Wacky Bag Seed Input Please !!!!


Well-Known Member
the 400hps , i read before coming here that 25watts per sq ft...now i know:cry:
40-50watts per sq ft

the t8s are mainly to send more of the blue spectrum during veg

cloning and sexing : question is in last post....input please :mrgreen:
there is alot of under growth , but just not enough (imo) for clones yet

number of females : hoping for 18 females , 16 in grow and 2 moms

i have others still under the t8s , about half the size for back up

thanks again....great and inspiring input :peace:



Well-Known Member
i suggest cloning then sexing the clones to reduce the amount of stress to the girlz. keep the male for future seed collection in veg, till you want to collect the pollen. read the FAQ section and build a bubble cloner for under 50$. propagation works great but it took nearly a month my first time with low success rate. if you do sex them they should be 4-6 weeks old before doing so if from seed. also, 400watts is descent, my mom has one and she compares to my thousie. but if you do upgrade, i suggest getting a 600w with areflector that will house both. just a thought. good luck


Well-Known Member
ok, went through it; got the cloning thing down, all i have to say now is:

superthrive. don't bother with the seaweed; this works as well if not better.

don't use after week three of flower unless stress is induced. that's my oppinion, not what the label says ;)


Well-Known Member
kp, have you used FOX FARM nutes


will i still need SUPERTHRIVE ?

nutes are working great right know :weed:


Well-Known Member
superthrive is an additive of hormones and vitamins that help the plants uptake nutes as soon as they come in contact with them. it's a great root builder, if not the best. one drop a gallon (potent stuff) and a bottle to make 2000 gallons is about 10$.

i have not used fox farm's products, i do know the soil, but not the nutes. however, i have a friend who does, if you need to know something, ask; if i can't answer, i'll email my friend and ask him.

you're welcome ;)


Well-Known Member
love ya , your help is wonderful

ill check the local stores for superthrive, think i saw it somewere ?

thank you again, im checking the babys and going to bed....:peace:


Well-Known Member
new pics...........:mrgreen:

1st : first attempt at cloning (schultz rooting powder, 1" rockwool cube) :leaf:

2nd : babys are getting ready for flower (6 more days) :hump:

3rd : babys still under t8's 5000K (Day 24), little extra for back up :blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
lol, too funny!

get rid of the soda bottle clone dome; it will kill your plants within a few days, due to improper air flow. rather, mist once or twice a day (lightly) and use no dome.

also consider moving your slips out of your veg chamber; cuttings need very little light, and too much light will make it want to grow foliage instead of roots.


Well-Known Member
your killing me, IROTFL !!!!!!!!!!!!

just got superthrive, my next water is not until sunday (every 5 days) 2 cups per plant

think i should maybe give one cup each of water/superthrive before next water

i moved clones to a lower shelf with a 23wt cfl, very little light

thank you...;->-"


Well-Known Member
make sure your 23w is about two feet away from the cuttings.

also water the clone cups with st water, it will help them root.


Well-Known Member
yea, they are under the shade of my cherry tomato plants about two feet.

got to have a snack when checking on the babys.......lol



Well-Known Member
2 days from flower :hump:

what do you guys and gals think ? :mrgreen:

i have been experimenting with c02; using a slow release valve with paint ball canisters.

co2 : 1 hr after hps on / 1 hr before hps off

st ROCKS.......thanks, KP........ :joint: 'S for you !!!!!!!




Well-Known Member
day 2 of flowering

built an aero cloner :mrgreen:

papaya seeds in tup container just showing tap root (48hrs) :weed:

babys still under fluors (day 32) veg




Well-Known Member
come on .......where is the love.....lol :mrgreen:

not to bad for the first go around

all post welcome..............:peace: