• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

wack start to the morning.


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah blah
im a jew, whose grandmother survived a consentration camp. I think theres greater saddness in life than the demise of a raccoon


Well-Known Member
Am not sure where you are, but where I am.. I have eastern massasauga rattlesnakes and black bears within 1500ft-ish tops of the property I am on.. almost any time of the year. I think I meet the country requirement for the statement in question.


Well-Known Member
I don't see what all the fuss is about, it was a raccoon eating his plants. I've had to beat a couple of muskrats to death with a shovel before...it happens.


Active Member
Many of you need to look at it from all points of view. not just how you see things. i know, lets ask bear. i bet in tge same situation, in my place he would do the same thing. ANYONE OUT HERE IN BEAR COUNTRY KNOWS I WASNT BEING A FUCK. IT HAD TO BE DONE.

and b the way, i didnt see the raccoon, and go get my bow and a broadhed to dothis. i grabbed my bow to defend myself (what idmf it had veen a couger). and i only have broadheads handy. and wgat does it matter what arrow i used.

and to mister alledged bow hunter, the fucking thing died before i even made it across the room(to finish it quickly if needed).y sould actually try hitting something with a broad. they die quick. thats the idea.

i made a call, and thats that. i live where theres no people, and wanted to talk about it.

and theres nothing in the rules saying you cant defend your crop/self from wild animals in ruralareas.

life is rough, ya gotta be tough

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If he shot it through the body and left it there to wriggle and die, that would be cruel.

If he shot it in the head first or shortly after the body shot, I would consider that not cruel.


Well-Known Member
im curious as to what u meen in the end.. what do u meen by triggers? like cops think u have weapons they will smash the door intead of knocking? cuz weverytime i got raided (3times) they kicked the door in guns blazing cuz supposably i was known to carry a firearm but everytime they raided me they never found it only the dope and everytime after they still kicked the door down? so if it wasnt for sum chick sending the pigs a picture of sum crazy shit i would just get a kncok on the door????
I mean, if the police suspect you of a serious crime, before they come talk to you they put together a personality profile. They'll pull the information from every available source. So, prior arrests, known weapons association, violent history, arrests, convictions. Public forums they can find you on, and any court ordered psychiatric interactions. The less they have, the broader the brush they use to paint the picture. Those are common triggers for a person with a borderline antisocial personality disorder, or a psychopathic personality disorder. If you trigger those, they're coming in kicking, with safeties off. I've been profiled, and had over 20 officers raid a relative's house looking for me. For a DWI warrant.


Well-Known Member
Was the animal shot through the head or the body?
Would guess through the head if it was a single shot insta-kill, as a full size raccoon can take 12 rounds worth the FMJ rounds and still be hellbent on trying rip a calf muscle right off of someones leg.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I also don't think it would be wise to scrap with a raccoon. If he was in an enclosed area with the animal and it didn't want to leave, what would he have been able to do?

Raccoons are scrappers man. I would not want to be up close and personal with one that was scared or angry.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Not to mention if he had left to find something to "catch" the animal, his plants could of been entirely consumed.

Months of time and resources down the drain. Not to mention any equipment the animal might of damaged.


Active Member
And for those asking who makes a hat, i fucking do. so what. you dont have to wear it.

i coukd trade it in town for something cool( a popukar thin to do).

and who asks if i shot it in the head thats fucked. that would likely miss, and that is just sick. i dealt with it yhe only way i could.

Abd i dont keep guns cause i hate em, and if you have em and get popped, itAGGRIVATES CHARGES.

and really, i dont have to justify myself to anyone. someone else had to kill muskrats with a shovel.
it happens. i will not starve just caise some think what i did is whrong. i dont think i was in the wrong, so tough shit for myfuyure hat.
and next winter when hes keeping my head warm, i will be sure to say thank you. if it makes erryone fell better lol


Staff member
if you dont wanna justify yourself dont post controversial threads kush sorry!


Well-Known Member
So i was going about my normal routine, when i heard some fucked up noises in the ranchhouse. i knew i knew the noise, but couldnt remember what caused it. so i went and got my bow (i dont own firearms, they add to chargess if you get raided, plus you loose en, and bows . i know using a bow indoor is rediculous, however they are deadle at close range and are silent). there is another bonus. you can fire the arrow, or you can use it as a stabbing weapon.and i have broadheads. for those who dont know what that means, look up a picture of broadhead arrows. they aint kn joke...

anyway, i go down the stairs, bow ready, and liw and behold there is a raccoon wrecking my shit. I dont like harming normal animals for any reason, but i have a personal vendetta against all raccoons. i hate em all. my budy was like "hey they are smart, they wash their hands before eating". i winder what ms the point in washing up to eat garbage. i just hate errything about em. i always have.

anyway, i shot it imidiatly. it was only about 15 feet away, and it was up against the wall. when the arrow hit it, it nailed it to the wall. HA YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKER. now im gonna make me a raccoon hat today. bitch. time to dry the hide. that shit made my day. i got to fuck up not just a racoon, but i got to nail it to the wall with a broadhead for fucking with my plants. i just called my buddy a few miles away, when i told him he luaged in the phone so hard i thought he was gonna run outta air.

has anyone ever had the joy of getting vengance against a crop damaging pest? if so, let is know. im sure theirs gotta be some other goodones. ive heard of someone catching a pesky dope fiend squirl with a snare. but that story lacked the excitement of this morning. all that happened is he went one day and the little bitch was choked out at the base of a plant. i know dope is good, but the shits expensive. fuck sharing it with anything that dosent have a wallet. i love animals, but now when they fuck with my crop.
Well, I hate the fuckers as much as you do but I'm lucky as I've moved away from those bastards. I had an little ranch in the Midwest over 20 years ago and last MFO raccoon that tried to attack my cat was meant with a .44 slug in the head. I found her babies and shot those in the head too. Yeah, some animals just piss me off and they're better off dead. Raccoon is one those vermin.


Well-Known Member
And for those asking who makes a hat, i fucking do. so what. you dont have to wear it.

i coukd trade it in town for something cool( a popukar thin to do).

and who asks if i shot it in the head thats fucked. that would likely miss, and that is just sick. i dealt with it yhe only way i could.

Abd i dont keep guns cause i hate em, and if you have em and get popped, itAGGRIVATES CHARGES.

and really, i dont have to justify myself to anyone. someone else had to kill muskrats with a shovel.
it happens. i will not starve just caise some think what i did is whrong. i dont think i was in the wrong, so tough shit for myfuyure hat.
and next winter when hes keeping my head warm, i will be sure to say thank you. if it makes erryone fell better lol
I hope that you thought in no way that my word choices were bashing you, or passing judgment. I too have had to deal with a raccoon. The mention of it taking many FMJ rounds was my trying to remove the threat variable as it chased a life-long friend of mine across the yard and was hell-bent on ripping meat off of his legs.


Well-Known Member
I live in the country, my yard is a natural wildlife highway of sorts. Lots of cover, natural waterway etc.

We get a tonne of wildlife including deer (That eat my garden that I work hard to grow and supply my family with fresh produce) , raccoons, skunks, coyotes, a fox that lives in the yard amongst other critters.

We have trapped 2 raccoons and a coyote in live traps and had them removed and relocated. Never would I kill any of them because I did not secure my property
and they were just being animals. We plant a larger garden so there is less of an impact on our harvest, we also plant stuff that the deer dont like but wont harm them so they may stay away. (doesn't really work)

I like seeing all of the animals, the deer bed at night in the tall grass that I leave for them for cover because they use the outside edge of the yard as their
route. It gives them security and keeps them around.

You know, an open door a broom or shovel for personal protection (not used as a weapon) and the desire to let the animal live is all it takes.
You can direct it to the door, they are more scared of you and they will head for the door if you do it right.

Hat or not, there was a better way.