Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

Now for another Greek Kemetic connection.

In Egypt/Kemet, Ma'at is known as the Goddess of Law, Truth, Balance and Justice. She is represented on Earth by the Scale, and she (Balance, etc) is present throughout the universe.

Ma'at, is not only a concept in ancient Kemet, but a concept that is alive today. Ma'at is blind lady justice at the court house, Ma'at is Mathematics where both sides must be even just like on an ancient scale/balance, Ma'at is in legal Maxims where equality can be found between men or women in court.

The Kemetics believed that Ma'at was the Balance in the Universe, and she held the Universe together (kinda like Gravity). They also believed that Thoth (Hermes to the Greeks, Mercury to the Romans) invented Math by looking at her. This brings us to the ancient Sciences. If you remember before I pointed out that Isaac Newton invented Gravity by reading the Bible and practicing Alchemy. The practices of Thoth, Hermes, Mercury are known as "Hermeticism" and just like Gnosticism and Mithaism, Heremticism has been hiding just beneath the surface of our religions since the people who were practicing them were forced into new religions like Christianity and Islam by force or peer pressure.

Hermeticism includes Alchemy (ancient Chemistry/Perfumery/Potion Making), Astrology (Mapping the Planets and Watching Plants and People), and Theurgy or "Ritual Practice".

An example of Hermeticism being hidden in plain sight is a deck of playing cards. 52 cards, clubs, spades, diamonds and hearts. This is actually a Tarot Deck. Clubs = Wands, Spades = Knives/Swords, Diamond = Coin/Pentacle, Hearts = Goblet/Cup, and each card represents a different Tarot card. I think the Joker or the Jack are the "Magician", I am not sure. But this is why cards are used in games of "Fortune", you are using a Tarot deck, but instead of reading for future events, you are directly planning out strategies with the cards you get and making your own fortune.
first snowfall here yesterday! saw shiva lastnight in the city, lol. catchin some "rays"....... and AIR, Startin....... NOW

various names and epithets which are given to Apollo, especially by later writers, such as akesios, akestôr, alexikakos, sôtêr, apotropaios, epikourios, iatromantis, and others, are descriptive of this power.

these characteristics of Apollo are identical (or similar) to Helios, or the Sun
Another Ancient Tradition hidden in plain sight is the practice of "Physician". We all recognize right away the symbol of the Rod, with the Snakes wrapped around it, and the Wings as "The symbol of the Hospital" or "The symbol on the Ambulance", but this is actually the Staff of Hermes and it represents the Planet Mercury. It is known as a Caduceus.

This symbol was borrowed from a Greek cult that was more specifically interested in Medicine and Surgery than other Hermes worshipers, they were the Cult of Asclepius, and they were carrying down the ancient medical tradition of Ancient Egypt. Asclepius was the Greek form of Imhotep who was worshiped in Greece until they banned the worship of him because he was a dark skinned God.

Imhotep was an actual person, but because he invented the first columns for building and the first pyramid around 2500 BC, the Pharaoh built a temple to Imhotep, which basically worked as the first hospital. Imhotep had invented the first surgical procedures and the some of the first medical cures, so they copied his work and passed it down, and it acted as the first medical textbook.

Eventually, as mentioned before, Imhotep became a God and his temples made their way to Greece, until they banned his worship, and Asclepius took his place. And Hippocrates, a member of this cult, was the one who invented the Hippocratic oath which doctors still say today, and he invented "Western Medicine" which would later be expanded on greatly by Galen and others.
Have you ever wondered why Christianity is not like Judaism? For one, Judaism keeps it's laws very close to its religion, but secondly, the Jewish people don't accept Jesus. And this is a larger point than it is made out to be. The "Messiah" was meant to be a warlord, like David, who could reclaim Israel. Jesus didn't do that, so they say that the Messiah has not come yet.

So what tradition are the Christians keeping? Mithraism is under the surface of Christmas and Politics, Hermeticism is just under the Surface of Medicine, Science, Gambling and Math. Gnosticism is just under the surface of Christianity, Islam and Judaism (that is why people can find so many weird math equations with pages and verses and chapters and stuff in the Bible).

The actual tradition that the Christians are carrying is just as old, and just as hidden from the people carrying it. What they are celebrating was the choosing of a Pharaoh, Jesus was their Pharaoh and was establishing a "Dynasty". The word "Dynasty" actually comes from a book known as "Aegyptiaca" written by a man named Manetho. Manetho was the member of a cult that believed they could wash their sins every year by killing a bull, and this tradition came to Rome costing Jesus his life.

The book Aegyptiaca contains the entire history of Egypt, it is still the basis for most of our Egyptian timeline today. Can you imagine someone in 300 BC having the entire Egyptian timeline that we have today? And to them it was "Ancient Knowledge", now we just call it "History". But it would have been extremely beneficial for someone to have that kind of knowledge.

According to the Bible there was a time when the King was scared of Jesus, so he ordered that all babies under 2 be killed. And Mary had to flee with Jesus. According to Catholic tradition, they visited a town in Egypt know as "Sebennytos", this was around 30 BC, so the book Aegyptiaca had been written about 300 years before that. And guess what city it was written in? Sebbenytos.

Sebennytos was the center city for the cult of Serapis, Serapis had previously been known as "Apis", and every year the cult would choose a bull, put a crown on its head that looked like the sun (called a sun disk), and they would slaughter it to forgive them of their sins. But when the Greeks came to Egypt, they did not like the idea of a Bull being a God, so the Greeks and Egyptians (after Alexander took over) changed Apis to "Serapis" so that he was a human instead of a Bull.

If the Catholics are right and Jesus' family visited Sebennytos, then it is very possible that they learned the practices of the Serapis cult, and it is very possible that they could have had access to the book Aegyptiaca. And if those things are true, it would explain why the Christians believe Jesus' death washed their sins, it would explain why the Romans gave him a thorny crown (it looks like the sun/sun disk), and called him king of the Jews (he was starting a new Dynasty).

So, maybe don't be so happy the guy died. It's kinda weird right? Like "I'm so happy he didn't get to finish telling us everything and had his life cut short, his life force feels so nice in my heart", what if people had those feelings before the church called it "Jesus"?
first snowfall here yesterday! saw shiva lastnight in the city, lol. catchin some "rays"....... and AIR, Startin....... NOW

various names and epithets which are given to Apollo, especially by later writers, such as akesios, akestôr, alexikakos, sôtêr, apotropaios, epikourios, iatromantis, and others, are descriptive of this power.

these characteristics of Apollo are identical (or similar) to Helios, or the Sun
Yeah, the Sun has been made into a statue in pretty much every culture. And even today, we have the sun depicted as like a ball with thorns around it, with sun glasses on. That is not an uncommon thing to see at like a beach store or souvenir shop.
Since I mentioned Hermeticism and Tarot cards and stuff, I thought maybe some people might want to learn about another cool type of Astrological Practice. There is something called "Parrot Astrology".

There is a famous Astology Parrot named Mani. The way he does it is basically like Tarot, but instead of the cards being shuffled and chosen from the top, the cards are all spread out and the parrot picks one. This is obviously not the best way to take fortune into your own hands, and the practice is dying out. Unlike Gambling, which uses tarot decks and makes millions if not billions of dollars per casino per year.

A similar practice known as Alectryomancy uses Roosters and Grain like a Ouija board. 2 methods of doing this are placing grain randomly around in the shape of the alphabet and see where the Rooster goes to eat and read what he says. Or make a circle with the alphabet around the Rooster and do the same. You can also have the alphabet set up in carving or paint and place a single piece of grain at each one. Just like Tarot, there is a more popular form of this where people take fortune into their own hands. It is called Cock fighting, and it's illegal in many places.

Both of these practices could be classified under the name "Ornithomancy" or "Augury" which is "Bird Divination". This is similar to how people say "Ravens are a bad omen", there are many more "signs" than this, but that one specifically is based on the fact that Ravens are Carrion birds, and would have been seen in ancient times eating dead bodies in the street.

In the originally written version of the Oral Torah/Bible tradition known as "The Septuagint", Joseph "with his technicolor dream coat" was said to have practiced Ornithomancy. Later the Bible forbids the practice.
Now a days Astrology is used to find out who you should date or what day you are going to get a new job, but that is not what it used to be for.

The ancient "Gods" are really just the Planets. I have said this like 1,000 times here already, so I am sorry if you already read it, but here is the Ogdoad, which was the ancient version of the Solar System. They saw the planets with their BARE EYES in the sky, as little twinkling stars that moved every day. You can still see the planets today if you know where they are. And they used these planets to tell when the frosts were coming, or when the Solstice was coming.

If you are wondering why they did things like give Zeus/Jupiter a lighting bolt, it was because the science of the time said that Planets effected weather. It does not mean that they thought Zeus was a magic man, it means they thought Jupiter caused lightning, and they depicted that in a statue of a man.

And there is evidence (Nabta Playa) that the Ancient Egyptians had knowledge of the Planets as early as 10,000 BC And the Babylonians followed shortly behind them.

They used to have an we still do, map the movement of the planets, sun and moon in order to know what to do with our crops. This is known as "Agricultural Astrology" and you can find it in the modern Almanacs. These books were originally written by people like Benjamin Franklin, but they were passed down and they are just considered normal for farmers now.

But not only did they use it for things like Farming and Special Sun events, but ancient people (especially the women) noticed that their bodies went through Cycles, specifically they thought that women's menstrual cycles were based on the cycles of the moon, so women were considered to have access to a connection with the "heaven" aka 'As above, so below". This sparked "Medical Astrology" which associated different plants and body parts with different heavenly bodies.

If you want to get into specifically knowing where the planets are around you and stuff, Astrocartography is an Astrology that is based on your exact location and the sky according to where you are. But I still wouldn't trust it to find you a job. It's just recognition and reverence and watching cycles to see what happens.
If you remember Hermes/Mercury/Thoth from before, Alchemy was obviously based on the planets, specifically Mercury since they used his staff as their symbol and the tradition is now called "Hermeticism".

But just like how different planets were considered to effect weather and body parts, they said that different Minerals were associated with different heavenly bodies. This is similar to the Hindu tradition of "Chakra Stones".

Sun = Gold
Moon = Silver
Mercury = Mercury
Venus = Copper
Mars = Iron
Jupiter = Tin
Saturn = Lead

Alchemy was different from Chemistry in a few other ways as well. Instead of waiting for someone to accidentally do something and create a new method (which is usually what happens today, many things are discovered as "byproducts" of other procedures, or by mimicking other procedures) which is fine. But Alchemy had a different spirit to it. They knew there was Gold, so they assumed "We will find something that will dissolve Gold" and they named it Alkahest hoping someone would find it. You might not like that method, but I don't see how it could hurt to look for something that could exist and could be useful if we could make it. Because what if we end up making it one day? And also, without these kinds of thoughts, we would have never had people experimenting with metal and discovering its different qualities, and we wouldn't have chemistry or microchips or anything.

A similar substance is Azoth, which was considered "The Ultimate Substance" said to be the Ultimate cure for any Spiritual, Mental or Physical attack. And I think we found that in DMT, lol.

Then there is the "Elixer of Life" and "The Philospher's stone" sometimes they are considered to be the same, sometimes they are different. But if there were never people looking for these things and doing it under the name of the god Hermes/Mercury, we would not have modern Medicine or Hospitals.

And just because they were wrong about how Chemistry and Science works, doesn't mean that they didn't get in to some amazing science that we might be skipping over by limiting ourselves to that which has already accidentally been discovered in full.
There is a strange version of Divination that started a long time ago, and people still use it today, on a pretty LARGE scale, even in America.

Most people say "I don't do Astrology and Fortune telling" but you are mistaken. There is an art of Divination known as "Physiognomy" also known as "Thinking you can judge a persons character by their appearance, from your perspective"

So basically, this has many different forms. Everything from the racist old man that says black people look like they are up to no good, to the woman who thinks she can spot a rapist by the way someone looks. This was a well accepted ancient practice in the Western World, and has survived into today. Ex: If you see someone with long hair, does that mean something about them in your head? Then you are claiming to be Psychic basically.

It is now considered a "Pseudoscience", but I just wanted to point it out since there are so many people that still use it today, even in America.
I mentioned in the description of Hermeticism that Tarot cards became what we now call playing Cards, and that Playing cards became what we know as gambling. Something that branched off from this is "Cartomancy" which is Divination not based on Tarot, but actually based on the card deck itself. Just like how playing cards can be used for Tarot, Tarot cards can be used for Cartomancy.

A much more random form of Divination is Gyromancy, which involves putting letters on stones or wood in a circle. Then walking around and paying attention to what letters you trip over, do this until you get dizzy and it is even more random. And you are supposed to continue until a message can be deciphered, or death/madness stop you.

A more simple but still random form of Divination is Geomancy, which can use soil, rocks, sand or dice. It just involves looking at the patterns and counting things, then matching them up with different set meanings. Similar to the I-Ching and the different methods that go with it. This is actually a method that can be used with the I-Ching.

And speaking of the I-Ching, there is Bibliomancy, which is Divination using books. Bibliomancy probably started when people hid messages in texts like the Gnostics, and when people found messages from the past in the writings, later, other people would look for messages from the future in the texts.

And, these forms of Divination were also warped into Gambling in a way that is still used today. You have probably heard of chicken bones, or stones, or dice, or drawing straws or "casting lots". All of these are forms of Cleromancy.
If you have a cat, people have for a long time used Cats to predict the weather, it is known as Ailuromancy. I don't personally have a cat so I have not watched one enough to see if this works the same as people with Rheumatoid Arthritis, who can predict storms, or if it is more random like dice. But people have been doing it for a long time. And if anyone tests it I would like to know what happens.

I am not claiming that any of these methods work, I am just sharing them because they exist and this is all going to come back around to astrology and ancient religion and how much cooler it was than Monotheism. Ceromancy is using Wax in Water in a Bowl, or by watching dripping wax on the side of a candle. It's almost Christmas, so candles should be burning soon.

Cromniomancy is divination by Onion, where you carve your question on an onion, or put it on an altar and ask it a question. Then watch the sprouting behavior. And people could have used anything, but across Europe, Africa and Asia they all used Onions, so maybe there is something to it. We have telephones now, but before telephones, this was a common way to try to find out what a traveling relative was up to. There are also some methods where you chop the Onion up and stuff instead of growing it.

Most people have probably heard of people who used Sheep and Bird livers in order to read the future. This was related to Astrology, because the liver was divided into different planetary alignments when they were read.

I am not finished with Divination yet, but speaking of Animal Divination, there is "Imbolc" which is the ancient version and precursor to Groundhogs day. When we look at the ground hog to find out how much winter is left, we are doing an ancient Divination tradition. And this year I will share things for that Holiday when it comes around.
Pyromancy is probably the oldest form of Divination, and the main form is known as Causinomancy, where you just burn something, it doesn't matter what.

Pyromancy has various forms, because fire can burn anything. And different things burn different ways. One is Botanomancy, where you burn Herbs or Plants in order to Divine the future.

Daphnomancy is a specific form of Botanomancy where you specifically burn Laurel.

Various Pyromancy techniques include burning a bone and reading the cracks, but that is not something that is really normal to do, BUT if you ever save the Wishbone from a Turkey or other animal, this is a form of Sternomancy.

An example of Pyromancy with bones that isn't too complicated is Cephalonomancy, where you would heat the skull of an animal while reciting a list, usually a list of suspects, and if the jaw of the skull moved or cracked when you spoke a name that person was considered guilty.
Back when people knew the names of plants instead of Roads, and Animals instead of Cars. The time before GPS, and even before the Gas Station map, there was the practice of Rhabdomancy which you can still use if you are in the woods or on a random walk. The way it works is, if you have some kind of walking stick, or Pencil/Pen, or something, you just drop the stick and whatever direction it points you go. If you are in the woods and have nothing else, use a small bundle of sticks and go where most of them are pointing. This also branches into "Dowsing" where people use sticks to find water.

Belomancy is a much more specific form of Rhabdomancy where a quiver of arrows is marked with symbols like a tarot deck. Sometimes they would mark the arrows with Phrases like "God commands me" and "God Forbids me" and a Blank arrow, then they would go with whatever hit closest to the middle. This practice was even used by Biblical characters. Belomancy was also used like Rhabdomancy, were you drop an arrow and go wherever it points.

Scyphomancy is where you use a glass or goblet and tap the side and watch for messages or images in the ripples, or tap it with metal (a glass cup or metal goblet) and listen for voices in the ringing.

Most people have probably heard of reading Tea Leaves and Coffee Grounds, the most common way is to have a person drink the tea with the leaves in it and let them settle at the bottom. There are various common symbols that are supposed to mean different things. Some people also use cups with Zodiacs and stuff in them so that the tea leaves can land on different symbols and stuff.

Scrying involves looking into a reflective surface with the intention of looking into another world and not at a reflection. This includes Crystal balls, Mirrors, Shiny Stones/Gem or even Water Surfaces. Some people think that this method works in the mind via Sensory Deprivation, similar to a Deprivation Tank. If using a pool or pond, it may be necessary to throw pebbles onto the surface. A candle may help also, as it adds to the reflections and shadows of anything. Viewing the surface through smoke may also work to your benefit.

When you use a Mirror to Scry, this is specifically known as Catoptromancy. There is a method that involves dipping the bottom of a large mirror just onto the surface of the water and offering incense.

A more modern and specific method of Catoptromancy is known as Psychomanteum, where you sit in a comfortable chair and look into a mirror that is only showing you the reflection of a dark space. It is meant to help you communicate with the dead. so this would be mixing Catoptromancy & Necromancy.

Then there is the interpretation of dreams, which is similar to Scrying and Necomancy, but it is more about inventing the future than learning about it. In ancient Egypt they had a book that is now translated into English and is called "Behind closed Eyes: Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt" which is all about dream interpretation. Then there is the Ancient Greek book called the Oneirocritica which was the Greek dream interpretation book.

And random, but a dream that comes true later is called a "Veridical Dream"
Abacomancy is Divination by Sand, Dust and Ashes. This can be used as a form of Necromancy by using the ashes of the deceased. You look for symbols in the Sand or Ashes, and if using the ashes of a person, you would look for symbols that were important to them and in general you would look for symbols that are reoccurring in other situations like Dreams or Scrying.

Divination using flour is Alueromancy, a common form of this is Fortune Cookies, where Philosophical things are baked into food. Another method was to mix water and flour in a bowl, dumping it out, and interpreting the residue like Tea Leaves.

Salt can also be use for Divination in various ways. It can be thrown into the air and interpreted as it falls or once it makes patterns on the ground. You can also create a water/salt solution and interpret the residue at the bottom once the water evaporates. When you spill salt and throw the spilled salt over your shoulder, this is a practice of Alomancy.

Libanomancy is specifically the interpretation of incense. Both the ashes and the smoke. You are supposed to ask a question, then watch the smoke and the way the ashes fall.

General Divination using smoke from any source is known as Capnomancy.

Aeromancy is listening to the wind, or reading the clouds. Other weather patterns may be interpreted also, but mainly those things. Christians take this a step too far and "blame God" for droughts and other occurrences of weather.
Cyclomancy is the use of Tops or Wheels or other spinning devices to make predictions. Similar to a Roulette Table, or the Hebrew Dreidel and even Spin the Bottle.

The idea that a "Black Cat is bad luck", and anything else that has to do with chance like that, is a form of Apantomancy. There is a branch of Apantomancy that specifically focuses on the chance meeting of animals, but you can also try to find things based on other random things found. When someone "finds a penny face up and it is good luck" that is Apantomancy. In Ancient Rome they would find random things and work themselves into a trance to find random meanings.

Cledonism is Divination by words, or the idea that words can be a sign of bad things to come. "Jinxing" an event by talking about it could be considered a form of Cledonism. Rumors also operate on this idea. Also words someone randomly speaks after a chance event could be considered important.

Fal-Gush is like Cledonism, but the reverse. If you have a question you need answered, you would hide somewhere near a sidewalk or sit on a bench that is not super visible like a Bus stop, and listen to what people say in their random conversations as they pass by in order to find answers to your questions.

Carromancy is burning a candle and watching the flame, or melting a bowl of wax and dumping it into water and looking for signs.