wack start to the morning.


Active Member
Heated topics always make me think of silly songs like this haha....omg i laugh at this video a lot, those were the yrs eh?? haha

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Fuck raccoons. Seriously. Disgusting ass, rabie infested, scavenger, problem animals. They serve no purpose but to fuck shit up and eat smaller animals. I watched one open a cooler and start drinking beer. He didn't ask. I've hospitalized men for less, let alone a raccoon.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Fuck raccoons. Seriously. Disgusting ass, rabie infested, scavenger, problem animals. They serve no purpose but to fuck shit up and eat smaller animals. I watched one open a cooler and start drinking beer. He didn't ask. I've hospitalized men for less, let alone a raccoon.
hahahahah funny, funny plus rep to ya


Active Member
Buddy, all i have is bow. what else should i do if i think ineed to protect myself . or is your problem i shot inside? should o go shoot thru the basement window sometime?

ad i wasnt pointing the micky ds jab at you. it was a generized piont. as another self employed peson, you should be graping this better.
and as far as city kid, i grew up in a city. ive spent over half my life ib rural areas.

you know vud, its not even you i have a problem with. its the wginers who think thier way is the only way. i was limited for opriont.

and lets be real, what if it was a couger.

and also, what does my hate for a particular animal have to do with the concept of defending my shit.

and also, i dont care whats in your garage. but i garentee you wouldbt just let anything waltz in and fuck it up. if you say you would, i dont believe it.

im sorry for all the little hearts i broke today, but it seems like we have different ways of dealing with things.

but tgeres one thing erryone knows about me.

i dont let rodents tell me what to do. as im my own boss and my futre hat is not, i guess ill just have to keep figuring out what to do.

i do spend alot of time in town, but regardless of where i am or not, i still liked my vengance. the method is unique at least.

if you really want to keep crying tho, petas shoulders never dry, so they will always listen. report me if you want. they can come protest in front of the ranch all they want.
but if they throw red paint on me, im getting my bow. and you can tell em that


Active Member
And the dfact i grew up in town really has nothing to do with the fact that ive never fired a bow indoors, at a animal. under normal circumstances, thats fucked. I dint wak up this morning, let the coon in, tell him to fuck up my shit and wait while i got my bow to nail it to the wall.

something happen. you cant just let it get worse until its out of control. but thats common sense, something sociaty dosent beleive in anymore


Well-Known Member
Guy I was willing to let it go, Im not crying about anything.
I wont allow anything to be in my garage, you obviously read my posts
now so you should know I did have a raccoon in the garage and I got it out without any harm.

That is why I mentioned it again, but also included that I have toys to protect in there.

We have a difference of opinion, lets leave it at that.

If it was a cougar, you'd of been most likely f'd up and needing
to protect your life, in that case I couldn't blame you.

My problem is that IMO there was a better way, and you seemed to relish
in the outcome.

It is what it is and its done. Nothing anyone can do to change it now.


Active Member
I will admit, i need to find how it got in. however, i have repeatedly checked the house (its 80 years old).

I will admit, i probably should keep my amusement to myself. but, i reeeeeally hate raccoons. And the thing to understand is, even tho they are revolting, they are quite smart. i wont deny. they do actually open coolers. car doors. ive heaard on got into a parked semi and had babys on tje sleeper. the trucker drove for 20 miles before realizing. he freakd, and i wont even say what happened. it was not good. if it had have been a mom racoon in my garden, i would have shown some compassion. not one running around eating bud, fucked up out of its mind. it ruined alot today, it was down there obviosly before i woke up.

now, i am obviously going to recheck, i need to find how freddy there got in.

at least todays not all bad. i paid 3500 for a new hat. who can go wrong with that price.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Well Lets see how many haters I can muster

Had a job once loading babies into a pickup truck using a pitchfork...was messy but OH THE PLEASURE



Active Member
Hey, a buddy just said back as a kid he got a
raccoon hat in frontier town in Disneyland.
He said that was the first time he had long hair lol.
And now i got freddy the hat.

ill only wear the bastard when i want to tell the story. afterall, how can you wear a hat like that and not mention how it came to rest on your dome.

And thanks to all who showed reason and didnt jump down my throat. yes, i got a kick out of it. but i didnt do it for fun. im sorry if my amusement upset anyone.

and i found the way it got in. It oppened the cellar air hatch (it there in case you need to escape) and climbed thru. Cocksucker even closed it so i didnt know until i just checked.
i wont need chicken wire, just to secure the hatch. this place is pretty fucked up, and i cant notice everything, altho i wouldnt have had this problem if i had gone around and nailed errything shut.
Ill do it in the morning.

and im just curious, someone capped one with a 45.several times. why did erryone seem to have a issue with me? i gave him a quick demise. I didnt spray it with a pistol. and to those who dont know what .45 acp means, it means its a semi auto 45 usually. and a 45 is almost half inch across. if you can kill a human with eaze with a 45, how does it take many to inflict a mortal wound upon said raccoon.if you ask me, the bow is kinder. it may have been sad sounding circumstances, but i didnt harm it more than neccimacary, or inflict cruelty or pain upon it.

i will say this tho, it was fucking lit. if raccoons laugh, thats what it was doing. it was making some fucked up sounds. at least it went out with a excellent buzz, judging on how much bud is nipped off. that what ialerted me to it. normal raccoon noises followed by what sounded like laughter. it freaked me out.

with only my trusty bow, expecting some other menace(couger, bear, who knows, coulda been a yeti for all i know first thing in the morning) i had a WACK ASS morning


Active Member
My phone dosent seem to like to add photos to this site. i cant add any of my grow pics to my albums or photo sections. but ill take some pics of the damage, the pelt and post if amyone can explain how i would post from a samsung galaxy 4g i would apreciate it. and i cant delete the empty albums either. sunni says eveeryphone is different, and the app is only good on some phones. im going to get rid of this piece of shit on canada day, strapped to Fireworks.

anyway, the info on posting a picture would be great. ive got a few funny ones