Wacky Bag Seed Input Please !!!!


Well-Known Member
soil is MG ORGANIC SOIL (very little npk) mixed with a top soil (no npk) no time release crap in eather,then of course peralite.

FOXFARM: there chart shows BIG BLOOM starting at week one (take a look) but i cant see that being right ?

the hps is at 14" and not air cooled,sorry pics are in the gallery

here are some new pics very fat very short, i dont see much streaching....same plant from 4-19-07 in gallery..GROW BABY'S GROW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for the questions and input, makes going back and reading grow interesting and helpfull to all im sure.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
plants are doing great and growing like a weed ;->-"

anyone else have trouble with BIG BLOOM..foxfarm says "will not burn any plant.

any new input on soil , nutes ,and grow ?

i do welcome all...as i think good and bad is very helpful.

everything is absolutely a great learning and amazing experience
so far !!!!


Well-Known Member
plants are looking pretty good there Bigmike and also like the avator it's probably the best avator yet! ( between that one and the big titty chick )



Well-Known Member
my buddy said it could have burned because i mixed it with other nutes too strong or the bottle was out dated. none died, no biggie. good learning experience for a first time. it happend to me so i thought i would throw the caution out there for someone else.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Bigmike, Make sure you keep us posted on that double stem plant as I would like to see how it grows and the yeild etc. but it looks awesome you should be proud to be the father of that one.


Well-Known Member
one more pic

i hate these cell phone pics...they do the plants no justice

must get digital camera , i know the plants would hate to see thier pretty faces so distorted. :spew:



Well-Known Member
Dude what about a pic of the growbox do you got one of the outside and etc. because it looks well put together and pretty cool if I might not say so myself, but any way if that's possible I'd really appreciate it!



Well-Known Member
i thought about it, then after thinking no!

just because their is to many i.d. #'s on outside (no what i mean) lol.

grow box = 4x8 celotex (foam board, insolation) 4 sheets, 3/4" thick, very reflective backing.

4x4x8 room 8' ceiling, very simple and cheap, tin tape the seams, cut out door and vent holes with box cutter ad a.c vent and exhaust ports. the 1x4 frame on the inside is just to hang shelves and lighting....:rolleyes: ill build for weed

hope that helps out all

check it out at your local ORANGE STORE !

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Got yer PM bro....

Definetely LOOKIN GOOD there. As I said the uniformity of these plants is very nice. Yer lucky if these are from seed that they aren't all over the friggin place height-wise. Most folks don't realize the variations present in a pack of seed. It takes A LOT of reworking of a strain to get it where everything resembles each other.

As I say, if those ARE from seed you are dealing with something that is very nice...and probably something that some hippy grew and stablized for years. Looks like an f 3 or above or a clone strain here! I have a shitload of seeds here...bred for certain traits...etc. and when you get something uniform like that to pop you can bet that someone spent a lot of time on em.

And hey...plants are like kids...DON"T wish em to GROW up too fast. They're doing GREAT sitting there building ROOTS...not STEMS. Most folks mistakenly think that if their plant isn't growing like a WEED it is sick or there is a problem. (and then they OVERFERTILIZE!!!) Sometimes this is the case..but usually..it is in too big of a pot and is just makin root. (or you HOPE it is makin root!)

BELIEVE ME...once you start bloomin they WILL grow. In fact...when are you gonna flip em and see what ya got female-wise?

Any specific questions..just ask. I'm no expert..but I've fucked up plenty in my 15+ years at this hobby...so I MIGHT be able to save you some heartache here and there.

But damn..right now yer doin FINE..so I'm gonna just sit here and keep my mouth shut unless ya need somethin!

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
my PH has reached almost 8 in some soiled pots not all..most show 6.5-7

plants look o.k...next water is plain (no nutes) with PH of 5.5

will this help lower PH ? until next water with nutes.

also adding H2O2 to gallon water good or bad for cleaning and helping with plant problems?...have heard but not much on this subject.

thanks again to all that help....;->-"



Well-Known Member
HELLO.................can someone help with ph and h2o2 questions PLEASE !!
i would hate to have something go wrong with the plants and f@#k up the grow.

i know there is a lot of great help that is giving to all, im just asking for a little.

THANK YOU , ALL ARE WELCOME....:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: LOL.!!!!


Well-Known Member
dont any one take this personal !!!!

but it seams that more and more of the same question are asked and time wasted on answering. READ GROW FAQ for those that keep asking..imo !

now i have done alot of research and have good success so far , but do not seam to get the extra help when asking great and interesting questions.

LOL..to all that have helped along the way..LOL

i am very glad to have found ROLLITUP and am proud to be welcome, just would like to have all the great growers help, or just a little.

i dont like to make mistakes but i guess that is how you learn, but great learning is found in great info.....also.:joint: :joint: :joint:



Well-Known Member
can someone plaese take a look at questions and please help TODAY

MANY,MANY,MANY THANK YOUS................. ;-)-"

i just dont understand ;-(


Well-Known Member
here are some new pics of the babys

what do you guys think of the grow ,grow room ,soil ,ph ,plants ,nutes

all post on this thread and help with questions are welcome...:confused:



Well-Known Member
great idea with the room. i bet your thinking about making it bigger! lol it seems whatever i do, i could have always done in better in some way when done.(like building the perfect grow room) imo anyway. h2o2 i hear its better used in hydro and not soil for your soil is alive! or it should be and poroxide will kill microbes and such. it wont hurt your plants, just make them squeaky clean. great goin so far.


Well-Known Member

question : concerned with the problem if any of bringing the girls (moms) back into veg after sexing in 12/12.

i will start 12/12 next week

i would try and take clone from plants and early sex,but first time and do not want to screw up.....ya know ?

anyway all is well....input welcome and thanks for all !! :joint:

i still cant get over how yummy they look , wish i had digi cam..:?



Well-Known Member
Damn BigMike13, your looking good man!
So far as the foxfarm question, it is okay to mix one at a time but in the same gallon of water.

Your 400 is fine where it is, the t8s don't have much penetration, but they may help as side lighting.

You might want to think about getting some Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed, it's cheap, and it works. Helps reduce stress from various sources and aids immensley in root growth. Plus it feeds the soil.

I have two more thoughts on your grow, 1st is have you either taken clones, or thought about selective pollination for seeds?

My last thought, I see your room is 4x4 feet, while the size is fine, but the number of plants that you have with only one 400 watt hps? Hmmmmm

I did some math and if you have 50% females, thats about 3666 lumens per plant in flowering. That's not alot.