Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

Literomancy is the art of fortune telling using written words. A few forms of this have been covered already, like the I-Ching, but there are many forms of Lieromancy.

Isopsephy is the the practice of turning letters into numbers, and then assigning numerical values to words by adding up the letters, or hiding messages in this way.

Gematria is a similar Jewish practice, to do it, you would do Isopsephy, then any words that have the same numerical value would be considered to be "similar" or "related". Also, if the number appears more than once, it may indicate a date, age. year, etc. For example, the word "Alive" in Hebrew has a value of 18, making 18 a lucky number.

The modern version of Isopsephy and Gematria is known as Arithmancy.

A little more complicated is a system invented by the people who invented Algebra is known as Zairja. They invented a Mechanical way to generate ideas. They assumed that if you asked a question properly, found the numerical value of the question, then "Solving for X" as you would in Algebra, in order to reform the question into new ideas or even answers. They would do this with hundreds of lines of words and create entirely new ideas.

Zairja could be considered a branch of or related to Sacred Geometry, which itself is the idea of impossible shapes and monumental/symbolic design. Shapes are said to have secret meanings, possibly related to things like Arithmacy and Zairja.

In Ancient Egypt they used "Sacred Geometry" or "Shapes with secret meanings" in the Pyramids, as well as in the designs of their Gods and instruments, etc. The Wadjet has fractional values, and a lot of Egpytian math was based on fractions. And they were pretty good at math.
Everyone has heard of Palm reading. I would like to see a test of like 1000 people going to 10 palm readers or something like that.

Rumpology is like Palmistry, except you read the marks on a persons ass.

Moleosophy is like the Philosophy of moles, "What does that mark mean on my face?" basically and especially moles. There are some folklore examples of Moleosophy such as "They are angel kisses" etc. but not much credit is given to it as a whole. Moleosophy is really more of a way for someone to open up the conversation for someone with scars to talk.

Metoposcopy is the study of a persons character based on the line on their forehead.

Ichnomancy is the study of a persons character based on their footprint. Ex: Deep footprints may show anger or weight

Most of these are not accepted, just sharing them because they exist, and Rumpology is hilarious.
A lot of people like to think of Necromancy as "Black Magic" but this is the view of the church, in reality, "Necromancy" is just "Ancestor Worship" aka "Veneration of the Dead".

Catholics believe that the Saints can carry prayers for them, but anyone that prays to their Ancestors to answer questions or find meaning, is suddenly practicing a "dark art". It just makes no sense. China/Shinto is well known for this, but it also happened in Ancient Egypt, Modern Africa, and as mentioned before, the Catholic church. They are all "Necromancers".

The Day of the Dead is a Holiday that is seen as "Creepy" by some people, but dead people are important, and knowing you will be dead one day is too.

A Seance is an attempt to communicate with spirits, usually people just hold hands and say things in modern times, but if you go to Brazil they will still give you Ayahuasca, and you can still find herbs to help you communicate with your ancestors on your own.

There use to be an ancient Temple at Epidaurus in Greece, it was an Aesclepieion aka Healing Temple, and people would go their to dream. The Oracle at Delphi was well known for similar things, and usually these types of things are associated with ancestor worship, but when they are just called "Dreaming" and "Trances" we don't call them "Necromancy". But the church would have when Europe was inventing the idea of "Necromancy".
Oculomancy is Scrying using the reflections in a persons eyes, a common example is "Eyes are the Window to the soul".

Dactlomancy is a lot like Ouija. You tie a ring to a string and hang it over a circular alphabet, the direction the ring swings is the letter you write down, until you have a coherent sentence. In the Middle ages they would set up elaborate tables and set a ring on a string then burn the string and see where the ring feel on the symbols on the table.

Wine reading is known as Oinomancy, it is practiced in various places, but not much in America. You can do it by spilling wine on something and reading the pattern, soak paper in wine and read the patterns, and the Color and the Taste and the Sediment of the wine are studied. Now adays the people that do this are just called wine critics.

Margaritomancy is the practice of reading pearls inside oysters or casting pearls on a table or the ground and reading the pattern.

Using a lamp for Divination is known as Lampadomancy, you do it by watching the flame, or holding a piece of paper over the flame and reading the residue. The more oddly shaped your lamp is, the more likely spirits are to be attracted to it apparently.

Machromancy is Divination with a Knife, sometimes it is done like Scrying where you stare into the polished surface of a blade, but it can also be done more elaborately by creating the Alphabet in a circle and spinning the blade and writing down the letters. Apparently the answers usually come in an ancient language such as Hebrew or Greek, even if you put an English alphabet.

Molybdomancy can be done by people who make their own silver/copper/gold bars/ozs. The way it is done is by pouring molten metal into cold water with no molding or anything, and interpreting the shape of the object made.
A lot of people like to think of Necromancy as "Black Magic" but this is the view of the church, in reality, "Necromancy" is just "Ancestor Worship" aka "Veneration of the Dead".

Catholics believe that the Saints can carry prayers for them, but anyone that prays to their Ancestors to answer questions or find meaning, is suddenly practicing a "dark art". It just makes no sense. China/Shinto is well known for this, but it also happened in Ancient Egypt, Modern Africa, and as mentioned before, the Catholic church. They are all "Necromancers".

The Day of the Dead is a Holiday that is seen as "Creepy" by some people, but dead people are important, and knowing you will be dead one day is too.

A Seance is an attempt to communicate with spirits, usually people just hold hands and say things in modern times, but if you go to Brazil they will still give you Ayahuasca, and you can still find herbs to help you communicate with your ancestors on your own.

There use to be an ancient Temple at Epidaurus in Greece, it was an Aesclepieion aka Healing Temple, and people would go their to dream. The Oracle at Delphi was well known for similar things, and usually these types of things are associated with ancestor worship, but when they are just called "Dreaming" and "Trances" we don't call them "Necromancy". But the church would have when Europe was inventing the idea of "Necromancy".
And just btw,
If anyone watched the video in the first post, or read about the Santa hats, these hats are also what would have been the "Wizards Hat" decorated in stars and crescent moons, until the people that practiced Mithraism were converted to Christianity and Islam. Now Islam has the star and the crescent moon on their flags.

But historically the people who are now the Muslim people would have been the ones who invented Algebra and Alchemy. They would have also been the master translators between languages at the time. Even when Mosques started, they were basically like Libraries and places for Scholars to meet. Before Genghis Khan, the Crusaders, Bush & Obama knocked them back a few thousand years.
This thread has now been seen by at least 5,000 people in various forums. There are still 2 months till Christmas, so I am pretty sure this thread is going to get the message out in time, but if anyone wants to help, share some ideas from here, make videos based on things from here or a blog. Just be safe with everything. Make sure to tell everyone to take Mushrooms when the Christmas lights go up. I might post a few more times, but I am about to be gone from the thread for the next 24+ hrs.

And in case anyone forgot, Panaelous Mushrooms are legal to grow, but they contain something that is only legal to take religiously, unless you are in New Mexico where you are allowed to grow illegal mushrooms for personal use.
And don't forget, if you order the Amanita Muscaria mushrooms they are legal most places, and they are best when cooked. Ibotenic acid becomes Muscimol when decarboxylized. Just like Marijuana, don't double dose just because you think its not working. You can always try a second time if it doesn't work, but you don't want to be out of your mind, because the Amanita can be poisonous if you take too much and can make you feel like a giant if you get a good amount. But a dose is like 7g-20g for the Amanita, so if you cook it you can probably get away with less. And to OD you just have to be eating a lot.

Psilocybin Mushrooms are safer, and dosage is much lower and much more well established. But the only legal one to grow is Panaelous.

This is not a thread teaching people how to manufacture things for sale, this is a religious rights resources type thing.
Now for some Amphibians. There are no illegal Amphibians as far as I know, so it is safe to own all of these than it would be to grow the mushrooms.

Bufo Alvarius: This is the toad you think of when you think of people "Licking toads" you can not actually lick this toad and get any effects, but it has little venom glands that look like pimples. And inside those glands is 5-MeO-DMT, which is smokeable when dry and works very similarly to DMT. They live in the Southern US and into Sonora Mexico.

Cane Toad: This is the cousin or sister of the Bufo Alvarius, they are more common, and they are bigger usually. They also have vemon glands, but their venom glands contain Bufoteinin. This can be painful to smoke, and doesn't have very strong effects. But if you were to treat the venom with heat and baking soda, or Edible lime, you can make it safe to smoke and more effective. This is how they do it in the Amazon, using edible lime.

Waxy Leaf Frog/Waxy Monkey Frog- This frog is used in the Amazon where it is known as the "Kappo" frog. THIS is the toad that people actually lick to get effects. But usually people tie it up by its legs like a canvas to paint on, and they poke it with a stick to make it sweat. Then they use a wedged stick to rub across its skin and collect the sweat. It contains a Opiate that works very similarly to Morphine, and contains enzymes and other things that actually stimulate the body to cleanse itself and it is being studies as a possible Viral "cure".
You have probably heard of Peyote being used in religion, but there is also San Pedro. San Pedro is used throughout America by native peoples. Everywhere from Peru to Mexico. It is not very common anymore, the extract or synthesized version is known as "Mescaline" and was popular in America in the 60s and 70s, but drug tests do not even test for it anymore and San Pedro cactui can be found at places like Home Depot and Lowe's.

The San Pedro actually contains MORE mescaline than Peyote by weight sometimes, and it grows MUCH faster (about 1 ft a year, which it much faster they peyote). The name "San Pedro" is actually what the Missionary Christians called it when they discovered the natives using it in America, and "San Pedro" means "Saint Peter" because they said it "Held the Keys to Heaven like Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates".

The way it is traditionally used is by cutting off the spikes, then cutting it into sections and throwing away the middle, then boiling the strips that are left to make a tea. At this point you can filter it out and make a hash type material for capsules or something, but the tea is what is traditionally used.

People who use San Pedro were known as "Were-Jaguars" by the natives, and it was said that when you took it you would gain the spirit of the Jaguar. They would also do things like snort Yopo while on San Pedro. This can be found in Olmec statues where they show people turning into Jaguars and holding San Pedro and having powder falling out of their nose.
If anyone saw Occupy (I was growing some of my first MMJ plants, so I didn't go to any, but I watched) then you saw how when they thought "Liberals" were in the streets, it got the Republicans moving.

Then if you saw the Tea Party (It seemed like mostly old men to me) that got the Republicans fired up and Obama couldn't get anything done.

What if there was a non-partisan "movement" where we were just like "Do your Jobs". What do you think? I think it's probably our best option.
And just btw, I want to point out that Police departments are political. The REASON the police go to the poor places and only mess around with certain people, is because the Sheriff is elected. Then that Sheriff chooses EVERYONE that comes in, or at least picks who picks who comes in if it is a large city/county.

But it's Political. The REASON they go where they go, is because they get the votes from where they DON'T go. So if non-Christians or people that are Secular Christians started running for Sheriff more often (and usually you have to believe in "Good and Evil" or just be a criminal to want to be in charge of the police the way it is now) then we could have a better police departments.

And if regular people run for Judges, we can have Judges that don't send people to Church programs to get sober.

It's NOT hard to become a judge, it's just votes and age. No other requirements in most towns. The reason we feel like Judges are "a promotion" from something else is because usually only old lawyers who know all the judges and lawyers in town usually run. But anyone can run and anyone can win.
I also want to point something else out, when I talk about ancient stuff and modern religion hiding ancient tradition, I am not talking about Conspiracies.

For example Alex Jones would tell you something about Rome then compare Obama to Nero, or something like that, and then use that as an indicator that Obama must be "Having his strings pulled" so that they can take all of our guns and put us in concentration camps.

I am just sharing religion, tradition and ways to celebrate. And if there is a "Kabbal" of rich families, they only control the world and ruin it because it makes money and their parents showed them how, there is no super intelligent, super ancient group of people running everything, or else it might work better and we would have situations where world leaders are having pissing contests (Putin).

They are just rich and want to get richer, they have no 100,000 year plan, or access to Satan or God or anything like that. They just have money and know other people with money. When we "Help a nation get on its feet" we often do that by sending out Billionaires to go set up corporations and hire people so they can start making money in that country and paying those employees and they call that "building an economy".