything useful) that little bitch could have ate everything, or damaged beyond repair. i didnt shoot it to be mean, i did it so i dont starve. it was just a bonus i hate raccoons. they are desease ridden, and just bother me. always have. plus it was vengance on a pest. it already wrecked about a 1000 buck worth of shit. off 2 plants.

that said, im not just throwing it out to rot. i am making a hat. im not wasting it. and i killed it humanely. its not like i captured it and lit it on fire or some sick shit like that. i took care of buisness. out here you have to. if you fuck around, that can put your LIFE in danger.

and one last thing. raccoons are known carriers of rabbies. a deadly uncurable desease. all around i didnt have a choice. if i sounded a little to happy about it in sorry. but you had to be there to see it to full apriciate it. i knew the girls probably wouldnt find this amusing, but i dont have anyone to talk to out here, so i fogured id talk to erryone on here.

and sorry sunni, i know its sad, and sound horrible, but if i have to decide raccoon or me, its so eazy i dont even hesitate. i would shoot 100000000000 raccoons before alowing them to eat my crop and potentially starve me


Well-Known Member
Dude... Pot forum. I'll point out the really really super obvious. Most stoners are chill, try to stay irie. They don't groove on violence or killing. If you have to kill, you shouldn't brag it up on a forum full of people that appreciate the value of every life.

EDIT: And, everyone hating on the kill. Please remember this the next time someone's arrested for a heinous crime. They are still a life and still have the right to humane treatment. No more screaming for prison rape and death penalties, no more wishes for torture and castration.
Wise words, excellent articulation and not taking a side - well thought out in the big picture :)


Well-Known Member
i dunno i guess kushhound does lol at least he's not wasting it :? but im slowly gunna back away from this thread since i feel sum tension lol
naw man, no tension here. I just tell it like it is. if i use curse words to get my point across, so be it.

some folks can handle it, some can't.

most of the shit i say is sarcastic anyway, unless it involves people being cruel to animals or those who are unable to defend themselves.. then i step in. because thats who i be.


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah blah....
and sorry sunni, i know its sad, and sound horrible, but if i have to decide raccoon or me, its so eazy i dont even hesitate. i would shoot 100000000000 raccoons before alowing them to eat my crop and potentially starve me
thats fine man. but why create a thread on a pot forum to talk about it? some shit you keep to yourself.. you know.. like your giant pedo pr0n collection you have.. i dont see you bragging about that too much..


Well-Known Member
Wise words, excellent articulation and not taking a side - well thought out in the big picture :)

Thank you.

That last post of dude's was classic back petal. Dude, cat's outta the bag, you like to kill. And, I'm a bow hunter. Blasting a broadhead through a small animal, stapling it to a wall, is very cruel, it dies slowly. Rabies is indeed curable in humans. Just a painful process. And, again, you're bragging about being violent, excusing violence, minimizing, and showing no sign of remorse. Those are considered "triggers." When they get that warrant, those "triggers" may be the difference between a knock and an SRT incursion.


Staff member
i think someone was going on about rabies the other day there hasnt been a case reported in my area in over 45+ years. its not a big as one would seem.

EDIT: just to mention as well i live in northern ontario there are animals everywhere so its not like im in some giant city with no wildlife.


Well-Known Member
lmao! great answer! not much meat on the bone for me to retort. no pun intended.
I was going to point out the potential use of play-on words, but am staying neutral as it's perspective, and when you throw feelings into the mix with any form of an analysis/analytical reasoning.. it'll turn into "Chop the fan leaves or no?" where everyone has seen and done different things, all have different views. None of them are 'wrong' due to it being feelings-based.


Active Member
And obviously not many of you live in the country. im talking to you all about shit cause theres no one else. im not bragging. the tittle of the thread is wack morning. it means it was fucked up. yes i hate raccoons, and yes i shot one. but also understand, its not as eazy as scaring it out. the basement is huge, and as i explained before, you cant fuck around out here. anyone who thinks this os a joke, ask any rural grower what they would have done.

ELIMINATED TGE THREAT AND NOT BEEN A CRYBABY... BOO HOO, NATURE HAPPENED TODAY. guess what, wildlife die on highways erryday. why dont you just stop driving. and i bet you eat meat. thats hipocritical to. Sometimes you cant just do what sounds better. i know you all tginks is as eazy as asking a raccoon to leave. its not. they are a health hazard, plus damage my livelyhood.

guess what else, if someone had have been down there stealing my crop, they woulda got it too. you dont fuck with my livelyhood. BOTTOM LINE. if you would let a raccoon cause you to starve, you would be missing braincells. think before acusing me of being some animal torturer. I ride a horse more than drive, and i spend like 2 hours a day with my bunny. the one thats my profile pis. i love animals, but i just hate raccoons. everyone has something that bothers them.

but put in the same position, all of you would have done the same. if you didnt, you would be dumb and possibly die from it. life goes on. i didnt hunt the thing, and i dindt invite it in. sometimes tough shit happens, life is sad.

im a jew, whose grandmother survived a consentration camp. I think theres greater saddness in life than the demise of a raccoon


Well-Known Member
naw man, no tension here. I just tell it like it is. if i use curse words to get my point across, so be it.

some folks can handle it, some can't.

most of the shit i say is sarcastic anyway, unless it involves people being cruel to animals or those who are unable to defend themselves.. then i step in. because thats who i be.
i get what ur saying brotha im tha same way lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why not just contain your grow in a way the raccoon cannot enter?

Although I suppose they would find a way. Or chew some cords coming out.

Idk, I don't feel to particular either way about the OP. If he eats the raccoon then I don't think he did anything wrong at all.


Staff member
And obviously not many of you live in the country. im talking to you all about shit cause theres no one else. im not bragging. the tittle of the thread is wack morning. it means it was fucked up. yes i hate raccoons, and yes i shot one. but also understand, its not as eazy as scaring it out. the basement is huge, and as i explained before, you cant fuck around out here. anyone who thinks this os a joke, ask any rural grower what they would have done.

ELIMINATED TGE THREAT AND NOT BEEN A CRYBABY... BOO HOO, NATURE HAPPENED TODAY. guess what, wildlife die on highways erryday. why dont you just stop driving. and i bet you eat meat. thats hipocritical to. Sometimes you cant just do what sounds better. i know you all tginks is as eazy as asking a raccoon to leave. its not. they are a health hazard, plus damage my livelyhood.

guess what else, if someone had have been down there stealing my crop, they woulda got it too. you dont fuck with my livelyhood. BOTTOM LINE. if you would let a raccoon cause you to starve, you would be missing braincells. think before acusing me of being some animal torturer. I ride a horse more than drive, and i spend like 2 hours a day with my bunny. the one thats my profile pis. i love animals, but i just hate raccoons. everyone has something that bothers them.

but put in the same position, all of you would have done the same. if you didnt, you would be dumb and possibly die from it. life goes on. i didnt hunt the thing, and i dindt invite it in. sometimes tough shit happens, life is sad.

im a jew, whose grandmother survived a consentration camp. I think theres greater saddness in life than the demise of a raccoon
oh man....youre about to get so many replies from the rural comment. i would say most people here dont live in a big city


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

That last post of dude's was classic back petal. Dude, cat's outta the bag, you like to kill. And, I'm a bow hunter. Blasting a broadhead through a small animal, stapling it to a wall, is very cruel, it dies slowly. Rabies is indeed curable in humans. Just a painful process. And, again, you're bragging about being violent, excusing violence, minimizing, and showing no sign of remorse. Those are considered "triggers." When they get that warrant, those "triggers" may be the difference between a knock and an SRT incursion.
im curious as to what u meen in the end.. what do u meen by triggers? like cops think u have weapons they will smash the door intead of knocking? cuz weverytime i got raided (3times) they kicked the door in guns blazing cuz supposably i was known to carry a firearm but everytime they raided me they never found it only the dope and everytime after they still kicked the door down? so if it wasnt for sum chick sending the pigs a picture of sum crazy shit i would just get a kncok on the door????