Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

And just so everyone knows, Santa has nothing to do with Jesus or anything like that, so the war on Christmas is not a war on Gift giving, or trees, or anything like that. That is actually them celebrating our holiday and decorating America for us.
200 years before Jesus. Rome had taken over Alexander's Empire which could not sustain itself being spread so thin and without its solidifying figurehead that was the king of everything. So Rome, which was just Fraternal organizations like colleges have, took over the entire thing. Then Rome soon became a threat to the surrounding areas as it began to grow. Around this time an African nation known as Carthage was the rulers of Mediterranean waters, no one else could sail as deep as them or as well as them, and they were great inventors (first people to make clear glass) and warriors. The son of one of there great Generals was Hannibal Barca. He had gone with his brother in law to create "New Carthago" AKA New Carthage in Hispania.

Hannibal saw Carthage lose the sea to Rome, the leaders believed heavily in "God's Plan" AKA "Fate" and when they lost the sea to Rome, they did not want to fight to get it back. But Hannibal's father instilled a deep hatred for Rome inside him. So Hannibal attacked a Roman ally (even though it was within the borders of a treaty that said he was allowed to do what he wanted on that side of the river) and it made Rome mad. So they came to the Carthaginian leadership and asked that they give them Hannibal as prisoner, they rejected the offer. Then the Romans asked the Carthaginians if they wanted war or peace, and they said "You pick".

The Roman officials thought it would be fun to fight the Africans and Spanish, because they were not as well trained or well armed as them. Only Flavius rejected the idea, knowing that war was bad for the people. Hannibal came by land, crossing the Alps and making it to Italy months before expected, losing 1/3 of his army and all but 1 elephant in the process, as well as being stung by a mosquito in the eye in a swamp, and losing his vision in that eye. The Romans proceeded to send out their armies in blocks, standing shoulder to shoulder while Hannibal tore through them with flanks and spear head formations, as well as making good use of his Calvary on the wings. He would use tricks to draw out the Romans (like burning their civilians fields, or sending a herd of cattle with torches on their horns towards them so they would think the army was closer than it was)

The most well known battle is the battle of Cannae. In this battle Hannibal had a force of roughly 50,000 men from all over Africa and Europe who were armed with what they could find on the battle field since most of them came from tribal backgrounds. The Romans had roughly 90,000, better trained, better armed, better armored, less ethnically/culturally diverse, etc.

Before the Battle, one of Hannibal's officers named "Gisgo" said to Hannibal "They have many more men than us, we will surely be beaten today" and Hannibal replied "In all their vast number, one thing escapes your notice. There is not one of them named Gisgo".

And that day 50,000 men killed 70,000 men, and sent the other 20,000 running. Hannibal won by accidentally inventing what is now called "the Pincer". After this Hannibal controlled Italy via Martial Rule for 15 years, where he was basically a Bat Man like King that everyone could call on for help.

And one of the Carthaginians major Gods was "Ba'al Hamon" who was celebrated December 25th. As Rome clashed with Carthage for over 15 years, they adopted their festival. Later this would be chosen to be the day that Christians (which didn't exist yet) would celebrate Christmas. And obviously, it was mixed with the Traditions of Mithras. Mithras had a Mithras (pine) tree, Contracts between people (Marriage), the red and white man that appears, and a celebration feast. Saturnalia had the gift giving as well as a celebration feast.
Since Christmas is during the "Holi-day" season, Marijuana is ceremonially/traditionally/celebrationally legal, here are some ways to make hash.

Bubble bags: This is probably the best way to make good hash for not a lot of money long term. If you get 8 bags and use them all, or use your favorite ones once you figure it out, then you can make some awesome hash with just water. You can also use Dry Ice and shake the bags with the Dry Ice and Marijuana inside. This is usually done over a flat table or mirror. You can also dry sift using different metal screens that are like bubble bags.

Milk or Lemon Juice Extraction: Weak acids and bases such as milk and lemon juice can extract the THC from leaves and buds of the plant. This is the way many people consume Marijuana during Holi.

Oil Extraction: This is done using an oil such as butter, olive oil or vegetable oil. You heat the oil up with the plant material in it, then filter it out and keep the oil. If you do this with Vegetable Glycerin, you have made E-Cig oil.

Butane Hash Oil (BHO): Usually you use a tube specifically meant for this, or make one. And Butane evaporates quickly and is flammable, so it should always be done outside. This is how people make wax and shatter.

CO2 Extraction: This is like Butane, but safer, since a spark can not ignite it.

Solvent Extraction: This is done using a Solvent like Ethanol (drinking alcohol), Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or stronger things such as Acetone or Naphtha.

Polarization Extraction: This is where you do 2 extractions. First with a non-polar solvent such as lemonene, then with a polar solvent such as Alcohol, which pulls out the THC and leaves the waxes and resins in the lemonene. You would then separate the 2 layers using a separatory funnel.

Steam Extraction: If you have a 3 layer pot, you can boil water in the bottom and have the top "catcher" thing full of plant material. Then when the water boils and the steam touches the plant material, it extracts the essential oils which fall back down attached to the water. Steam Distillation can further purify this.

Distillation Extraction: This is how many plants are turned into their oil form. It is just like making alcohol from wine, or cleaning water for drinking. You heat up the first container, and the water and/or alcohol will start to evaporate. Whatever has the lowest boiling point will evaporate fastest. A tube is set up to catch the stem and send it to a cooled container where the vapor can be collected. This is done with Roses to create "Rose Otto".
Plants That Have Been Used In Ceremonies and Magic Throughout History (This is definitely not all of them)

Aconite aka Monks Hood aka Wolf's Bane. It has been used to kill wolves and was said to turn people in to werewolves. It is poison and can kill someone who eats to much, some people smoke it though.

Acacia is known as "Waddle" in Australia and has species all over the world, the bark contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and other Tryptamines.

Acorus Calamus aka Sweet Flag. Can cause hallucinations. It is used in medicine and food.

Amanita Muscaria aka Fly Agaric. Hallucinogenic and possibly Narcotic. You have probably seen them with toads on them, or gnomes under them, or in Alice in Wonderland.

Some species of Ants have been used to achieve ritual hallucinations. Some ants contain hallucinogens you can use by swallowing them.

Ayahuasca is a mixture of 2 things. Any plant containing MAOIs mixed with any plant containing DMT, then drank together.

Belladona seeds are poisonous and have been used to achieve hallucinations for a long time. They say that the reason "witches fly on broom sticks" is because they would use broom sticks to put the Belladona seed in a... weird place. Then they would "Fly".

Betel leaf is chewed by about 1/10th of the world's population as a mild stimulant similar to cigarettes.

Brugmansia contains Scopolamine which can cause vivid hallucinations via making you extremely delirious. It is not a hallucinogen, it is a delliriant and a poison that can kill you.

caesalpinia sepiaria is said to cause hallucinations.

Camellia Sinensis aka Tea Leaves, contains both Caffeine and L-Theanine, which together work differently than either of them would alone.

Cannabis aka Marijuana aka Pot also Hash contains THC and other Cannabinoids.

Chocolate contains Theobromine.

Cantharides aka Spanish Fly. An Aphrodisiac made from the wings of a beetle. Supposedly Sudanese people grind up dung beetles and drink them with water, no known reason for this yet though.

Coca plants contain cocaine and other things. It used to be the main ingredient of Coca-Cola.

Coffee contains Caffeine.

Datura is just like Brugmansia.

Duboisia Hopwoodii aka Pituri grows in Australia and has nicotine and a stronger (more poisonous) relative of nicotine in it.

Ephedra aka Mormon Tea contains Ephedrine, a stimulant which has been used to treat asthma.

Fugu aka Puffer fish. It's liver contains a nuerotoxin that kills most people, some people survive with no vital signs, then wake back up after 3 days. It is a delicacy in Japan because you have to trust the chef to not kill you, even on accident.

Guarana contains both Theobromine and Caffeine.

Heimia Salicifolia aka "Sun Opener" has the ability to turn your vision yellow when you drink it in a tea.

Henbane is poisonous and some people smoke it.

Iboga contains Ibogaine which has in recent times been used to cure Heroine and other opiate addictions. It could also be useful for cigarette smokers and methamphetamine users.

Inebriating Mint is used as a sedative and light hallucinogen in Turkey and a few other places.

Kava Kava has the same descriptive qualities as marijuana (Sedative/Euphoriant), but it is not the same when you take it, they are different. Mixing them together gives them Synergy though.Kava will make your moth numb and does not taste awesome.

Kratom is a sedative or a stimulant depending how much you take, and people chew it or make it into a tea.

lycopodium complanatum has been used by natives as a stimulant.

lycopodium selago causes a "mild narcotic hypnosis" at low doses and coma at high doses.

Mandrake root is poisonous and has historically been used in tons of potions and stuff. It was the plant that had a crying baby as a root in Harry Potter. The roots actually do look like people sometimes and historically they have been involved in all kinds of crazy stuff.

Morning Glory Seeds contain LSA which is a cousin of LSD.

Myelobia Smerintha Moths are said to be able to give you dreams when eaten, and the Aztecs claimed a moth as their underworld God, so someone should see what is in those ones.

the Nightmare fish is known to cause terrible nightmares. It could be kyphosus vaigiensis or kyphosus fuseus.

Osteophloeum Platyspermum is used in Ecuador for it's hallucinogenic properties.

Peyote is known to contain Mescaline.

Psilosybe mushrooms (usually Psilosybe Cubensis) are known as "Magic Mushrooms" commonly.

Puffballs are the mushrooms genuses: Lycoperdon, Bovista and Calvatia and have been known to cause Auditory Hallucinations.

Qat aka Khat is eaten in the middle east, it is used commonly like coffee, but is more like Amphetamine.

San Pedro is similar to Peyote.

Scirpus has traditionally been used as a Hallucinogen in Mexico, but it's effects have not been studied.

Scotch Broom supposedly has hallucinogenic seeds, and leaves that when smoked, make colors seem more vibrant.

Syrian Rue contains MAOIs which shut off parts of your immune system, allowing certain plants to take stronger effect (ex: used in Ayahuasca to make DMT orally effective) but it will also make Chocolate, Alcohol and Cheese poisonous during the duration of its effect on you because you can not break them down properly. This is called the "Cheese Syndrome" or "Cheese Effect"

Tree Tobacco is much like Tobacco but contains nicotine and other things, and it grows in South America.

Wild Lettuce (all lettuce actually, but this one has the most) contains opiates, not the same at the opiates in opium, but they hit the same receptors in the brain. It used to be called "Poor man's opium", and it probably grows in your yard.

Virola is known to contain DMT and other things.

Yohimbe bark is used as an Aphrodisiac and Stimulant for both men and women.

Yopo contains 5-HO-DMT which is mixed with Edible Lime and blown into people's noses in south America.
This thread is just being filled with resources, like a Christma-Politio Reference guide. I understand that you don't want to see the word "Christmas" at the beginning of November, but if you want to troll someone, troll these people.














Also, another hash making method for Holi.

Caviar: This has been standardized in forms like Kratom and Salvia, where you see like "40x" and stuff like that. But in the Marijuana industry so far, caviar just means buds dipped in BHO and maybe rolled in Keif or bubble hash.
If you want to make Marijuana brownies, you use the oil Method and replace the butter or oil in the Brownie recipe with your Butter or Oil that contains Cannabis.

If you want to make Marijuana Candy, you get Corn Syrup and Sugar and color and flavor if you want it and a candy thermometer if you can find it, then find the recipe for the kind of candy you want to make online. If you look up "Corn Syrup, Sugar, Candy Recipe" it will show you how to make everything from softish candy (cotton candy recipe) to hardy candy. And if you mix Solvent Hash or BHO or Bubble hash or Keif with the candy when it is a little hot, it will mix in as you mix in the flavor and the color. And when it cools, dries and hardens you will have Cannabis candy.

If you make a solvent extraction with Ethanol (drinking alcohol) you can use it as a tincture (drops in the mouth), this can be used to add Cannabis to your drink kind of like a beer type thing.

If you collect resin, you can do a polarized extraction to turn it into clean hash. If you do a filtered solvent extraction or something first it will help it be cleaner.

Another thing you can do that not many people do is make Caviar, but instead of using Buds and BHO, use Bubble Hash and BHO. And if you have Bubble hash that is the right grade, you can get it to flatten out, then use it to roll up bud inside, this way you have a blunt that has hash for paper and bud inside.
I want to point out, these plants are not only part of religion, but they are part of the Pharmaceutical industry that America is kinda built on.

America was Declared Independent in the 1770s, at which time hemp was a common America made product, and in George Washington's personal journal he talks about killing the male plants, which would only be done for purposes of smoking.

Then about 100 years later Bayer (the Aspirin people) invented Heroine from Morphine, which is harvested from Poppies.

Then Sigmund Frued wrote the Cocaine Papers where he told everyone about the miracle Psychological cure "Cocaine". And in 1892 Coca Cola was founded. "Drug Stores" used to sell soda and they would mix Opiates in it, like people do with "Lean" in Texas and Florida now. So when Coca-Cola came in mixed with Cocaine it was no big deal. And now caffeine is still in most sodas.

Then LSD was invented and was tested largely across America in the 60s, because everyone thought Russia could brainwash people, so they were trying to learn as much about the brain as they could. And tons of people that took part in the trials (Ken Kesey is an example) loved the experience and wanted other people to try it. While it was legal they would pass it out to anyone who wanted it, but then it became illegal. A famous story from the beginning of this prohibition is when they put Timothy Leary in jail for making LSD after the prohibition, and when he entered the building, they made him take a psychological exam that he himself had invented.

In the 70s Ecstasy was rediscovered from some obscure papers where it had been considered a waste product when making another compound, and people started taking it recreationally for the first time. It was used for Marriage counseling and all kinds of things until they made it illegal.

And now there are the regular Pharmacueticals (Anti-Depressants, etc) that we hear about, and Research Chemicals that we don't really hear about.

I just wanted to point this out to point out that this is kinda what America does. Apart from invent things with Magnets (electricity, cars, etc).
By Marianne Schnall (1994)
This interview originally appeared in Ocean Drive Magazine.


I was born in 1967, too young to appreciate the psychedelic Sixties of hippie love-ins and flower power. In fact, the first time I ever heard of Timothy Leary was as a child singing along to the soundtrack of Hair. In 1989 I learned of his psychedelic research at Harvard while I was an undergraduate at Cornell University. Four years later, in 1993, I had the good fortune of actually meeting the world-famous psychologist at a press party thrown in his honor at a trendy New York restaurant. He kindly invited me to a lecture he was giving the next day on Virtual Reality. The talk was fascinating. Dr. Leary was a powerfully charged and spellbinding speaker who reached people on many levels.

A few weeks later, I called him at his house in Beverly Hills. He said he would call me back to schedule an interview and I spent the next two days waiting by the phone, snowed in, reading his historic autobiography, Flashbacks. His book is entertainingly provocative and offers insights into the psyche of a legend. His story is one of resilience and a commitment to truth. He challenged conventional wisdom with his controversial ideologies and experiments devised to expand consciousness, spearheading a psychedelic revolution. Later, he became a political prisoner, ending up in jail for four years for possession of a small amount of marijuana. It was there that he wrote one of his most acclaimed books about the Eight Circuit Model of the Brain. Forty years later, his Harvard research into psychedelic drugs is being updated and continued. He has been honored for his past work with two national awards, from the American Association of Psychology and the American Humanist Psychological Association.

By the time he called me I was eager with anticipation of our conversation. Throughout the interview he was sharp, high-energy and electrifyingly eloquent. His knowledge is vast and diverse – he wears hundreds of hats, among them those of revolutionary, satirist, modern-day philosopher, computer pioneer, impassioned humanist and distinguished psychologist. He is also prone to sudden, emotionally charged asides, as when he stops to condemn “the relentless, ruthless repression of women and children by men” or to stress his catch sayings like “Question authority” and “D.I.Y. – do it yourself.” Despite a celebrated life, he was a genuinely humble man – a visionary with a big heart who has dedicated his life to the cause of personal liberation and the empowering of the individual. His prolific scholarly output and urgent empirical findings continue to advance the frontiers of the human experience.

Note: Two years after this interview, on May 31st, 1996, on a full moon just slightly after midnight, Dr. Timothy Leary died in his sleep surrounded by friends at his mountaintop home in Beverly Hills. He was seventy-five and died from inoperable prostrate cancer, and according to his son Zachary, his last words were, "Why not?" and "Yeah." A cyber-memorial took place at his site on the World Wide Web ( http://www.leary.com), where he had posted health updates and described the process of "designer dying", which included his daily intake of both legal and illegal drugs. His last book "Design for Dying" explored his experience and offers, in his words, “ common-sense, easy-to-understand options for dealing planfully, playfully, compassionately, and elegantly with the inevitable final scene .” Leary, always an iconoclast, had originally planned to capture his final moments on videotape for possible broadcast on the Internet, and arranged in advance of his death to have a portion of his cremated remains sent into space, which they were in April of 1997, alongside those of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry.

Rather than mourn his passing, Tim would have wanted us to celebrate his life, and continue to ponder and learn from all the wealth of research, insights and wisdom he left with us. It is in that spirit that I share this interview, portions of which originally appeared inOcean Drive Magazine in 1994. His observations are certainly as potent and relevant today as they were when this interview was first conducted. But that should be no surprise since Timothy Leary was always ahead of his time.

Marianne Schnall: You’ve had an incredible career. How would you describe your work?
Timothy Leary: My profession is I’m a dissident philosopher. I’m from the school of Socrates – it’s humanism – the Socratic methods which appeared in Greece over 2,000 years ago, it reappeared as the romantic movement in the eighteenth century – it’s the same movement. It’s called humanism, and its motto is “Think for yourself,” “Question authority” and, as Socrates said, “Know thyself.” The aim of human life is to develop yourself as a philosopher, and it goes along with what’s known as paganism or pantheism or polytheism – that divinity, the divine intelligence – is found within, and is not to be found in institutions. I have one further thing to say about this. This philosophy, which is over 5,000 years old, was assimilated and streamed through the Ganges 4,000 years ago and is the basis of Buddhism, it’s the basis of Taoism in China, it’s the basis of mystical Christianity and Islam – it’s that basically, the interest is Chaos. From the standpoint of a human being, you can’t figure it out and you should avoid people who try to give you rules and regulations and laws, because the laws they’re imposing on you are simply local ordinances to benefit themselves. So that this school of philosophy has always been irreverent, it’s always been outsider, it’s always been dissident and in my life I’ve been lucky enough to have lived through four stages of humanism all based on new media, new forms of communication which have changed our culture. Now we’ve set up this background of what I’m doing in the context that it’s been done throughout all of human history. And it’s called humanism.

MS: I really enjoyed your lecture on virtual reality. How is virtual reality going to change the landscape of the human experience?
TL: Well, the word virtual reality has many different meanings. It basically means electronic realities. And it means that we're developing very inexpensive equipment that will allow you to have goggles that you can wear just like two television screens, so you're actually kind of walking around immersed in an electronic environment. So, when you think of virtual reality, think of immersive realities in which you can move through the rooms and the halls of an electronic house. You can click on electronic books and open them up. You can click on paintings and you can go through the Louvre. It's simply the use of electronic realities. The nice thing about it is, you see, you can design your own realities and you can invite other people around. Within three or four years - even right now, some kids are doing it - but within two or three years, your average kid in America or Japan will be designing their own little homes. And you'll click through telephone, you'll modem over and you'll be in the person's home, and the person will say, "Hey, look at this new painting I have!" Click. Or "Hey, I've got my friend here Joe from Tokyo." Click. "Talk to Joe."

MS: You’re also a well known advocate for space migration. What ideas do you have for a future evolution where families migrate in space?
TL: Well, in the 1970s there was a big civilian movement for space migration. What happened was that in 1980 Ronald Reagan took NASA over and made it very military and Star Wars. Since that time, cyberspace is taking the place of intergalactic space. We are going to migrate from the planet, I have no doubt about that, but it’s not going to happen as soon as we had hoped. And in the meantime, the way to get ready for this is build up communities of people from different countries who share cyberspace. It’s a very interesting comment that they call it cyberspace. In other words, this new electronic environment that you can visit, which in some ways is analogous to going out into real space out there in Jupiter and Mars – they call it cyberspace. This is a very interesting metaphor.

MS: How do you feel about your own time as a political prisoner?
TL: Well, I learned a lot. My task is to learn wherever I find myself with an opportunity to learn a lot, and I certainly learned a lot from prison. In a way, you never really understand politics unless you’ve logged a little time in prison as a political prisoner. I was in prison for my ideas and I learned a lot and I’m very grateful to the American government to give me a four-year scholarship, full-paid with board and room.

Read entire interview here:

If you grow your own Marijuana, you can do something kind of elaborate.

Get a shish Kebab and put some buds (not too dry) around it, and secure them with hemp twine or something similar. Let that sit for a few hours or over night, then remove the twine and the buds should stick together if they were not too dry. Then coat the buds in BHO or Solvent hash that has not been dried out (tincture), and wrap them in Marijuana leaves. Use tincture/undried solvent hash to wet the leaves so they stick, then wrap the whole thing in Hemp twine or something similar again. Let it sit for a few hours or over night, then remove the twine and pull the shish kebab out of the middle. You will have a Marijuana cigar with a nice hole through the middle to make sure the smoke pulls through well.
Reminds me of a guy I met who made bubble hash logs. He rolled and compressed them, then pushed a hot wire hanger thru the center. Sure enough you cld smoke those hash logs like an ultra-powerful stubby blunt.
How to set up a trust

Usually when people think of a "Trust Fund" they think of an American kid that had parents who had money. But that is not the only thing they are for. You have probably heard of crazy people talking about how "Admiralty Law" applies in court and how your name is a corporate entity because it is written in ALL CAPS. Then they say that if you don't accept your name laws don't apply to you. This is not true. But trusts do something similar. This is how rich people keep from getting in trouble.

What they do is set up trusts, in America and in other countries, and what a trust can do is operate as a legal person. So, for example, if you are running a company like Enron and you have a trust, the trust can hold on to possessions and your house and stuff, while everything that is under your legal regular name could be frozen. I am not sharing this for Enron type people though, I am sharing this for the regular person.

This is how people make sure their houses don't go through weird stuff after they die, and some groups call "setting up a trust" things like "correcting your status" because it puts a legal moat between you and the courts.

Trusts are sometimes called "Grantors" because they operate as a legal person.
Reminds me of a guy I met who made bubble hash logs. He rolled and compressed them, then pushed a hot wire hanger thru the center. Sure enough you cld smoke those hash logs like an ultra-powerful stubby blunt.

Lol, that sounds like a good method too.
More Plants Used in Ceremonies and Magic and Stuff

Damiana is a plant Native to Mexico, and it is a KEY ingredient in the original margarita recipe. You are supposed to either use Damiana tiincture as your alcohol, or add leaves to your drink.

Iporuru, a plant that has been mixed with Ayahuasca by some tribes and has properties of its own but has not been studied in too much detail.

Nicotiana Rustica, Sacred tobacco. It has like 10x the amount of Nicotine as regular tobacco and was used to promote dreaming.

Papaver Somniferum, Opium poppy, has been harvested by pretty much every civilization ever.

Rue, hits the same receptors as Cannabis in the brain (CB receptors).

Salvia Divinorum, Diviner's sage. Used to visit "Ska Pastora" aka "The Shepherdess".

Wormwood, used to treat worms in Europe during a war, but it became a popular drink because of its Thujone content.

White Lotus, attaches to a Dopamine receptor, and has been recognized as sacred throughout Asian and Egyptian culture pretty much forever.